קורות חיים
Curriculum Vitae
Nili Samet
Higher Education
2006–2010 |
Ph.D. in Biblical Studies. Bar-Ilan University (Magna Cum Laude). Thesis: The Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur: A Revised Edition. Supervisor: Jacob Klein. |
2003–2005 |
M.A. in Assyriology. Hebrew University (Cum Laude). Thesis: The Dialogue of Pessimism: A Revised Edition. Supervisor: Wayne Horowitz. |
1998–2000 |
B.Ed. in Bible. Herzog College (Cum Laude). |
Grants, Awards and Fellowships
2021: |
Israel Science Foundation, Research Workshop Grant. |
2017–2021: |
Israel Science Foundation, Individual Research Grant. |
2020: |
David Noel Freedman Award for Excellence and Creativity in Hebrew Bible Scholarship. |
2020: |
Humanities and Social Sciences Fund, Grant for initiating an international conference at Bar-Ilan (shared with other fellows). |
2019, 2011, 2013, 2014: |
Beit-Shalom Grant, Bar-Ilan University. |
2018: |
Starr Fellowship in Judaica at the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University. |
2016: |
Israel Council for Higher Education, Grant for Developing a Massive Open Online Course. |
2015: |
Research grant from the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development. |
2018, 2015, 2013: |
IHEL Foundation Grant, Bar-Ilan University. |
2011‒2014: |
Alon Fellowship for Outstanding young researchers, Israel Council for Higher Education. |
2011‒2012: |
Research Grant, Jewish Memorial Foundation, New York. |
2010–2011: |
Bikura Postdoctoral Scholarship, Israel Science Foundation. |
2010: |
Churgin Award for Excellent PhD thesis. |
2009–2010: |
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Samuel Noah Kramer Institute for Assyriology. |
2009–2010: |
President Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Research, Bar-Ilan University. |
2005–2008 |
President Fellowship for Excellent Ph.D. Students, Bar-Ilan University. |
2007 |
Research Grant for collating tablets in Musées d’art et d’histoire, Genève, Bar-Ilan University. |
Academic Positions
2022‒2023 |
Visiting scholar, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. |
2022‒2023 |
Visiting scholar, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. |
2011‒ Present |
Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. |
2018 |
Starr Fellow, the Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University. |
2009–2011 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. |
2007–2008 |
Lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. |
2005–2007 |
Lecturer, Matan Institute for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. |
2004–2005 |
Adjunct lecturer, Herzog College, Alon-Shvut. |
Lectures and Invited Seminars
November 2022: |
“The Book of Qohelet in its Hellenistic Jewish context”, Institute of Jewish Studies Online Lecture Series, University College London. |
November 2022: |
“Qohelet in Its Relation to the Jewish Literature of Its Time”, Seminar on Jewish History & Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period, Oxford University. |
November 2022: |
“Qohelet's Jewish-Hellenistic Background Reconsidered”, Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) Research Seminar, University of Cambridge. |
November 2022: |
“The Peculiar Semantics of Late Biblical Hebrew: Qohelet's Language as a Test Case”, Cambridge Middle Eastern Linguistics and Philology Seminar, University of Cambridge. |
August 2022: |
“Semantic Shifts in the Language of Post Exilic Books and Their Contribution to the Reconstruction of Late Biblical Hebrew: Qohelet 1-5 as a Test Case”, the Eighteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. |
July 2022: |
“Redaction and Transmission of Mesopotamian and Biblical Wisdom: a Comparative Look”, SBL 2022 International Meeting, Salzburg. |
June 2022: |
“LBH Phenomena as a Tool for Discerning Textual Strata in the Bible: Some Syntactic and Lexicographic Test Cases”, Online International Workshop: New discoveries in Late Biblical Hebrew Syntax and beyond. |
May 2022: |
“The Relationship between God, Humans and Cosmos in Sumerian City Laments and in Biblical Parallels”, Conference of the Dept. of Bible, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv. |
December 2021: |
“Patterns of Development in Biblical Wisdom in Light of the Textual History of Wisdom in Mesopotamia and Beyond”, Bible Symposium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. |
November 2021: |
Panelist at the Yale Ecclesiastes Seminar Roundtable, Yale University. |
November 2021: |
“Qohelet’s Language: An Extra-Linguistic Look.”, Awardee Keynote in the Freedman Award Session, SBL 2021 Annual Meeting, San-Antonio. |
August 2021: |
“the Day of Yahweh and Mesopotamian Lamentation Literature”, online workshop of the project Biblical Job in the Motif Network of the Ancient Near Eastern Literature, University of Tartu. |
November 2020: |
“The Quivis Construction in Biblical Hebrew: A History of a Syntactic Change”, SBL 2020 Virtual Meeting. |
January 2020: |
“Qohelet’s Language in Its Cultural Context”, Old Testament Seminar, Oxford University. |
November 2019: |
“Databases and Distorted Conclusions in Discussions of LBH: ˀt nominativi as a Test-Case”, SBL 2019 Annual Meeting, San-Diego. |
July 2019: |
“How Deterministic is Qohelet? A New Reading the Catalogue of Time and Its Appendix”, SBL 2019 International Meeting, Rome. |
November 2018: |
“Linguistic Dating of the Book of Qohelet: a New Direction”, SBL 2018 Annual Meeting, Denver. |
November 2018: |
“Which Aramaic Dialect Stands at the Background of the Book of Qohelet?”, Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew, Mainz. |
February 2018: |
“Qohelet’s Idiolect: The Language of a Jew in a Changing World”, Starr Seminar, Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, Boston. |
March 2018: |
“Qohelet’s Language: an Extra-Linguistic Look”, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. |
November 2017: |
“A Diachronic Look at the Biblical Root hbq”, SBL 2017 Annual Meeting, Boston. |
November 2016: |
“Qohelet between Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic Traditions”, Workshop on Teaching Morals in Antiquity: Wisdom Texts, Oral Traditions, and Images, Leipzig. |
November 2016: |
“New Light on the Administrative Term bēn bayît and Its Implications for Linguistic Dating”, SBL 2016 Annual Meeting, San-Antonio. |
November 2015: |
“The Question of LBH Syntax”. SBL 2015 Annual Meeting, Atlanta. |
October 2015: |
“Toward a Description of LBH Syntax: The Case of Ecclesiastes 1−2”, Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew, Mainz. |
July 2015: |
“Linguistic Dating of the Book of Proverbs: Methods, Problems and Preliminary Results”, Humboldt University, Berlin. |
June 2015: |
“The Redaction of Qohelet in Light of Mesopotamian Wisdom Literature”, University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau. |
June 2015: |
“Biblical and Mesopotamian Vanity Literature”, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg. |
June 2014: |
“Gilgamesh and Qohelet: A New Look”, SBL 2014 International Meeting, Vienna. |
June 2014: |
“The Motif of Vanity in Ancient Near Eastern Literature: Transmission, Reception and Adaptation,” International Conference on 3000 Years of Textual Production and Dissemination in the ANE, Tel Aviv University. |
January 2014: |
“Family Relations in Mesopotamian Proverb Literature”, Annual Conference of the Israel Society for Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Tel-Aviv. |
November 2013: |
“Dating the Book of Proverbs on Linguistic Grounds: Challenges and Chances”, SBL 2013 Annual Meeting, Baltimore. |
August 2013: |
“Philosophical Terms in the Book of Qohelet”, 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. |
July 2013: |
“Dating the Hezekian Collection on Linguistic Grounds”, SBL 2013 International Meeting, St. Andrews. |
May 2013: |
“Qohelet and the Ancient Near Eastern Literature of Vanity: A Reassessment”, International Conference on Jewish Religion in Light of New Inscriptions and Papyri, Jeselsohn Epigraphic Center for Jewish History, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan. |
November 2012: |
“Are We Still Allowed to Read Literature as History? The Sumerian City Laments as a Test-Case”, Conference on Historical Memory in the Ancient Near East, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv. |
July 2012: |
“Removing a Garment on a Cold Day: the MT of Proverbs 25,20 and the Redaction History of Biblical Proverbs”, SBL 2012 International Meeting, Amsterdam. |
April 2011: |
“Agricultural Imagery in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Descriptions of Catastrophes”, Hebrew Bible Seminar, Columbia University, New York. |
November 2010: |
“On the Agricultural Imagery in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Descriptions of Catastrophes”, SBL 2010 Annual Meeting, Atlanta. |
May 2010: |
“Biblical Thought vs. Ancient Near Eastern Thought as Reflected in the Wisdom Literature”, The Judaic Studies Program, Drexel University, Philadelphia. |
April 2010: |
“On the Phenomenon of Literary Adaptation in the Bible and the Ancient Near East”, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. |
February 2010: |
“Processes of Literary Adaptation in the Bible and the Ancient Near East: An Ancient Proverb as a Test Case”, Judah Goldin Seminar for Biblical studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. |
November 2009: |
“The Tallest Man Cannot Reach Heaven; The Broadest Man Cannot Cover Earth” –Reconsidering the Proverb and its Biblical Parallels”, SBL 2009 Annual Meeting, New Orleans. |
August 2009: |
“The Sumerian City Laments and the Book of Lamentation: A Comparative Theological View”, Fifteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem. |
January 2006: |
“Take off a Garment in Cold Weather (Proverbs 25:20)”, Torah Study, Exegesis and Research: International Conference Marking the Centenary of Nehama Leibowitz’s Birth, The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. |
Other Academic Activities
2020‒2021: |
Prize committee member, Ze’ev and Tzippora Ben-Hayyim Prize, The Academy of the Hebrew Language. |
2019–Current: |
Program Unit Co-Chair, International SBL Section of Biblical Hebrew Language and Linguistics. |
2017–Current: |
Program Unit Co-Chair, International SBL Section of Wisdom Literature in the Bible and in the Ancient Near East Section. |
2016–Current: |
Steering Committee Member, SBL Section of Wisdom in Israelite and Cognate Traditions. |
2016‒Current: |
Developing and Running a MOOC titled The Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East. Current no. of students: ca. 12,000. |
2015–Current: |
Trustee Committee Member, The Israel Society for Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Israel. |
2014–2015: |
Member of the Young Scholars Forum of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. |
2007–2009: |
Editorial Board member, Massekhet (published by Matan, Jerusalem, in association with Heller Center for the Study of Women, Bar Ilan University). |
ספרות החכמה במקרא ובמזרח הקדום
ספר קהלת
העברית המקראית המאוחרת
ספרות הקינות במקרא ובמזרח הקדום
התרבות והספרות השומרית
Years |
Course title |
2011–2012, 2018-2019 |
Biblical Aramaic |
2011–2012, 2018-2019 |
Aramaic of the Targums |
2012–2015 |
Akkadian for Beginners |
2011–2014 |
Lamentations and Ruth |
2011–2014 |
Esther and Qohelet |
2011–2016 |
The Book of Job |
2011–2016 |
The Book of Proverbs |
2012–2013 |
Introduction to Biblical Research |
2012–2013 |
The Lament in the Bible and in the Ancient Near East |
2019–2017 |
The Bible in Light of the Ancient Near East |
Book (author):
- The Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur: A Revised Edition, Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014.
Book (editor):
- With P. Machinist, R. Harris, J. Berman, and N Ayali-Darshan (eds.), Ve-‘Ed Ya’aleh (Gen 2:6): Essays in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Edward L. Greenstein, Atlanta: SBL, 2021 (2 vols).
- With E. Mastey, “The Quivis Construction in Biblical Hebrew: History of a Syntactic Change”, JAOS 143 (2023), 767‒784.
- “Instructions of Shuruppak: The World’s Oldest Instruction Collection”, in D. Gilad, M Cogan and K. Dell (eds.), Ask the Animals and They Will Teach You"(Job 12:7a): Human Interaction with the Natural World in Wisdom Literature and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Tova L. Forti, London 2023, pp. 216‒229.
- “The Origin of the Day of Yahweh Tradition: A New Suggestion” (in Hebrew), Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Near Eastern Studies 27 (2022), 187‒232.
- With U. Gabbay, “An early Old Babylonian bilingual version of the Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur”, Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 116 (2022), 57‒67.
- “Family Relations in Mesopotamian Proverb and Instruction Literature” (in Hebrew), Beth-Mikra 67 (2022), 237-260.
- “Redaction Patterns in Biblical Wisdom Literature in Light of the Instructions of Shuruppak”, ZAW 133 (2021), pp. 208-224.
- “Qohelet’s Idiolect and Its Cultural Context”, HTR 144 (2021), pp. 451‒486.
- “The Morphology of the Biblical Root ḥ-b-q: A Diachronic Analysis”, JAOS 141 (2021), pp. 661‒667.
- “Non-Accusative ˀt and the Syntactic Profile of Late Biblical Hebrew”, VT 71 (2021), pp. 233‒250.
- “Linguistic Dating of the Book of Qohelet: A New Angle”, VT 71 (2021), pp. 430‒447.
- “Copulative-Appostional Lamed: A Newly Identified Feature of (Late) Biblical Hebrew”, Biblica 101 (2020), pp. 519‒542.
- “Wisdom in Mesopotamia” in S.L. Adams and M.J. Goff (eds.), Blackwell Companion of Wisdom Literature, Hoboken NJ, 2020, pp. 328‒346.
- “How Deterministic is Qohelet? A New Reading of the Appendix to the Catalogue of Times”, ZAW 131 (2019), pp. 577–591.
- “Lamentations”, in C. Helmer et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 15, 2017, pp. 686–691.
- “Ben Bayit: New Light on an Overlooked Biblical Administrative Term and Its Historical Setting” (in Hebrew), Tarbiz 84 (2016), pp. 282–293. An English version in forthcoming in: P. Machinist, R. Harris, J. Berman, N. Samet, N. Ayali-Darshan (eds.), Ve-‘Ed Ya’aleh (Gen 2:6): Essays in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Edward L. Greenstein, Atlanta: SBL, 2021.
- “The Validity of the Masoretic Text as a Basis for Diachronic Linguistic Analysis of Biblical Texts: Evidence from Masoretic Vocalization”, Journal for Semitics 25 (2016), pp. 1064–1079.
- With Selim F. Adali, “The Lament for Ur and Ningal's Supplication: Readings of the Third and Fourth Kirugu” (in Turkish), Eskiçağ Yazıları 8 (2016), pp. 59–71.
- “The Lexical Enigma of מָנוֹן and the Problem of Dating the Hezekian Collection”, ZAW 128 (2016), pp. 419–432.
- “Reading Literary Texts Historically: The Sumerian City Laments as a Test Case” (in Hebrew), Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Near Eastern Studies 24 (2016), 151–166.
- “Religious Redaction in Qohelet in Light of Mesopotamian Vanity Literature”, Vetus Testamentum 60 (2015), pp. 1–16.
- “The Gilgamesh Epic and the Book of Qohelet: A New Look” Biblica 96 (2015), pp. 375–390.
- “Qohelet 1,4 and the Structure of the Book’s Prologue”, ZAW 126 (2014), pp. 92−100.
- With J. Klein, “Religion and Ethics in Sumerian Proverb Literature” (in Hebrew), Beth-Mikra 57/2 (2012), pp. 106‒131. An English version was published in S. Yona et al. (eds.), Marbeh Horkmah, Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East in Loving Memory of Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Winona Lake 2015, 295–321.
- With Selim F. Adali, “Three New Nippur Manuscripts of the Ur Lament”, JCS 64 (2012), pp. 31‒37.
- “On the Agricultural Imagery in Biblical Descriptions of Catastrophes”, JAJ 3 (2012), pp. 2‒13.
- “Sumerian City Laments and the Book of Lamentations: Toward a Comparative Theological Study” (in Hebrew), Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Near Eastern Studies 21 (2012), pp. 91‒110.
- “The Ur Lament Tablets: Some Joins and New Readings”, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2011, 62.
- “The tallest Man Cannot Reach Heaven; The Broadest Man Cannot Cover Earth” – Reconsidering the Proverb and its Biblical Parallels”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10 (2010).
- “Two Sumerian Parallels to Isaiah 55:10”, ZAW 122 (2010), pp. 439–440.
- “The Babylonian Dialogue between a Master and His Slave – a New Literary Analysis” (in Hebrew), Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Near Eastern Studies 23 (2008), pp. 99–130.
אמצעי התקשורת
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 18/11/2024