פרופ' יהושע ברמן
קורות חיים
השכלה שם האוניברסיטה מחלקה שנת קבלת התואר
תואר ראשון אונ' פרינסטון דתות 1987
תואר שני (מסלול ישיר לתואר שלישי)
תואר שלישי אונ' בר-אילן תנ"ך 2002
נושא עבודת הדוקטורט: The Battle Report as Narrative Analogy in Biblical Literature
שמות המנחים: Prof. Edward Greenstein, Prof. Rimon Kasher
מלגות ופרסים:
פרס רותנשטרייך – תש"ס-ס"ב
קרן זיכרון (ארה"ב) – תש"ס, ס"א
הספר שלי, Created Equal, זכה בפרס:
National Jewish Book Award Finalist in Scholarship, 2008
זכיה במענקי מחקר:
1. מענק מחקר מטעם מרכז שלם, ירושלים, לשנה"ל תשס"ה, ותשס"ו
2. מענק מחקר מטעם קרן בית שלום, פברואר, 2010,
ארגון כנסים מדעיים:
Founder and co-chair of the unit on Hebrew Bible and Political Theory of the Society for Biblical Literature, 2006-Present.
הסיפור המקראי
מחשבה פוליטית של המקרא ומזרח התיכון הקדום
התהוות התורה, גישות
ספר דברים
1) עיונים בספר שמואל
2) עיונים בספר מלכים
3) עיונים במגילת רות
4) עיונים במגילת איכה
5) חקר המקרא הרב-תחומי
6) עיונים בספר דברים
For full updated list see my page on academia.edu - https://biu.academia.edu/JoshuaBerman
ספרים (מחבר) Books (as author)
- Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth and the Thirteen Principles of Faith (Maggid Books, 2020)
- Inconsistency in the Torah: Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).
- Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008)
- Narrative Analogy in the Hebrew Bible: Battle Stories and their Equivalent Non-battle Narratives, Vetus Testamentum Supplement Series 106 (Leiden: Brill, 2004)
- Lamentations (New Cambridge Bible Commentary; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
- נבראו שווים: כיצד פרץ המקרא את החחשבה המדינית הקדומה (תרגום של פריט 3; ידיעות אחרונות, 2013)
מאמרים Articles
- Berman, Joshua. "Speaking “Mouth to Mouth”(Num 12: 8)." Vetus Testamentum 1.aop (2024): 1-14.
- "Combat Furlough and the Characterization of Uriah the Hittite." Biblical Interpretation 32:2 (2023): 1-18.
- "“The Poles of Your Yoke”(Lev 26: 13): Mudbrick Bearing and the Career of a Biblical Metaphor." Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 48.2 (2022): 1-16.
- “Measuring Style in Isaiah: Isa 34-35 and the Tiberias Stylistic Classifier for the Hebrew Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 71.3 (2021): 303-316.
- “The Biblical Criticism of Ibn Hazm the Andalusian: A Medieval Control for Modern Diachronic Method.” Journal of Biblical Literature, 138 (2) (2019), 377-390.
- “Orthodox Rabbinic Exception to the Thirteen Principles of Faith: The Dynamics of Boundary Permeability.” Modern Judaism: a Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience, 39 (2) (2019), 1-23.
- “Empirical models of textual growth : A challenge for the historical-critical tradition.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 16 (2016), 1-26.
- “Supersessionist or Complementary?: Reassessing the Nature of Legal Revision in the Pentateuchal Law Collections.” Journal of Biblical Literature, 135 (2), 201-222
- “Retaining Outdated Laws within the Redacted Pentateuch: Empirical Models.” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, (21) (2016), 321-326
- “Juxtaposed Conflicting Compositions (Gen 1-2:4a-2:4b-24, Exod 14-15, Judg 4-5) : a new kingdom Egyptian parallel.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 42:1 (2016), 1-13.
- “Law Code as Plot Template in Biblical Narrative (1 Kings 9.26–11.13; Joshua 2.9–13).” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 40 (3) (2016), 337-349.
- “The Legal Blend in Biblical Narrative (Joshua 20: 1–9, Judges 6: 25–31, 1 Samuel 15: 2, 28: 3–25, 2 Kings 4: 1–7, Jeremiah 34: 12–17, Nehemiah 5: 1–12),” Journal of Biblical Literature, 134 (1) (2015), 105-125.
- “Criteria for establishing chiastic structure : Lamentations 1 and 2 as test cases,” Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures, 21 (1-2) (2014), 57-69.
- "The History of Legal Theory and the Study of Biblical Law," Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 76:1 (2014): 19-39.
- "What Does the Ox Know in Isa 1:3a," Vetus Testamentum, 64:2 (2014): 1-7.
- "The Making of the Sin of Achan," Biblical Interpretation, 22:2 (2014) 115-131.
- "Law Code as Story Line: Deuteronomy 24:16-25:10 and LH 1-5 as Narrative Templates in Biblical and Mesopotamian Tradition," Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 39/2 (2013): 1-17.
- "Histories Twice Told: Deuteronomy 1-3 and the Hittite Treaty Prologue Tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature, 132:2 (2013): 229-250.
- “CTH 133 and the Hittite Provenance of Deuteronomy 13,” Journal of Biblical Literature 130:1 (2011) 25-46.
- “Created Equal: Main Claims and Methodological Assumptions,” and "Three Points of Methodology," Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10:9 (2010), 4-13, 42-49.
- “Establishing Narrative Analogy: A Methodological Note,” Bet Miqra 53:1 (2008) 53-61
- "The Legal Structure of the Book of Ruth," Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentische Wissenschaft 119:1 (2007) 22-38.
- "The Narratological Purpose of Aramaic Prose in Ezra 4.8 – 6.18," Aramaic Studies 7:2 (2007) 1-27.
- "Identity Politics and the Burial of Jacob," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68:1 (2006) 11-31.
- "The Narratorial Voice of the Scribes of Samaria: Ezra 4:8-6:18 Reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 56:3 (2006) 313-326.
- "Introduction," in Umberto Cassuto, The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch (Jerusalem: Shalem Press, 2006) vii-xxiv.
- "Medieval Monasticism and the Evolution of Jewish Interpretation to the Story of Jephthah's Daughter," Jewish Quarterly Review 95:2 (2005) 228-256
- "Constitution, Class and the Book of Deuteronomy" Hebraic Political Studies 1:5 (2006) 523-548.
- “The Sword of Mouths (Jud 3:12; Ps. 149:6; Prov. 5:3): A Metaphor and Its Ancient Near Eastern Context,” Vetus Testamentum 52:3 (2002) 291-303.
- “Hadassah bat Abihail: From Object to Subject in the Character of Esther,” Journal of Biblical Literature 120:4 (2001) 647-669.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/12/2024