פרופ' אליעזר (אד) גרינשטיין
קורות חיים
Department of Bible Home address:
Bar Ilan University 42 Zippori Street
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel Jerusalem 94544 Israel
Email: ed.greenstein@biu.ac.il, greenstein.ed@gmail.com
Born: 18 January 1949, Rockville Centre, New York
Citizenship: U.S.A., Israel (since 1996)
Married with two adult children (one married)
1966-1970 History BA Columbia University
1966-1970 Bible BHL Jewish Theological Seminary
1970-1971 Bible and Semitics ---- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1970-1971 Rabbinic Literature ---- Schechter Insitute, Jerusalem
1971-1974 Jewish Studies MA Jewish Theological Seminary
1971-1975 Ancient Semitic Languages MPhil Columbia University
1975-1977 Ancient Semitic Languages PhD Columbia University
Full appointments
1977-1983 Bible Assistant Prof. Jewish Theological Seminary
1983-1989 Bible Associate Prof. Jewish Theological Seminary
1989-1996 Bible Full Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
1996-2006 Bible Full Professor Tel Aviv University
2006- Bible Full Professor Bar Ilan University
Part-time appointments
1975-1977 Semitics Preceptor Columbia University
1975-1976 Bible Lecturer Hebrew Union College-JIR
1975-1979 Bible/Hebrew Adjunct Lecturer Hunter College
1976 Bible Preceptor Jewish Theological Seminary
1979-1980 Bible Lecturer Union Theological Seminary
1982-1983 Semitics Adjunct Lecturer Columbia University
1983-1984 sabbatical leave Jewish Theological Seminary
1985-1987 Semitics Visiting Lecturer Columbia University
1985 Religion Visiting Associate Prof. Princeton University
1986 Bible Visiting Associate Prof. Union Theological Seminary
1986-1988 Bible Visiting Associate Prof. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1987 Religion Visiting Associate Prof. Yale University
1987-1989 Semitics Adjunct Associate Prof. Columbia University
1990 Religion Visiting Professor Yale University
1990-1991 Semitics Adjunct Professor Columbia University
1991-1993 sabbatical and research leave Hebrew University
1991-1992 Bible Visiting Professor Schechter Institute
1992-1993 Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew University
1992-1993 Bible Visiting Professor Tel Aviv University
1996 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
1996-1999 Bible Visiting Professor Bar Ilan University
2000 (spring-summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2004 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2004-2010 Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew U. International School
2005-2006 Bible Visiting Professor Schechter Institute
2006 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2007 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2008 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2011 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2012 (spring) Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew Union College (Israel)
2014 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2015 (spring) Bible Visiting Professor Tel Aviv University
Committees and Roles Inside Bar Ilan University
2006-2007 Member University Senate
2007-2011 Member Committee on Outside Employment
2007-- Board Member Jeselsohn Center for Epigraphy in Jewish History
2009-- Head Institute for Jewish Biblical Interpretation
2010-16 Member Graduate School Committee
2011-2013 Member University Committee on Appointments
2011-2015 Member University Committee on Instruction
2011-2015 Member Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Women Committee
2012-- Holder of Meiser Chair in Biblical Studies
2012-- Holder of Merkin Chair in Abraham Ibn Ezra Exegesis
2012-- Member Weiser Chair in Jewish Exegesis Committee
2012-- Member University Senate
2013-2015 Mentor Research Grant Writing, Faculty of Jewish Studies
2014-- Member Committee to Examine School of Basic Jewish Studies
2015-2017 Head (Interdisciplinary Graduate) Program in Hermeneutics
and Cultural Studies
Committees and Roles outside Bar Ilan University
(excluding numerous evaluations of manuscripts for publishers and articles for journals, including only most important roles)
Administrative Roles in Academic Institutions
1979-1984 Assistant Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
1980-1987 Academic Adviser, College Jewish Theological Seminary
1984 Acting Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
1984-1985 Acting Dean, College Jewish Theological Seminary
1985-1989 Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
2004-2005 Chair, Bible Dept. Tel Aviv University
2004-2006 Member, Committee on Appointments Tel Aviv University
2005-2006 Head, Bible Program Tel Aviv University
Academic Boards and Committees
1973-1974 Associate Editor The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
1974-- Editor/Coeditor The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society (an annual)
1977-1984 Consultant in Bible Melton Research Center in Jewish Education
1979-1990 Associate Editor Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History
1981-1983 Board member Association of Jewish Studies
1984-1985 Consultant for WNET television series “Civilization and the Jews”
1985-1989 Board member Jewish Publication Society
1985-1995 Advisory board member Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature
1987 Chair Conference on the State of Jewish Studies, Jewish Theol. Seminary
1987-1990 Editorial Board member Hebrew Annual Review
1987-1990 Chair Columbia University Seminar for the Study of the Hebrew Bible
1988-1990 Chair of Ugaritic Studies Group Society of Biblical Literature
1988-1990 Board member Association for Jewish Studies
1988-1993 Editor Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies (book series)
1988-1993 Editorial Board member Semeia (journal)
1990-1992 Consultant for Core Exhibit The Jewish Museum (New York)
1995 Special editor The Schocken Bible 1: The Five Books of Moses by
Everett Fox
1995-1998 Editorial Board member Biblicon (journal)
1997-2013 Board member World Union of Jewish Studies
1999-2000 Member Israel Prize in Bible Committee
2001-2003 Chair, Grants Committee for Bible and Talmud Israel Science Foundation
2002-2006 Academic Consultant for Bible Publlications The Open University
2002-2006 Publications committee member Te’uda (academic series)
2002-2008 Associate editor Society of Biblical Literature Writings from the
Ancient World (book series)
2003-- Academic Advisory Board member Resling Publications
2003-2004 Chair Israel Association for Assyriology and the Ancient Near East
2003-2005 Academic Consultant MaTaH (Centre for Educational Technology )
2004 Academic Consultant in Bible Reches Publications
2005-2013 Academic Council member World Union of Jewish Studies
2005-- Trustee W. F. Abright Institute for Archaeological Research
2005 Organizer of symposium “The Contribution of Assyriology to Biblical
Studies,” Tel Aviv University, February 24.
2006-2009 Supervisory Committee member Council for Higher Education
2006-2010 Advisory Committee in Bible Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
2008-- Trustee Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
2008-2010 Chair, Grants Committee for Biblical Studies Israel Science Foundation
2009-2010 Chair of committee Israel Prize in Bible
2009-2013 Executive board member World Union of Jewish Studies
2009-2013 Academic Council member Schechter Institute for Judaic Studies
2010-2013 Chair, Supervisory Committee Council for Higher Education
2010-2013 Academic consultant in Bible Kinneret-Zmora-Bitan-Dvir Publications
2010-2013 Chair, Biblical World section World Union of Jewish Studies
2011- Committee member for post-doctoral fellowships in Jewish Studies Yad
Hanadiv/Beracha Foundation
2012 Committee member for E. E. Urbach Memorial Fellowships Memorial
Foundation for Jewish Studies and World Union of Jewish Studies
2013-- Board member Schechter Institute for Judaic Studies
2014-2015 Chair of committee Israel Prize in Bible
2015- Committee member International Advisory Board of the
Katz Center for Advanced Jewish Studies, University of Pennsylvania
2015 Committee member President (of the State of Israel)’s Doctoral Fellowships
2016-- Member, Editorial Board Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies, new book series (Hebrew)
Research Grants (since 2010)
2010 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $2,000
2011 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $1,000
2012-2014 Fugitive Hero Stories Israel Science Foundation NIS 160,000
2013 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $2,000
2015 Book of Lamentations Beit Shalom Japan NIS 11,000
2016 Book of Yashar Beit Shalom Japan NIS 7,000
2016-18 Reconstructing Early Hebrew Epic Poetry ISF NIS 176,000
Awards and Fellowships
1971-1972 National Defense Education Act Fellow Columbia University
1972-1973 Danciger Foundation Fellow Columbia University
1973-1975 President’s Fellow Columbia University
1976-1977 F. J. E. Woodbridge Distinguished Fellow Columbia University
1983-1984 Research Fellowship Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
1983-1984 Abbell Research Fellowship Jewish Theological Seminary
1987 Publication Grant Max Richter Foundation
1989 Summer Research Stipend National Endowment for the Humanities
1991-1992 Senior Research Fellowship National Endowment for the Humanities
1991-1993 Research Fellowship Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
1992-1993 Fellowship John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
1995-1998 Guastella Fellow (for distinguished immigrant scholars) Raschi Foundation
2001 Publication Grant Dorot Foundation
2001 Publication Grant Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
2001 Publication Grant School of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University
2001-2002 Fellowship Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University
2006-2009 Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Distinguished Scholar Bar Ilan University
2008-2010 Research Grant Israel Science Foundation
Student Advising
1983 Israel Haggay DHL (Doctor of Hebrew Literature)
1988 Yaakov Thompson DHL
1988 Amnon Shapira DHL
1989 Deborah Bedor DHL
1991 Eliezra Herzog PhD
1991 Ora Horn Prouser PhD
1993 Alice Bach PhD
1993 Emanuel Ben-Naeh DHL
1997 Arie Cohen DHL
1997 Robert A. Harris PhD
1997 Vesta Kowalski PhD
1997 Sara Goldberger MA
2000 Yitzhak Peleg PhD
2000 Moshe Haggai DHL
2001 Amira Baider MA
2001 Yafit Miodovnik MA
2003 Ruth Gerry MA
2003 Joshua Berman PhD
2004 Rachel Bartal MA
2004 Dmitri Slivniak PhD
2004 Varda Bergman MA
2005 Shirly Natan Yulzary MA
2005 Jaeyoung Jeon MA
2005 Sharon Shvartz MA
2006 Michal Mayorchik MA
2006 Assnat Bartor PhD
2006 Amnon Shapira PhD
2007 Ora Brison MA
2007 Bat-sheva Brosh PhD
2008 Yaakov Ben-Basat MA
2008 Osnat Faust PhD
2009 Amira Baider PhD
2009 Yoshiyahu Fargeon MA
2009 Zvi Shimon PhD
2010 Micha Roi PhD
2010 Adi Azruel Sharabi MA
2010 Howard Markose MA
2011 Orit Avnery PhD
2011 Shirly Natan Yulzary PhD
2011 Adiel Cohen PhD
2012 Jaeyoung Jeon PhD
2012 Noga Ayali Darshan PhD
2013 Ehud Shevach PhD
2014 Aviya Fraenkel MA
2014 Yoshiyahu Fargeon PhD
2015 ShinAe Kim PhD
2015 Howard Markose PhD
2016 LapKuen Lee MA
Postdoctoral students
Michael Seleznev (Yad Ha-Nadiv Fellow, Jerusalem, 1999-2000).
Robert D. Holmstedt (Fulbright Fellow, Jerusalem, 2000-2001).
Alison Lo (by request of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2003-2004).
Itzhak Benyamini (Bar-Ilan University, 2012-2013).
ספרות החכמה
הספרות הכנענית הקדומה
ספרות המקרא וספרות המזרח הקדום
סיפורת המקרא
שירת המקרא
גישות פוסט-מודרניות בחקר המקרא
בלשנות שמית
ספר איוב
אמנות השירה בספר איוב
ספר קהלת
מבוא לספרות החכמה
בעיית הרע במקרא ובעולמו
הקינה במקרא ובמזרח הקדום
מגילת איכה
מגילות רות ואסתר
ספרות מקראית וספרות כנענית
כתבי אוגרית והמקרא
סיפורי הגיבור הבורח במקרא ובמזרח הקדום
כתובות מתקופת המקרא
תורת הקוראים וסיפורי המקרא
גישות פוסט-מודרניות בפרשנות המקרא
פרשנות פמיניסטית למקרא
הומור במקרא
רעיונות ביסוד החוק במקרא
Publications (Academic)
PhD dissertation:
“Phonological Studies in Akkadian” (sponsor: Prof. Moshe Held).
The Hebrew Bible in Literary Criticism (Library of Literary Criticism; New York: Frederick
Ungar, 1986; co-compiled and co-edited with Alex Preminger).
Essays on Biblical Method and Translation (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989).
“The Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 8 (1976),
pp. 59-96 (co-authored with David Marcus).
“The Phonology of Akkadian Syllable Structure,” Afroasiatic Linguistics 9 (1984), pp. 1-71.
Commentaries and Editions
“The Book of Exodus” (introduction and annotations) in The HarperCollins Study Bible
(San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1993), pp. 77-150; revised for 2006 edition, pp.
“Kirta” [critical transcription and verse translation with introduction and bibliography], in
Ugaritic Narrative Poetry, ed. Simon B. Parker (Writings from the Ancient
World; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997), pp. 9-48 (plus bibliography).
“The Book of Job” (introduction and annotations), in The Jewish Study Bible, 2nd ed., ed.
Adele Berlin and Marc Z. Brettler (Oxford University Press; 2014), pp. 1489-1556.
Edited Books
Near Eastern Studies in Memory of M. M. Bravmann (New York: Journal of the Ancient
Near Eastern Society, 1981).
Ancient Studies in Memory of Elias Bickerman (New York: Journal of the Ancient Near
Eastern Society, 1985-86).
Semitic Studies in Memory of Moshe Held (New York: Journal of the Ancient Near
Eastern Society, 1989; coedited with David Marcus).
The State of Jewish Studies (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990; coedited with
Shaye J. D. Cohen).
Comparative Studies in Honor of Yochanan Muffs (New York: Journal of the Ancient
Near Eastern Society, 1993; coedited with David Marcus).
Stanley Fish, Is There a Text in This Class? (Tel Aviv: Resling Publications; Hebrew edition;
Marbeh Ḥokmah: Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East in Loving Memory of Victor
Avigdor Hurowitz (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015; coedited with S. Yona, M. I.
Gruber, P. Machinist, and S. M. Paul).
Book Chapters (including large encyclopedia articles)
“An Equivocal Reading of the Sale of Joseph,” in Literary Interpretations of Biblical
Narratives, Volume II, ed. Kenneth R. R. Gros Louis et al. (Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1982), pp. 114-25, 306-10.
“How Does Parallelism Mean?” in A Sense of Text (Jewish Quarterly Review Supplement, 1983), pp. 41-70.
“Biblical Law,” in Back to the Sources, ed. Barry W. Holtz (New York: Summit Books, 1984),
pp. 83-103.
“Medieval Bible Commentaries,” in Back to the Sources, ed. Barry W. Holtz (New York:
Summit Books, 1984), pp. 213-59.
“Literature, the Old Testament as,” in Harper’s Bible Dictionary, ed. Paul E. Achtemeier (New
York: Harper & Row, 1985), pp. 567-71 (bibliography updated for revised 1996
“Sources of the Pentateuch,” in Harper’s Bible Dictionary, ed. Paul E. Achtemeier (New
York: Harper & Row, 1985), pp. 983-86 (bibliography updated for the
1996 edition).
“Psalms,” in Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Mircea Eliade (New York: Macmillan, 1987), vol.
12, pp. 38-45 (bibliography updated for revised 2004 edition).
“History and Religion: Reflections on Ralbag’s Torah Commentary,” in The Seminary at 100,
ed. Nina B. Cardin and David W. Silverman (New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1987),
pp. 1979-85.
“A Jewish Reading of Esther,” in Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel, ed. Jacob Neusner et
al. (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987), pp. 225-43.
“Genealogy as a Code in Genesis,” in Approaches to Teaching the Hebrew Bible in English,
ed. Barry N. Olshen and Yael S. Feldman (New York: Modern Language Association,
1989), pp. 102-5.
“What Might Make a Bible Translation Jewish?” in Translation of Scripture (Jewish
Quarterly Review Supplement, 1990), pp. 77-101.
“Biblical Studies in a State,” in The State of Jewish Studies, ed. Shaye J. D. Cohen and
Edward L. Greenstein (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990), pp. 23-46.
“On Feely-Harnick’s Reading of Ruth,” in Text and Tradition: The Hebrew Bible and Folklore,
ed. Susan Niditch (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991), pp. 185-91.
“An Introduction to a Generative Phonology of Biblical Hebrew,” in Linguistics and Biblical
Hebrew, ed. Walter R. Bodine (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1992), pp. 29-40.
“Humor and Wit (Old Testament,” in Anchor Bible Dictionary,ed. David Noel Freedman
(Doubleday, 1992), vol. 3, pp. 330-33.
“Wordplay (Hebrew),” in Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman (Doubleday,
1992), vol. 6, pp. 968-71.
“Sensitivity to Language in Rashi’s Torah Commentary,” Solomon Goldman Lectures 6, ed.
Mayer I. Gruber (Spertus College of Judaica, 1993), pp. 51-71.
“Interpretation: The Fourfold Method,” in New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and
Poetics, ed. A. Preminger and T. Brogan (Princeton University Press, 1993;
Coauthored with M. Bloomfield), pp. 619-20.
“Misquotation of Scripture in the Dead Sea Scrolls,” in Frank Talmage Memorial Volume I,
ed. Barry Walfish (Haifa University Press, 1993), pp. 71-83.
“An Inner-Biblical Midrash of the Nadav and Avihu Episode,” in Proceedings of the Eleventh
World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish
Studies, 1994), pp. 71-78 (in Hebrew).
“A Literary Solution to a Philological Crux: The Case of Exodus 11:7,” in The Bible In Light of
Its Interpreters (Sarah Kamin Memorial Volume), ed. Sara Japhet (Jerusalem:
Magnes Press, 1994), pp. 587-600 (in Hebrew).
“Autobiographies in Ancient Western Asia,” in Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed.
Jack M. Sasson (New York: Scribner’s, 1995), vol. 4, pp. 2421-32.
“The Firstborn Plague and the Reading Process,” in Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies
in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob
Milgrom, ed. David P. Wright et al. (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1995), pp. 555-68.
“The Loneliness of Job,” in The Book of Job in Scripture, Thought, and Art, ed. Lea Mazor
(Jerusalem: Mount Scopus Publications, 1995), pp. 43-53 (in Hebrew).
“A Forensic Understanding of the Speech from the Whirlwind,” in Texts, Temples, and
Traditions: A Tribute to Menahem Haran, ed. Michael V. Fox et al. (Winona Lake:
Eisenbrauns, 1996), pp. 241-58.
“Reading Strategies and the Story of Ruth,” in Women in the Hebrew Bible, ed. Alice Bach
(New York: Routledge, 1998), pp. 211-31.
“The Retelling of the Flood Story in the Gilgamesh Epic,” in Hesed ve-Emet: Studies In Honor
of Ernest S. Frerichs, ed. Jodi L. Magness and Seymour Gitin (Atlanta: Scholars Press,
1998), pp. 197-204.
“Jethro’s Wit: An Interpretation of Wordplay in Exodus 18,” in On the Way to Nineveh:
Studies in Honor of George M. Landes, ed. Stephen L. Cook and Sara C. Winter
(Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999), pp. 155-71.
“The God of Israel and the Gods of Canaan: How Different Were They?” in Proceedings of the
Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A: The Bible and Its World
(Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1999), pp. 47*-58*.
“In Job’s Face/Facing Job,” in The Labour of Reading: Desire, Alienation, and Biblical
Interpretation (Festschrift for Robert C. Culley), ed. F. C. Black et al. (SBL Semeia
Studies, Scholars Press, 1999), pp. 301-17.
“The Role of the Reader in Ugaritic Narrative,” in “A Wise and Discerning Mind”: Essays in
Honor of Burke Long, ed. Robert C. Culley and Saul M. Olyan (Brown Judaic Studies,
2000), pp. 139-51.
“Direct Discourse and Parallelism,” in Studies in Bible and Exegesis, 5: Presented to Uriel
Simon, ed. S. Vargon et al. (Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000), pp. 33-40 (in Hebrew).
“Recovering ‘The Women Who Serve at the Entrance’,” in Studies in Historical Geography
and Biblical Historiography Presented to Zecharia Kallai, ed. G. Galil and M. Weinfeld
(Leiden: Brill, 2000), pp. 165-73.
“The Dietary Laws,” in Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary, ed. David Lieber (The Rabbinical
Assembly, 2001), pp. 1460-64; reprinted in: Etz Hayim Study Companion, ed. J.
Blumenthal and J. L. Liss ((New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 2005), pp. 247-255.
“The Lament over the Destruction of City and Temple in Early Israelite Literature,” in
Homage to Shmuel [Ahituv]: Studies in the World of the Bible, ed. Zipora Talshir et al.
(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, 2001), pp. 88-97 (in Hebrew).
“Some Developments in the Study of Language and Some Implications for the Study of
Ancient Languages and Cultures,” in Semitic Linguistics: The State of the Art at the
Turn of the Twenty-First Century, ed. Shlomo Izre’el (= Israel Oriental Studies 20;
2002), pp. 441-79.
“God’s Golem: The Creation of the Human in Genesis 2,” in Creation in Jewish and Christian
Tradition, ed. Yair Hoffman & Henning G. Reventlow (Sheffield Academic Press,
2002), pp. 219-39.
“The Poem on Wisdom in Job 28 in Its Conceptual and Literary Contexts,” in Job 28:
Cognition in Context, ed. Ellen van Wolde (Leiden: Brill, 2003), pp. 253-80.
“Biblical Prose Narrative and Early Canaanite Narrative,” in Essays on Hebrew Literature in
Honor of Avraham Holtz, ed. Zvia Ginor (New York: Jewish Theological Seminary,
2003), pp. 9-29 (in Hebrew).
“Interpreting the Bible by Way of Its Ancient Cultural Milieu,” in Studies in Jewish
Education IX: Understanding the Bible in Our Times, Implications for Education, ed.
Marla L. Frankel & Howard Deitcher (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003), pp. 61-73 (in
“Another Case of Hiphil in Amarna Age Canaanite,” in Sefer Moshe: The Moshe Weinfeld
Jubilee Volume, ed. Chaim Cohen et al. (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2004), pp.
“The Wrath at God in the Book of Lamentations,” in The Problem of Evil and Its Symbols in
Jewish and Christian Tradition, ed. Henning G. Reventlow and Yair Hoffman (JSOT
Supplement; London-New York: T & T Clark International/Continuum, 2004), pp.
“Jeremiah as an Inspiration to the Poet of Job,” in Inspired Speech: Prophecy in the Ancient
Near East—Essays in Honor of Herbert B. Huffmon, ed. John Kaltner and Louis
Stulman (JSOT Supplement; London-New York: T & T Clark International/Continuum,
2004), pp. 98-110.
“The Extent of Job’s First Speech,” in Studies in Bible and Biblical Exegesis, 7, Presented to
Menachem Cohen, ed. Shmu’el Vargon et al. (Bar-Ilan University Press, 2005), pp.
245-262 (in Hebrew with English abstract).
“Forms and Functions of the Finite Verb in Ugaritic Narrative Verse,” in Biblical Hebrew in Its
Northwest Semitic Setting, ed. S. Fassberg and A. Hurvitz (Magnes Press and
Eisenbrauns; 2006), pp. 75-102.
“God’s Test of Job,” in Shai le-Sara Japhet: Studies in the Bible, Its Exegesis and
Its Language, ed. M. Bar-Asher et al. (Mossad Bialik; 2007), pp. 263-272 ( in
“Features of Language in the Poetry of Job,” in Das Buch Hiob und seine Interpretationen,
ed. Thomas Krüger et al. (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen
Testaments, Zurich, 2007), pp. 81-96.
“Sages with a Sense of Humor: The Babylonian Dialogue between a Master and His Servant
and the Book of Qohelet,” in Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel, ed. R. J.
Clifford (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007), pp. 55-65 [revised version of a
Hebrew article from 1999].
“‘On My Skin and in My Flesh’: Personal Experience as a Source of Knowledge in the Book of
Job,” in Bringing the Hidden to Light: Studies in Honor of Stephen A. Geller, ed. K. F.
Kravitz and D. M. Sharon (The Jewish Theological Seminary and Eisenbrauns; 2007),
pp. 63-77.
“The Poetic Use of Akkadian in the Book of Job,” in The Avi Hurvitz Festschrift, ed.
S. Fassberg and A. Maman (Mehqarim be-Lashon; Jerusalem, 2008), pp. 51-68
(in Hebrew with English abstract).
“Reanalysis in Biblical and Babylonian Poetry,” in Birkat Shalom: Studies in the Bible, Ancient
Near Eastern Literature, and Postbiblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M. Paul on
the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, ed. Chaim Cohen et al. (Eisenbrauns, 2008),
vol. 1, pp. 499-510.
“The Canaanite Pantheon as Reflected in the Ugaritic Texts,” in Ancient Gods: Polytheism in
Eretz Israel and Neighboring Countries from the Second Millennium BCE to the
Islamic Period, ed. Menahem Kister et al. (Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi Press, 2008), pp.
47-63 (in Hebrew).
“The Book of Lamentations: Response to Destruction or Ritual of Rebuilding?” in Religious
Responses to Political Crisis, Ed. Henning G. Reventlow and Yair Hoffman (T & T
Clark International; 2008), pp. 52-71.
“Remarks on Some Metaphors in the Book of Job,” in Studies in Bible and Exegesis, 9,
Presented to Moshe Garsiel, ed. S. Vargon et al. (Bar-Ilan University Press; 2009), pp.
231-41 (in Hebrew).
“The Problem of Evil in the Book of Job,” in Mishneh Todah: Studies in Deuteronomy and Its
Cultural Environment in Honor of Jeffrey H. Tigay, ed. Nili S. Fox et al. (Eisenbrauns,
2009), pp. 333-62.
“Aramaisms in the Bible. I. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament,” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its
Reception, ed. Hans-Josef Klauck et al., vol. 2 (Berlin-New York: de Gruyter; 2009),
cols. 630-34.
“Lamentation and Lament in the Hebrew Bible,” in The Oxford Handbook of Elegy, ed.
Karen Weisman (Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 67-84.
“‘Difficulty’ in the Poetry of Job,” in A Critical Engagement: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in
Honour of J. Cheryl Exum, ed, David J. A. Clines and Ellen van Wolde (Sheffield
Phoenix Press; 2011), pp. 186-95.
“Wisdom in the Book of Job—Undermined,” in Wisdom, Her Pillars are Seven: Studies in
Biblical, Post-Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom Literature, ed. Shamir Yona
and Victor Avigdor Hurowitz (Beer-sheva 20; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Press, 2011), pp. 41-50 (Hebrew with English abstract).
“The Rhetoric of the Ten Commandments,” in The Decalogue in Jewish and Christian
Tradition, ed. Henning Graf Reventlow and Yair Hoffman (T. and T. Clark
International, 2011), pp. 1-12.
“Some Chapters in the Biography of Job,” in Studies in Bible and Exegesis 10, Presented to
Shmuel Vargon, ed. M. Garsiel et al. (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2011),
pp. 385-401 (in Hebrew).
“Ugaritic Literature,” in The Literature of the Hebrew Bible: Introductions and Studies,
ed. Zipora Talshir (2 vols.; Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi, 2011), pp. 495-522 (in Hebrew).
“Parody as a Challenge to Tradition: The Use of Deuteronomy 32 in the Book of Job,” in
Reading Job Intertextually, ed. Katharine J. Dell and Will Kynes (Bloomsbury T.
and T. Clark, 2012), pp. 66-78 (plus bibliography).
“Stanley Fish: Always Thinking Again,” in Stanley Fish, Is There a Text in This Class?
(Hebrew edition; Tel Aviv: Resling Press, 2012), pp. 7-26.
“Reading Pragmatically: The Binding of Isaac,” in Words, Ideas, Worlds: Biblical Essays
in Honour of Yairah Amit, ed. Athalya Brenner and Frank H. Polak (Sheffield:
Sheffield Phoenix Press; 2012), pp. 102-32.
“Wisdom in Ugaritic,” in Language and Nature: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard
on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, ed. Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama
Pat-El (Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2012), pp. 69-89.
“On the Use of Akkadian in Biblical Hebrew Philology,” in Looking at the Ancient Near
East and the Bible through the Same Eyes: A Tribute to Aaron Skaist, ed.
Kathleen Abraham and Joseph Fleishman (Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2012), pp.
“Hebrew Poetry: Biblical Poetry,” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed.,
ed. Roland Greene (Princeton University Press, 2012), pp. 601-3, 609.
“Psalm,” The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., ed. Roland Greene
(Princeton University Press, 2012; coauthored with Robert Alter), pp. 1123-24.
“Parallelism,” in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., ed. Roland
Greene (Princeton University Press, 2012; coauthored with M. P. O’Connor), pp.
“Methodological Principles in Determining that the So-Called Jehoash Inscription is
Inauthentic,” in Puzzling Out the Past: Studies in Northwest Semitic Languages
and Literatures in Honor of Bruce Zuckerman, ed. Marilyn J. Lundberg, Wayne T.
Pitard, and Steven Fine (Brill, 2012), pp. 83-92.
“Some Metaphors in the Poetry of Job,” in Built by Wisdom, Established by Understanding:
Essays on Biblical and Near Eastern Literature in Honor of Adele Berlin, ed. Maxine L.
Grossman (Bethesda, MD: CDL Press, 2013), pp. 179-95. [Revised version of Hebrew
article published in 2009.]
“The Invention of Language in the Poetry of Job,” in Interested Readers: Essays on the
Hebrew Bible in Honor of David J. A. Clines, ed. James K. Aitken, Jeremy M. S.
Clines, and Christl M. Maier (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature; 2013), pp. 331-46.
“Three Philological Notes on the Book of Job,” in Zer Rimmonim: Studies in Biblical
Literature and Exegesis Presented to Professor Rimon Kasher, ed. Michael Avioz, Elie
Assis, and Yael Shemesh (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature; 2013), pp. 297-308
(in Hebrew).
“Direct Discourse and Parallelism,” in Discourse, Dialogue and Debate in the Bible: Essays in
Honour of Frank Polak, ed. Athalya Brenner-Idan (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2014),
pp. 79-91 [revised and expanded English version of a Hebrew article from 2000].
“Decalogue,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law, ed. Brent A. Strawn (2 vols.;
Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), pp. 164-72.
“The Fugitive Hero Narrative Pattern in Mesopotamia,” in Worship, Women, and War: A
Festschrift for Susan Niditch, ed. Tracy Lemos et al. (Atlanta: Society of Biblical
Literature; 2015), pp. 17-34.
“Finding One’s Way in Proverbs 30:18-19,” in Marbeh hokmah: Memorial Volume for
Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, ed. Shamir Yona et al. (Eisenbrauns; 2015), pp. 261-268.
“Verbal Art and Literary Sensibilities in Ancient Near Eastern Context,” in The Wiley-
Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel, ed. Susan Niditch (Wiley-Blackwell; 2016),
pp. 457-475.
“Noah and Jonah: An Intertextual Interpretation,” in Ushmu’el beqore’e shemo: Shmuel
(Samuel) Leiter Memorial Volume, ed. Shamma Friedman et al. (Jerusalem: Mossad
Bialik, 2016), pp. 23-32 (in Hebrew).
“The Book of Job and Mesopotamian Literature: How Many Degrees of Separation?” in
Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible, ed. Ziony Zevit
(London: Equinox Press; forthcoming in 2016).
“A Critique of the Counter-Argument for yaqtul Preterite in Ugaritic,” in Festschrift for
Dennis Pardee, ed. H. Hardy, J. Lam, and E. Reymond (Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; forthcoming).
“Metaphors of Illness and Wellness in the Book of Job,” Festschrift for C.-L. Seow, ed.
Scott Jones et al. (BZAW series; forthcoming).
“Critical Discourse as a Jewish Thing and Its Beginnings in the Bible,” There’s a Jewish Way of
Saying Things, ed. Alan Rosen and Jillian Davidson (forthcoming).
“Bildad Lectures Job: A Close Reading of Job 8,” Close Readings of Biblical Hebrew Poems,
ed. J. Blake Couey and Elaine James (Cambridge University Press; forthcoming).
Journal Articles
“Another Attestation of Initial h > ’ in West Semitic,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern
Society 5 (1973), pp. 157-64.
“Two Variations of Grammatical Parallelism in Canaanite Poetry and Their Psycholinguistic
Background,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 6 (1974), pp. 87-105.
“A Phoenician Inscription in Ugaritic Script?” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 8
(1976), pp. 49-57.
“One More Step on the Staircase,” Ugarit-Forschungen 9 (1977), pp. 77-86.
“Trans-Semitic Idiomatic Equivalency and the Derivation of Hebrew ml’kh,” Ugarit-
Forschungen 11 (1979), pp. 329-36.
“The Assimilation of Dentals and Sibilants with Pronominal š in Akkadian,” Journal of the
Ancient Near Eastern Society 12 (1980), pp. 51-64.
“The Job of Translating Job,” Association for Jewish Studies Newsletter 30 (October 1981),
“Biblical Narratology,” Prooftexts 1 (1981), pp. 201-8.
“The Riddle of Samson,” Prooftexts 1 (1981), pp. 237-60.
“‘To Grasp the Hem’ in Ugaritic Literature,” Vetus Testamentum 32 (1982), pp. 217-18.
“Theories of Modern Bible Translation,” Prooftexts 3 (1983), pp. 9-39.
“The Snaring of Sea in the Baal Epic,” Maarav 3/2 (1983), pp. 195-216.
“The Torah as She Is Read,” Response 47 (Winter 1985), pp. 17-40.
“Professor Robert Gordis and the Literary Approach to Bible,” Proceedings of the
Rabbinical Assembly 48 (1986), pp. 190-200.
“Robert Alter on Biblical Poetry: A Review Essay,” Hebrew Studies 27 (1986), pp. 82-91.
“Aspects of Biblical Poetry,” Jewish Book Annual 44 (1986-87), pp. 33-42.
“Theory and Argument in Biblical Criticism,” Hebrew Annual Review 10 (1987), pp. 77-92.
“On the Genesis of Biblical Prose Narrative,” Prooftexts 8 (1988), pp. 347-54.
“On the Prefixed Preterite in Biblical Hebrew,” Hebrew Studies 29 (1988), pp. 7-17.
“The Syntax of Saying ‘Yes’ in Biblical Hebrew,” Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
19 (1989), pp. 51-59.
“Deconstruction and Biblical Narrative,” Prooftexts 9 (1989), pp. 43-71; reprinted in
Interpreting Judaism in a Postmodern Age, ed. Steven Kepnes (New York University
Press, 1995), pp. 21-54.
“The Formation of the Biblical Narrative Corpus,” Association for Jewish Studies Review 15
(1990), pp. 151-78.
“Mixing Memory and Design: Reading Psalm 78,” Prooftexts 10 (1990), pp. 197-218.
“YHWH’s Lightning in Psalm 29:7,” Maarav 8 (1992), pp. 49-57.
“A Mind to Savage Judaism: A Review Essay,” Judaism 43 (1994), pp. 100-109.
“The Canaanite Literary Heritage in Ancient Hebrew Writing,” Michmanim 9 (1996), pp. 19-
38 (in Hebrew).
“On the Ethics of Translation: A Response,” Semeia 76 (= Race, Class, and the Politics of
Biblical Translation; 1998), pp. 127-34.
“‘An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth’: Peshat, Derash, and the Question of Context,”
Resling: A Multi-Disciplinary Stage for Culture 5 (Summer 1998), pp. 31-34 (in
“New Readings in the Kirta Epic,” Israel Oriental Studies 18 (1998), pp. 105-123.
“On a New Grammar of Ugaritic,” Israel Oriental Studies 18 (1998), pp. 397-420.
“Sages with a Sense of Humor: The Babylonian Dialogue between the Master and His
Servant and the Book of Qohelet,” Beth Mikra 44 (1999), pp. 97-106 (in Hebrew).
“The Ugaritic Epic of Kirta in a Wisdom Perspective,” Te‘uda 16-17 (2001), pp. 1-13 (in
“Presenting Genesis 1, Constructively and Deconstructively,” Prooftexts 21 (2001), pp. 1-22.
“The Multifaceted Exegesis of Nechama Leibowitz and Postmodern Exegesis,” Limmudim 1
(2002), pp. 21-33 (in Hebrew).
“Hermeneutics in the Biblical World: From Dream Interpretation to Textual Exegesis,” Mo‘ed
(2003), pp. 65-78 (in Hebrew).
“The Language of Job and Its Poetic Function,” Journal of Biblical Literature 122 (2003), pp.
“Job’s Wife—Was She Right after All?” Beth Mikra 178 (2004), pp. 19-31 (in Hebrew).
“Truth or Theodicy? Speaking Truth to Power in the Book of Job,” The Princeton Seminary
Bulletin 27 (2006), pp. 238-58.
“A Pragmatic Pedagogy of Bible,” Journal of Jewish Education 75 (2009), pp. 290-303.
[Revision of a paper by the same title published on-line in 2006.]
“Wisdom Written in Ugaritic,” Beit Mikra 57 (2012), pp. 72-91 (in Hebrew). [Revised version
of part of an English article].
“A Woman’s Voice in Lamentations 3,” Shenaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient
Near Eastern Studies 24 (2016), pp. 167-176 (in Hebrew with English abstract).
“What Was the Book of Yashar?” Maarav (forthcoming).
Book reviews
Recherches sur les inscriptions phéniciennes de Karatepe, in Journal of the American
Oriental Society 102 (1982), pp. 200-201.
The Language and Imagery of the Bible, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 102
(1982), pp. 657-58.
The Torah: A Modern Commentary, in Journal of Reform Judaism 29 (1982), pp. 80-86.
Hebrew Verse Structure, in Religious Studies Review 9/3 (1983), p. 267.
The Great Code: The Bible and Literature, in The Melton Journal 16 (Spring-Summer 1983),
pp. 15, 24.
Biblical Semantic Logic, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1985), pp. 735-736.
The Bible and Its Traditions, in Biblical Archaeologist 48/3 (Sept. 1985), pp. 1911-92.
Affricated Ṣade in the Semitic Languages, in Religious Studies Review 11/4 (Oct. 1985), p.
The Idea of Biblical Poetry: Parallelism and Its History, in Religious Studies Review 12/1
(January 1986), p. 65.
Genesis, with an Introduction to Narrative Literature, in Journal of the American Academy of
Religion 54 (1986), pp. 168-169.
Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative, in Association for Jewish Studies Review 12
(1987), pp. 279-282.
Hapax Legomena in Biblical Hebrew, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1987),
pp. 538-539.
Jewish Spirituality from the Bible through the Middle Ages, in Biblical Archaeologist 52/1
(March 1989), pp. 48-49.
Lethal Love: Feminist Literary Readings of Biblical Love Stories, in Journal of Religion 69
(1989), pp. 395-396.
Cuneiform, in General Linguistics 29 (1989), pp. 61-64.
Exodus and Revolution, in The Melton Journal 23 (Spring 1990), p. 29.
Poetry with a Purpose: Biblical Poetics and Interpretation, in Judaism 39/1 (Winter 1990),
pp. 119-121.
The Poetics of Biblical Narrative, in Conservative Judaism 42/4 (Summer 1990), pp. 66-68.
Ugaritic and Hebrew Parallelism, in Hebrew Studies 32 (1991), pp. 162-168.
The Book of J, in Tikkun 6/2 (March-April 1991), pp. 45-46, 92-94.
Perspectives on Language and Text (Francis I. Andersen Festschrift), in Hebrew Studies 33
(1992), pp. 110-113.
A Manual of Hebrew Poetics, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1994), pp.
The Phallacy of Genesis: A Feminist-Psychoanalytic Approach, in The Princeton Seminary
Bulletin 16 (1995), pp. 365-366.
Biblical Hebraica transcripta BHt, vols. 1, 2, 3, 5, in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 58 (1996), pp.
Ugaritic Grammar, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1997), pp. 618-619.
Probative Pontificating in Ugaritic and Biblical Literature: Collected Essays of Marvin H.
Pope, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1998), pp. 568-569.
“You Have Not Spoken What Is Right about Me”: Intertextuality and the Book of Job, in
Review of Biblical Literature (on-line) 11/2003 (4 pp.).
Talking about God: Job 42:7-9 and the Nature of God in the Book of Job, in Review of
Biblical Literature (on-line) 7/2004 (4 pp.).
Before the Muses: An Anthology of Akkadian Literature, 3rd expanded edition, in Review
of Biblical Literature (on-line) 7/2006 (5 pp.).
Rumors of Wisdom: Job 28 as Poetry, in Review of Biblical Literature (on-line) 7/2012 (4 pp.).
The Ugaritic Texts and the Origins of West Semitic Literary Composition, Bulletin of the
American Schools of Oriental Research 371 (2014), pp. 215-218.
Short encyclopedia articles
“Aaron,” in Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1987), vol. 1, pp. 1-2.
“Cyrus,” in ibid., vol. 4, p. 194 (updated for the 2004 edition).
“Joshua,” in ibid., vol. 8, p. 118 (revised for the 2004 edition).
“Miriam,” in ibid., vol. 9, p. 556 (updated for the 2004 edition).
“Samson,” in ibid., vol. 13, pp. 57-58 (updated for the 2004 edition).
“Alalakh Texts,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed.
Eric Meyers (Oxford University Press, 1996), vol. 1, pp. 59-61.
“Moses (in Judaism),” in Harper’s Dictionary of Religion, ed. Jonathan Z. Smith (San
Francisco: HarperCollins, 1995), pp. 731-32.
“Ahad Ha’am,” in Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, ed. John H. Hayes (Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 1999), vol. 1, p. 18.
“Concordances, Hebrew Bible,” in ibid., vol.1. pp. 210-11.
“Arnold B. Ehrlich,” in ibid., vol. 1, pp. 323-24.
“Samuel David Luzzatto,” in ibid., vol. 2. pp. 98-99.
“Solomon Mandelkern,” in ibid., vol. 2, p. 116.
“Solomon Schechter,” in ibid., vol. 2, p. 441.
“Ecclesiastes,” in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, ed. Eric
Orlin (London and New York: Routledge; 2016), p. 285.
“Job,” in ibid., p. 482.
“Proverbs,” in ibid., pp. 765-66.
“Wisdom Literature,” in ibid., pp. 1002-3.
Excerpts from the Babylonian epics Enuma Elish and Gilgamesh, in ‘Alilot Ha-reshit
(Centre for Educational Technology, Ramat Aviv 2003), pp. 138-42 (from
Akkadian into Modern Hebrew).
“The Scroll of Esther: A New Translation,” Fiction 9/3 (1990), pp. 52-81 (from Biblical
Uriel Simon, “The Religious Significance of the Peshat,” Tradition 23 (1988), pp. 41-63 (from
Modern Hebrew).
Scores of excerpts (100-1500 words) in The Hebrew Bible in Literary Criticism, ed. Alex
Preminger & Edward L. Greenstein (New York: Frederick Ungar, 1986; from French,
German, Hebrew, Spanish).
Non-Academic Publications
The Timetables of Jewish History (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993; Touchstone
paperback ed., 1994; co-authored with Judah Gribetz and Regina Stein).
Articles, Notes, and Reviews
Scores of mostly brief articles in the Encyclopedia Judaica (Jerusalem: Keter
Publishing, 1971).
“An Approach to Miracles in the Bible,” in Issues and Perspectives in Jewish
Education (New York: Jewish Educators Assembly, 1980), pp. 43-47.
“M. M. Bravmann: A Sketch,” in Near Eastern Studies in Memory of M. M. Bravmann
(Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 11; 1981), pp. 1-2.
“Experiencing Shavuot with Your Havurah,” Havurah 1 (1981), pp. 1-2; correction:
Havurah 2 (1981), p. 16.
“Against Interpreting the Bible,” Ikka D’Amrei [Jewish Theological Seminary student
Journal] 4 (1982), pp. 27-39.
“What’s a Miracle?” article syndicated in several American Jewish newspapers, April
7, 1982 (one page).
“The Bible—Now a Jewish Translation,” Jewish Press Features [Jewish Student Press
Service], September 1983 (3 pages).
“Devar Torah on Parashat Bereishit,” Long Island Jewish World, September 30, 1983
(one page).
“The Maccabees: Are They Heroes in the Biblical Sense?” B’nai Brith Jewish Monthly,
December 1983, pp. 8-11.
“Understanding the Sinai Revelation” (Melton Research Center for Jewish Education;
New York, 1984; 37 pages); also printed in Exodus: A Teacher’s Guide by
Ruth Zielenziger (Melton Research Center, 1984; second ed. 1994), pp. 275-317.
Marginal comments to The Jewish Holidays by Michael Strassfeld (New York: Harper
& Row, 1984) (about 20 pages).
“Devar Torah on Parashat Bo,” Long Island Jewish World, January 6, 1984 (one page).
“Devar Torah: Are We a Special People?” Long Island Jewish World, April 20, 1984
(one page).
“Spiritual Values in Biblical Law,” [Jewish Theological] Seminary Bulletin 28/3
(April 1984), pp. 5-6.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Masa’ei,” Long Island Jewish World, July 27, 1984 (one
“Devar Torah: Unity within Diversity will Bring Sukkah of Peace,” Long Island
Jewish World, October 12, 1984 (one page).
“Jewish Terror—How Did We Get It?: An Interview with Uriel Simon,” Midstream,
December 1984, pp. 31-34.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Va’eira,” Long Island Jewish World, January 18, 1985 (one
“Devar Torah on Parashat Vayikra,” Long Island Jewish World, March 22, 1985 (one
Interview on King David in People [magazine], April 8, 1985, pp. 67-73.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Naso,” Long Island Jewish World, May 1985 (one page).
“Introducing Judaism: A Communal Approach,” The Reconstructionist, June 1986, pp.
“Torah Calls for Tolerance, Not Territory,” Ometz Shaliach [Center for Conservative
Judaism on Campus publication], 3 (1986), p. 3.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Ki Tavo,” Long Island Jewish World, Sept. 19, 1986 (one
“How to Read Contradictions in Biblical Narrative,” in Jewish Theological Seminary
Progress, June 1986, p. 3.
“Hanna-Barbera De-Judaizes the Bible,” in American Jewish Congress Monthly,
February 1987, pp. 30-31.
Essays and Overviews, in Moses the Leader [Bible curriculum], Milwaukee Association
For Jewish Education, Spring 1987 (about 20 pages).
“The Value of a Good Response,” Response 52 (Fall 1987), pp. 41-42.
Review of Congregation, in American Jewish Congress Monthly 55/4 (May-June 1988),
pp. 18-19.
“To You Do I Call: A Critique of Impersonal Prayer,” The Reconstructionist, June 1988,
pp. 13-16.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Mikketz,” Long Island Jewish World, December 9, 1988, p. 5.
“Purim and the Esther Scroll, or Exile Story,” Weekly Chronicles [Jewish Theological
Seminary Student Life publication], March 9, 1989, p. 3.
“Get Happy: Musings on Sukkot,” Ansche Chesed [synagogue bulletin], October 1989,
pp. 3, 5.
“Professor Moshe Held: Our Teacher,” in Semitic Studies in Memory of Moshe Held
(Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 19; 1989; coauthored with David
Marcus), pp. 1-2.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Vayikra,” Weekly Chronicles [Jewish Theological Seminary
Student Life publication], March 11, 1991, p. 1.
“In Memory of Prof. Baruch M. Bokser,” Journal of the [Jewish Theological Seminary]
Alumni Association, June 1991, p. 13.
“In Memory of H. L. Ginsberg,” Jewish Studies Network 5/2 (Fall 1991), pp. 7-8;
Reprinted in Hebrew in ‘et la‘asot [Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies
Publication], Summer 1990, pp. 9-12; and in English and Hebrew in Ha-Do’ar
71/12 (April 17, 1992), pp. 20-22.
Review of The World of Biblical Literature, in Forward, May 15, 1992, p. 10.
Review of Countertraditions in the Bible: A Feminist Approach, in The Jerusalem
Report, October 22, 1992, pp. 47-48.
“The Pragmatist” [Devar Torah], The Jerusalem Report, December 3, 1992, p. 41.
Review of Countertraditions in the Bible: A Feminist Approach, in The Jerusalem
Report, October 22, 1992, pp. 47-48.
“Devar Torah on Parashat Noah,” Weekly Chronicles [Jewish Theological Seminary
Student Life publication], October 13, 1993, p. 1.
“Yochanan Muffs: Portrait of a Colleague and Friend,” in Comparative Studies in Honor
of Yochanan Muffs (Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 22; 1993), pp.
1-2 (coauthored with David Marcus).
“It Was a Very Good Year,” Women’s League Outlook 64/3 (Spring 1994), pp. 26-27.
“Making Non-Sense of the Tenth Plague,” Masoret [Jewish Theological Seminary
Magazine], Winter 1994, pp. 16-17.
“Beyond the Sovereign Self” [Devar Torah], The Jerusalem Report, Feb. 9, 1995, p. 45;
Reprinted in G. Gorenberg (ed.), Seventy Facets: A Commentary on the Torah
(Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, 1996), pp. 77-79.
“Our Values: Covenant or Contract?” Masoret [Jewish Theological Seminary magazine]
(Winter 1995), p. 7.
“Remarks on the Death of Yitzhak Rabin,” Jewish Education 62/2 (Spring 1996), pp. 3-5.
“The Plague of Darkness” [Devar Torah], Daf Shevu’I [Center for Basic Jewish Studies,
Bar-Ilan University] no. 221 (January 25, 1998), pp. 1-2 (in Hebrew).
“The Spiritual Meaning of the Leper’s Purification” [Devar Torah], Daf Shevu’i [Center
For Basic Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University] no. 284 (April 15, 1999), pp. 1-4.
“You are Not Bound to Complete the Task” [Devar Torah], Shabbat Shalom [of Netivot
Shalom], no. 89 (July 2, 1999), pp. 2-3 (in Hebrew).
“Something Old, Something New,” Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance Journal 1/3
(Summer 1999), pp. 1, 6 (coauthored with Beverly Gribetz).
“In Sorrow and in Anger” (Review of the Book of Lamentations: A Meditation and
Translation), Forward, November 30, 2001, pp. 14-15.
“Follow the Formula,” Biblical Archaeology Review 28/1 (Jan.-Feb. 2002), pp. 12-13.
“Divine Integration,” MyJewishLearning.com, August 2002 (on-line; 3 pages).
“The Expression ḥaraṣ lašon,” Millat Ha-Parashah (National Center for the Hebrew
Language), January 1, 2003 (on-line; one page; in Hebrew).
“Hebrew Philology Spells Fake,” Biblical Archaeology Review 29/3 (May-June 2003),
pp. 28-30.
“The Good Air” [Devar Torah], Jerusalem Report, May 2003, p. 37.
Replies concerning “Hebrew Philology Spells Fake,” Biblical Archaeology Review 29/5
(Sept.-Oct. 2003), p. 9.
“Some Methodological Principles in Determining that the So-Called Jehoash Inscription
Is a Forgery,” apud Hershel Shanks, Jerusalem Forgery Conference, Special
Report, Biblical Archaeological Society, 2007, Appendices, pp. 16-21.
Response to Devar Torah, Shabbat Shalom 523 (November 2007), p. 4 (in Hebrew).
“A Distinctly American Work: Roy Harris’ Third Symphony,” Iton 77, no. 325
(November 2007), p. 34 (in Hebrew).
“Yochanan Muffs, Scholar of Bible, Law and Languages, Is Dead,” Forward, December
18, 2009 (published on-line December 9, 2009).
“Tales from Ugarit Solve Biblical Puzzles,” Biblical Archaeology Review 36/6
(November/December 2010), pp. 48-53, 70.
Reply concerning “Tales from Ugarit Solve Biblical Puzzles,” Biblical Archaeology
Review 37/2 (March/April 2011), pp. 75-77.
“There is What to Celebrate and What to be Concerned About” [invited comment in
Symposium “What Development in Jewish Studies over the Last Twenty Years
has Most Excited You?”] in AJS [Association for Jewish Studies] Perspectives,
Fall 2010 [appeared 2011], p. 56.
“When Job Sued God,” Biblical Archaeology Review 38/3 (May/June 2012), pp. 55-57,
Reply concerning “When Job Sued God,” Biblical Archaeology Review 38/5 (Sept./Oct.
2012), p. 9.
“The Faith of Laughter: Laughter, Hope, and God in (Itzhak) Benyamini’s Thought,”
online on the Resling Publishing website, Nov. 4, 2012, 2 pp. (in Hebrew).
“The Fugitive Hero,” Ha’aretz, April 5, 2013, Culture and Literature section, p. 4 (letter
response in Hebrew).
“Is It Possible to Make Sense of a Biblical Ritual (Chok)?” [Devar Torah on Parashat
Chukat], The Torah: A Historical and Contextual Approach.com (on-line;
June 15, 2013), 2 pp.
“Feed Your Servant as You Would Feed Yourself” [Devar Torah on Parashat
Mishpatim], Soul Food: The Leket Israel Parashat HaShavua Project
(on-line, January 25, 2014), 2 pp.
“A Mysterious Transgression or a Mysterious Deity? [Devar Torah on Parashat Shemini],
The Torah.com (on-line; March 21, 2014), 4 pp.
“Menahem Haran: Appreciation and Remembrances,” On Bible, Teaching, and
Education (blog of Dr. Lea Mazor; 26 May 2015), 2 pp. (in Hebrew).
“Voices in Lamentations: Dialogues in Trauma,” TheTorah.com (on-line, July 2015),
6 pp.
“The So-Called Jehoash Inscription: A Post Mortem,” ASOR Blog: Ancient Near Eastern
Studies Today (February 2016), 3 pp.
“An Inner-Biblical Elaboration of the Decalogue,” TheTorah.com (on-line, May 2016),
5 pp.
“Prof. Greenstein Sees Common Fugitive Hero Story Pattern” [Letter], Biblical Archaeology
Review 42/5 (Sept./Oct. 2016), pp. 8,10.
“In Memoriam Victor (Avigdor) Hurowitz,” Archiv für Orientforschung (forthcoming).
Musical compositions
“Elohai N’shamah” (prayer), published in Jewish Theological Seminary student arts journal in 1972; used widely in American Jewish circles; arranged and performed by a synagogue choir in 2014.
“You Can’t Stop Now,” recorded by Shake Rabbis & Roll, Tales from the Upper West Side, 2005.
“After the Vacation’s Through,” recorded by SR2, Keep Your Day Job, 2008.
“Light a Candle,” recorded 2015, publication pending.
Scientific/social networks
Participation in International Academic Conferences (since 2001)
Lecture (invited): “Characterizing the Poetry of Job,” International Conference “Studies in Poetics and Historiography of the Bible,” Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 1-2 January 2001.
Lecture (invited): “The Relation between Law and Narrative in the Pentateuch,” the international conference “Law and Literature: Mutual Negotiations,” Tel Aviv University, 3-5 June 2001.
Lecture (invited): “A Pragmatic Approach to Biblical Interpretation”; chaired a session on Interpretations of the Book of Job, the Thirteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 12-17 August 2001.
Lecture (invited): “The Wrath at God in the Book of Lamentations,” the symposium “Evil and Its Symbols in Jewish and Christian Tradition,” the University of Bochum, Germany, 15-17 October 2001.
Lecture (invited): “To What Extent Can a Literary Study in which One Is Aware of the Connectedness of Language and Ancient Culture Contribute to an Understanding of Job 28?” the Colloquium “The Book of Job: Suffering and Cognition in Context,” The Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, 18-19 April 2002.
Lecture (invited): “New Evidence of Canaanite Hif‘il,” the International Conference on Biblical Hebrew in Its Northwest Semitic Setting, the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 11-12 June 2002.
Lecture: “Who Has Seen the Wind/Spirit? The Identity of the Speaker in Job 4:12-21,” the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Toronto, 22-25 November 2002.
Lecture (invited): “Wisdom in the Book of Job—A Question,” the international conference “Wisdom—Its Pillars are Seven: Wisdom Literature in Ancient Israel and in Neighboring Lands,” Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, 12 January 2003 (in Hebrew).
Lecture (invited): “Some Remarks on Metaphors in the Poetry of Job,” the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature; also lectured on the so-called Jehoash Inscription for the Biblical Archaeological Society, Atlanta, 22-25 November 2003.
Lecture (invited): “H. L. Ginsberg and the Book of Job,” the conference “Remembering H. L. Ginsberg,” the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, 28 April 2004.
Keynote Address (invited): “Reading for Meaning: A Pragmatic Pedagogy of Bible”; Response on the plenary session “Goals for the Teaching of Bible,” the conference “Teaching Bible: Bridging Scholarship and Pedagogy,” Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., 30-31 January 2005.
Lecture (invited): “The Book of Lamentations: Response to Destruction or Ritual of Rebuilding?”; Greetings and Closing remarks, international symposium at Tel Aviv University, 21-23 March 2005.
Chaired a plenary session on “Recent Trends in Biblical Studies,” the Fourteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 31 July-4 August 2005 (Hebrew and English).
Lecture (invited): “Features of Language in the Poetry of Job,” symposium on “Das Buch Hiob und seine Interpretationen,” sponsored by the Swiss Academy of Sciences, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, 14-19 August 2005.
Lecture (invited): “Writing a Commentary on the Book of Job,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, 19-22 November 2005.
Lecture (invited): “From Oral Epic to Writerly Verse and Some of the Stages in Between,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Washington, D.C., November 18, 2006.
Lecture (invited): “What I Learn from the CAD and What the CAD Can Learn from Me,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November 2007.
Lecture: “The Poetic Use of Akkadian in the Book of Job,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2008.
Lecture (invited): “Remarks on How To Read the Bible by James L. Kugel,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 2008.
Lecture: “Argument from Tradition and Argument from Experience in the Book of Job”—Conference on “The Bible and Philosophy: Rethinking the Fundamentals” at the Shalem Center, Jerusalem, October 2009.
Lecture (invited): “Remarks on David Clines’ Commentary on Job and the State of Job Philology Today,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 2009.
Lecture (invited): “Wisdom Undermined: A New Look at the Book of Job”—International conference on the Bible and Literature, Bar Ilan University, November 2009.
Lecture (invited): “Signs of Poetry Past: Literariness on Pre-Biblical Hebrew Literature”—Conference on “The Biblical Literary”—Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 2010.
Lecture (invited): “Remarks on Ellen van Wolde’s Reframing Biblical Studies”—Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November 2010.
Lecture: “An Akkadian Etymology and a Different Meaning for Hebrew bāgad,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 20, 2011.
Lecture: “Wisdom in Ugaritic,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, November 21, 2011.
Lecture (invited): The Book of Job and Mesopotamian Literature: How Many Degrees of Separation,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November 2012.
Chaired a session on Hebrew Linguistics, the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, November 2012.
Lecture (invited): “The Postmodern Study of the Bible and Jewish Hermeneutics,” World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2013.
Lecture (invited): “Philological Principles in Practice: The Case of Job 12,” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, November 2013.
Lecture (invited): “Finding One’s Way in Proverbs 30:18-19), Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Baltimore, November 2013.
Lecture (invited): “‘A Fugitive Aramean Was My Father’: The Stories of Jacob-Israel and the Fugitive Hero Pattern,” international conference on literary approaches to the Book of Genesis, Bar-Ilan University, June 2014.
Lecture (invited): “Remarks on The Senses of Scripture by Yael Avrahami,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature,” San Diego, November 2014.
Lecture (invited): “Metaphors of Illness and Wellness in Job,” annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, November 2014.
Chaired a session at the international conference on Prophecy, Bar-Ilan University, June 2015.
Response (invited) on “The Tiberias Project”, annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, November 2015.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 28/06/2022