Prof. Joshua Berman
Research Categories
B.A. - Religion, Princeton University, 1987
PhD - Bible, Bar-Ilan University, 2002
For full updated list see my page on academia.edu - https://biu.academia.edu/JoshuaBerman
(as author) Books
- Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth and the Thirteen Principles of Faith (Maggid Books, 2020)
- Inconsistency in the Torah: Ancient Literary Convention and the Limits of Source Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).
- Created Equal: How the Bible Broke with Ancient Political Thought (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008)
- Narrative Analogy in the Hebrew Bible: Battle Stories and their Equivalent Non-battle Narratives, Vetus Testamentum Supplement Series 106 (Leiden: Brill, 2004)
- Lamentations (New Cambridge Bible Commentary; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022)
- נבראו שווים: כיצד פרץ המקרא את החחשבה המדינית הקדומה (תרגום של פריט 3; ידיעות אחרונות, 2013)
- Berman, Joshua. "Speaking “Mouth to Mouth”(Num 12: 8)." Vetus Testamentum 1.aop (2024): 1-14.
- "Combat Furlough and the Characterization of Uriah the Hittite." Biblical Interpretation 32:2 (2023): 1-18.
- "“The Poles of Your Yoke”(Lev 26: 13): Mudbrick Bearing and the Career of a Biblical Metaphor." Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 48.2 (2022): 1-16.
- “Measuring Style in Isaiah: Isa 34-35 and the Tiberias Stylistic Classifier for the Hebrew Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 71.3 (2021): 303-316.
- “The Biblical Criticism of Ibn Hazm the Andalusian: A Medieval Control for Modern Diachronic Method.” Journal of Biblical Literature, 138 (2) (2019), 377-390.
- “Orthodox Rabbinic Exception to the Thirteen Principles of Faith: The Dynamics of Boundary Permeability.” Modern Judaism: a Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience, 39 (2) (2019), 1-23.
- “Empirical models of textual growth : A challenge for the historical-critical tradition.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 16 (2016), 1-26.
- “Supersessionist or Complementary?: Reassessing the Nature of Legal Revision in the Pentateuchal Law Collections.” Journal of Biblical Literature, 135 (2), 201-222
- “Retaining Outdated Laws within the Redacted Pentateuch: Empirical Models.” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, (21) (2016), 321-326
- “Juxtaposed Conflicting Compositions (Gen 1-2:4a-2:4b-24, Exod 14-15, Judg 4-5) : a new kingdom Egyptian parallel.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 42:1 (2016), 1-13.
- “Law Code as Plot Template in Biblical Narrative (1 Kings 9.26–11.13; Joshua 2.9–13).” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 40 (3) (2016), 337-349.
- “The Legal Blend in Biblical Narrative (Joshua 20: 1–9, Judges 6: 25–31, 1 Samuel 15: 2, 28: 3–25, 2 Kings 4: 1–7, Jeremiah 34: 12–17, Nehemiah 5: 1–12),” Journal of Biblical Literature, 134 (1) (2015), 105-125.
- “Criteria for establishing chiastic structure : Lamentations 1 and 2 as test cases,” Maarav: a journal for the study of the Northwest Semitic languages and literatures, 21 (1-2) (2014), 57-69.
- "The History of Legal Theory and the Study of Biblical Law," Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 76:1 (2014): 19-39.
- "What Does the Ox Know in Isa 1:3a," Vetus Testamentum, 64:2 (2014): 1-7.
- "The Making of the Sin of Achan," Biblical Interpretation, 22:2 (2014) 115-131.
- "Law Code as Story Line: Deuteronomy 24:16-25:10 and LH 1-5 as Narrative Templates in Biblical and Mesopotamian Tradition," Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 39/2 (2013): 1-17.
- "Histories Twice Told: Deuteronomy 1-3 and the Hittite Treaty Prologue Tradition," Journal of Biblical Literature, 132:2 (2013): 229-250.
- “CTH 133 and the Hittite Provenance of Deuteronomy 13,” Journal of Biblical Literature 130:1 (2011) 25-46.
- “Created Equal: Main Claims and Methodological Assumptions,” and "Three Points of Methodology," Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10:9 (2010), 4-13, 42-49.
- “Establishing Narrative Analogy: A Methodological Note,” Bet Miqra 53:1 (2008) 53-61
- "The Legal Structure of the Book of Ruth," Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentische Wissenschaft 119:1 (2007) 22-38.
- "The Narratological Purpose of Aramaic Prose in Ezra 4.8 – 6.18," Aramaic Studies 7:2 (2007) 1-27.
- "Identity Politics and the Burial of Jacob," Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68:1 (2006) 11-31.
- "The Narratorial Voice of the Scribes of Samaria: Ezra 4:8-6:18 Reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 56:3 (2006) 313-326.
- "Introduction," in Umberto Cassuto, The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch (Jerusalem: Shalem Press, 2006) vii-xxiv.
- "Medieval Monasticism and the Evolution of Jewish Interpretation to the Story of Jephthah's Daughter," Jewish Quarterly Review 95:2 (2005) 228-256
- "Constitution, Class and the Book of Deuteronomy" Hebraic Political Studies 1:5 (2006) 523-548.
- “The Sword of Mouths (Jud 3:12; Ps. 149:6; Prov. 5:3): A Metaphor and Its Ancient Near Eastern Context,” Vetus Testamentum 52:3 (2002) 291-303.
- “Hadassah bat Abihail: From Object to Subject in the Character of Esther,” Journal of Biblical Literature 120:4 (2001) 647-669.
Last Updated Date : 08/12/2024