מרצה בכיר
פרופ' יעל שמש
פרשנות פמיניסטית למקרא, אתיקה כלפי בעלי-חיים במקרא ובספרות חז"ל, סיפורי אלישע, נביאים ראשונים, הסיפור המקראי
פרשנות פמיניסטית למקרא, הפואטיקה של הסיפור המקראי, סיפורי אליהו ואלישע, מידה כנגד מידה במקרא, ספר שופטים, ספר שמואל, היחס לבעלי חיים במקרא.
List of Publications – Yael Shemesh
Books (as author):
Mourning in the Bible: Coping with Loss, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House (Hebrew, in press)
Books (as editor):
Michael Avioz, Elie Assis and Yael Shemesh (eds.), Zer Rimonim: studies in biblical literature and Jewish exegesis presented to Prof. Rimon. Kasher, Atlanta: SBL, 2013 (Hebrew)
- “Measure for Measure in Biblical Narrative”, Beit Mikra 158 (1999), pp. 261–277 (Hebrew)
- “Measure for Measure In Biblical Law, Compared to the Laws of the Ancient Near East and Bedouin Law”, Beit Mikra 161 (2000), pp. 146–167 (Hebrew)
- “From Following the Footsteps of the Oxen to Following in the Footsteps of Elijah: The Appointment of Elisha as Elijah’s Servant (1 Kings 19:19–21)”, Moshe Garsiel, James Kugel and Shmuel Vargon (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 5 (2000), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 73–92 (Hebrew)
- “The Metamorphose of Vashti: Bible, Aggadah, Feminist Exegesis, and Modern Feminist Midrash”, Beit Mikra 171 (2002), pp. 356–372 (Hebrew)
- “Biblical Stories of Rape: Common Traits and Unique Features”, Rimon Kasher and Moshe Zipor (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 6 (2002), Ramat Gan: Bar_Ilan University, pp. 315–341 (Hebrew)
- “Why did Joab Kill Abner (2 Sam. 3:22–27): An Exemplary Representation of a Partial Explanation by the Narrator”, Beit Mikra 173 (2003), pp. 144–153 (Hebrew)
- “Suicide in the Bible, in Light of the Attitude toward Suicide in the Secular Culture and Jewish Tradition”, JSIJ 2 (2003), pp. 1–24 (Hebrew)
- “Measure for Measure in the David Stories”, SJOT 17,1 (2003), pp. 89–109 “Isaiah 31,5: The Lord’s Protecting Lameness”, ZAW 115 (2003), pp. 256–260
- “Lies by Prophets and Other Lies in the Hebrew Bible”, JANES 29 (2004), pp. 81–95
- “Punishment of the Offending Organ in Biblical Literature”, VT 55 (2005), pp. 343–365
- “Rape Stories and Gender Construction: The Attitude toward Dinah, the Concubine of Gibeah, and Tamar in the Bible, Midrash, and Traditional Commentaries”, Shmuel Vargon, Yosef Ofer, Jordan S. Penkower and Jacob Klein (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 7 (2005), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 309–333 (Hebrew)
- “ ‘Yet he Committed No Act of Sin with Me, to Defile and Shame Me’ (Judith 13:16): The Narrative of Judith as a Corrective to the Narrative of Yael and Sisera”, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 16 (2006), pp. 159–177 (Hebrew)
- “Vegetarian Ideology in Talmudic Literature and Traditional Biblical Exegesis”, Review of Rabbinic Judaism 9 (2006) 141-166 [republished with changes in Athalya Brenner, Archie Chi Chung Lee and Gale A. Yee (eds.), Genesis (Texts and Contexts), Minneapolis: Fortress Press, pp. 107–127]
- “Rape is Rape is Rape: The Story of Dinah and Shechem”, ZAW 119 (2007), pp. 2–21
- “A Gender Perspective on the Daughters of Zelophehad : Bible, Talmudic Midrash, and Modern Feminist Midrash”, Biblical Interpretation 15 (2007), pp. 80–109
- “ ‘I am Sure He Is a Holy Man of God’ (2 Kgs 4:9): The Unique Figure of Elisha”, Mishael M. Caspi and John T. Greene (eds.), And God Said, "You Are Fired": Elijah and Elisha, Texas: Bibal, 2007, pp. 15–54
- “David in the Service of King Achish of Gath: Renegade to his People or a Fifth Column in the Philistine Army? ”, VT 57 (2007), pp. 73–90
- “The Elisha Stories as Saint’s Legends”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8 (2008), 41 pp.
- “Elisha and the Miraculous Jug of Oil (2 Kgs 4:1–7)”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8 (2008), 18 pp.
- “Compassion for Animals in Midrashic Literature and Traditional Biblical Exegesis”, Shmuel Vargon, Amos Frisch and Moshe Rachimi (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 8 (2008), Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, pp. 677–699 (Hebrew)
- “Suicide in the Bible”, JBQ 37 (2009), pp. 157–168
- “ ‘I Find Woman More Bitter than a Death’ (Ecclesiastes 7:26): Is There Misogyny in the Bible? ”, Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 19 (2009), pp. 77–101 (Hebrew)
- “The Character of Rachel: From a Beloved Wife to the Mother of the Nation”, Shmuel Vargon, Yaakov Kaduri, Rimon Kasher and Amos Frisch (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 9 (2009), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 81–110 (Hebrew)
- “Not Worthy of Defense: Potiphar’s Wife, Biblical Narrative and Feminist Criticism”, Beit Mikra 55 (2010), pp. 46–76 (Hebrew)
- “‘And many beasts’ (Jonah 4:11): The Function and Status of Animals in the Book of Jonah”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 10 (2010), 26 pp
- “Jephthah – Victimizer and Victim: A comparison of Jephthah and Characters in Genesis”, JANES 32 (2011), pp. 117–131
- “Achsah, from Object to Subject: A Story about a Wise Woman, a Field and Water (Judges 1:10–15) ”, Moshe Garsiel, Rimon Kasher, Amos Frisch and David Elgavish (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis 10 (2011), Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 23–48 (Hebrew)
- “The Stories of Women in a Man’s World: The Books of Ruth, Esther, and Judith”, Rachel Magdalene (ed.), Retrospective of Feminist Hebrew Bible Hermeneutic, vol. 1: History of Interpretation (in press)
- “‘Do Not Bare Your Heads and Do Not Rend Your Clothes’ (Leviticus 10:6): On Mourning and Refraining from Mourning in the Bible”, Athalya Brenner (ed.), Exodus and Leviticus (Texts and Contexts) (in press), Minneapolis 2012, pp.
- “The Stories of Women in a Man’s World: The Books of Ruth, Esther, and Judith”, Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect (ed. Susanne Scholz), Sheffield 2013, pp. 248–267
- “ ‘Do Not Bare Your Heads and Do Not Rend Your Clothes’ (Leviticus 10:6): On Mourning and Refraining from Mourning in the Bible”, Athalya Brenner (ed.), Exodus and Leviticus (Texts and Contexts), Minneapolis 2012, pp. 33–54
- “Rizpah, Daughter of Aiah: Concubine and Mother, Silent and Brave”, Mayer I. Gruber et al. (eds.), Teshura le-Zafrira: Studies in the Bible, the History of Israel and the Ancient Near East Presented to Zafrira Ben-Barak, Beer-Sheva 2012, pp. 423–452 (Hebrew)
- "You shall not Lament or Weep": Ezekiel is Forbidden to Mourn his Wife's Death (Ezek. 24: 15–25), Michael Avioz, Elie Assis and Yael Shemesh (eds.), Zer Rimonim: studies in biblical literature and Jewish exegesis presented to Prof. Rimon. Kasher, Atlanta: SBL, 2013 (Hebrew), pp. 220–237
- “Jewish Feminist Exegesis to the Bible”, Jewish Studies (in Press, Hebrew)
- “Running in the Bible”, in Athalya Brenner et al. (eds.), Samuel (Texts and Context) (in press)
- “'She Sealed Them with his Seal'”: A Gendered Reading of the Story of Naboth’s Vineyard (1 Kings 21)" Beit Mikra (in press, Hebrew)
Books Reviews:
- “Hens-Piazza, Gina, Nameless, Blameless and Without Shame: Two Cannibal Mothers before a King [book review]”, Review of Biblical Literature 03/2004 (4 pages).
- Uriel Simon, Seek Peace and Pursue it [book review] ”, Jewish Studies 42 (2004), pp. 275–288 (Hebrew)
- “Hoope, Leslie J. There shall be No Poor Among You: Poverty in the Bible [book review]”, Review of Biblical Literature 01/2005 (4 pages).
- “Rogerson, John, Theory and practice in Old Testament Ethics [book review] ”, Review of Biblical Literature 06/2005 (4 pp).
- “Fischer, Irmtraud, Women Who Wrestled with God: Biblical Stories of Israel’s Beginnings [book review]”, Review of Biblical Literature 09/2005 (5 pp.).
- Ruth Ravizki (ed.), Reading Genesis: Israeli Women Write About Femininity in the Book of Genesis [book review]” Massekhet 3 (2005), pp. 171–186
- “Parry, Robin Allinson, Old Testament Story and Christian Ethics: The Rape of Dinah as a Case Study [book review]”, Review of Biblical Literature, 07/2006 (5 pp.).
- “Joy A. Schroeder, Dinah’s Lament: The Biblical Legacy of Sexual Violence in Christian Interpretation [book review] ”, Review of Biblical Literature, 07/2008 (4 pp.)
- “Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and Andrea L. Weiss (eds)., The Torah: A Women’s Commentary [book review] ”, Review of Biblical Literature 03/2009 (5 pp.)
- “Tal Davidovich, The Mystery of the House of Royal Women: Royal Pilagshim as Secondary Wives in the Old Testament [book review]”, Review of Biblical Literature 03/2009 (4 pp.)
- Sassoon, Isaac, The Status of Women in Jewish Tradition”, Review of Biblical Literature 04/2012, 4 pp.
- Grace Aguilar, The Women of Israel (ed. M. Gruber), RRJ 17 (2014), pp. 41–56
- Moshe Garsiel, From Earth to Heaven: A Literary Study of the Elijah Stories in the Book of King, Beit Mikra 59 (2014), pp. 128–141 (Hebrew)
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 28/06/2022