Biblical Studies Program Structure - International MA Program

 Some of the students and faculty in our international program



Come study with the best Bible researchers in the world.

Our department's international MA program is taught in English and is the largest of its kind at Bar-Ilan University. It is taught by our internationally renowned faculty with contributions from eminent visiting scholars. Our most recent visiting scholar was Gary Rendsburg, Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies and History at Rutgers University.

The international program is integrated with the rest our offerings: many of our Israeli students participate in the English-language courses, and our international students whose proficiency in Modern Hebrew is adequate participate in the Hebrew-language courses.


Requirements for acceptance and registration:

  • BA with a grade average of 76 or above;
    • Students whose BA is not in Biblical Studies are required to take some additional prerequisite courses in our department, according to their academic background;
  • English Proficiency policy and requirements for all students, with or without thesis. This is a mandatory requirement for official graduation.

    Please choose one of the two options:

    1-Pass the department's internal exemption exam- contact the department for information

    2Submit to the department official documentation of a sufficient grade in an external exam, as elaborated here:

    English Proficiency Requirement - BIU International School



MA with Thesis 08-404

40 credits, as follows:

  • Two seminar courses with seminar papers (4-8 credits);
  • One ancient language for beginners: Akkadian, Greek, or Arabic (equivalent to 8 credits);** in coordination with the thesis supervisor and the Head of the departmental committee, an exemption from this requirement may be granted.
  • Elective graduate courses (8-12 credits);
  • Participation in English-language conferences held by the department during two years of study;
  • Supplementary Basic Jewish Studies courses or general courses, according to the requirements of the Bar-Ilan School for Advanced Studies (4 credits);
  • Master's thesis (12 credits).

Research proposals must be submitted by the end of the first academic year and in any case no later than the first semester of the second year.

English Proficiency policy and requirements for all students, with or without thesis, this is a mandatory requirement for official graduation.

Please choose one of the two options:
1-Pass the department's internal exemption exam- contact the department for information
2Submit to the department official documentation of a sufficient grade in an external exam, as elaborated here:

English Proficiency Requirement - BIU International School

Instructions and guidelines for submitting the master’s degree thesis

Instructions for writing a research proposal

Depositing M.A. Thesis or work equivalent to M.A. Thesis

MA without Thesis 08-504

40 credits, as follows:

  • Three seminar courses with seminar papers (6-12 credits);
  • Elective graduate courses (24-30 credits)
    • Up to 12 of these credits may be BA courses in the Bible Department or courses from other departments in the Faculty of Jewish Studies, dependent on permission from the departmental committee;
  • Participation in English-language conferences held by the department during two years of study;
  • Supplementary Basic Jewish Studies courses or general courses, according to the requirements of the Bar-Ilan School for Advanced Studies (4 credits).

**You can start your MA on semester B (Spring semester)- Please contact the department for more information:

English Proficiency policy and requirements for all students, with or without thesis, this is a mandatory requirement for official graduation.

Please choose one of the two options:
1-Pass the department's internal exemption exam- contact the department for information
2Submit to the department official documentation of a sufficient grade in an external exam, as elaborated here:

English Proficiency Requirement - BIU International School


Switching from non-thesis to thesis

Students who have completed their studies for a master's degree in Bible on the non-thesis track will be able to submit an application to write a thesis, provided they meet the following conditions:  

1. Grade point average in graduate studies in Bible of 80 or above

2. Grade in two master's degree seminars of 85 or above.

The duration of this program is two years.

Admission and registration procedures

1. Submitting an application on the university website ( for a master's degree along with the required documents.

2. Admission to the master's degree thesis completion program for those who meet the admission requirements and an interview with the head of the department Registration for the thesis code – 083000 (each year).

3. Courses in the scope of 8 credits, subject to the decision of the head of the department or the adviser.

4. At the end of the first year – submission of a research proposal. Instructions for writing a research proposal:

5. Approval of the proposal by the School of Graduate Studies.

6. Second year – preparation of the thesis.

7. Completing the thesis and submitting it in accordance with the guidelines of the School of Graduate Studies. Guidelines for writing the thesis:

8. Receiving an official document (not a certificate) from the university for completing a thesis.


PhD candidates are requested to contact the department: לחץ על הקישור לשליחת מייל

Research areas:

• Biblical narrative

• Prophetic literature

• Wisdom literature and poetry

• Second Temple literature

• The ancient Near East

• History of interpretation

• Biblical law and worship

• Biblical language and translations

• Biblical theology

Prerequisites and requirements for courses and foreign languages ​​will be determined on a case by case basis by the adviser in coordination with the chair of the departmental committee.

• Students must participate in at least one course in the department each year during the four years of study.

• You must register each year for the departmental PhD code.


English Proficiency policy and requirements for all students, with or without thesis, this is a mandatory requirement for official graduation.

Please choose one of the two options:
1-Pass the department's internal exemption exam- contact the department for information
2Submit to the department official documentation of a sufficient grade in an external exam, as elaborated here:

English Proficiency Requirement - BIU International School

• Regarding general Jewish studies - please contact the department לחץ על הקישור לשליחת מייל

Forms and Guidelines קישור חיצוני.

Policy for research proposal submission קישור חיצוני.