Prof. Edward (Ed) Greenstein
Department of Bible Home address:
Bar Ilan University 42 Zippori Street
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel Jerusalem 94544 Israel
Email: ed.greenstein@biu.ac.il, greenstein.ed@gmail.com
Born: 18 January 1949, Rockville Centre, New York
Citizenship: U.S.A., Israel (since 1996)
Married with two adult children (one married)
1966-1970 History BA Columbia University
1966-1970 Bible BHL Jewish Theological Seminary
1970-1971 Bible and Semitics ---- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1970-1971 Rabbinic Literature ---- Schechter Insitute, Jerusalem
1971-1974 Jewish Studies MA Jewish Theological Seminary
1971-1975 Ancient Semitic Languages MPhil Columbia University
1975-1977 Ancient Semitic Languages PhD Columbia University
Full appointments
1977-1983 Bible Assistant Prof. Jewish Theological Seminary
1983-1989 Bible Associate Prof. Jewish Theological Seminary
1989-1996 Bible Full Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
1996-2006 Bible Full Professor Tel Aviv University
2006- Bible Full Professor Bar Ilan University
Part-time appointments
1975-1977 Semitics Preceptor Columbia University
1975-1976 Bible Lecturer Hebrew Union College-JIR
1975-1979 Bible/Hebrew Adjunct Lecturer Hunter College
1976 Bible Preceptor Jewish Theological Seminary
1979-1980 Bible Lecturer Union Theological Seminary
1982-1983 Semitics Adjunct Lecturer Columbia University
1983-1984 sabbatical leave Jewish Theological Seminary
1985-1987 Semitics Visiting Lecturer Columbia University
1985 Religion Visiting Associate Prof. Princeton University
1986 Bible Visiting Associate Prof. Union Theological Seminary
1986-1988 Bible Visiting Associate Prof. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1987 Religion Visiting Associate Prof. Yale University
1987-1989 Semitics Adjunct Associate Prof. Columbia University
1990 Religion Visiting Professor Yale University
1990-1991 Semitics Adjunct Professor Columbia University
1991-1993 sabbatical and research leave Hebrew University
1991-1992 Bible Visiting Professor Schechter Institute
1992-1993 Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew University
1992-1993 Bible Visiting Professor Tel Aviv University
1996 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
1996-1999 Bible Visiting Professor Bar Ilan University
2000 (spring-summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2004 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2004-2010 Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew U. International School
2005-2006 Bible Visiting Professor Schechter Institute
2006 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2007 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2008 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2011 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2012 (spring) Bible Visiting Professor Hebrew Union College (Israel)
2014 (summer) Bible Visiting Professor Jewish Theological Seminary
2015 (spring) Bible Visiting Professor Tel Aviv University
Committees and Roles Inside Bar Ilan University
2006-2007 Member University Senate
2007-2011 Member Committee on Outside Employment
2007-- Board Member Jeselsohn Center for Epigraphy in Jewish History
2009-- Head Institute for Jewish Biblical Interpretation
2010-16 Member Graduate School Committee
2011-2013 Member University Committee on Appointments
2011-2015 Member University Committee on Instruction
2011-2015 Member Post-Doctoral Fellowships for Women Committee
2012-- Holder of Meiser Chair in Biblical Studies
2012-- Holder of Merkin Chair in Abraham Ibn Ezra Exegesis
2012-- Member Weiser Chair in Jewish Exegesis Committee
2012-- Member University Senate
2013-2015 Mentor Research Grant Writing, Faculty of Jewish Studies
2014-- Member Committee to Examine School of Basic Jewish Studies
2015-2017 Head (Interdisciplinary Graduate) Program in Hermeneutics
and Cultural Studies
Committees and Roles outside Bar Ilan University
(excluding numerous evaluations of manuscripts for publishers and articles for journals, including only most important roles)
Administrative Roles in Academic Institutions
1979-1984 Assistant Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
1980-1987 Academic Adviser, College Jewish Theological Seminary
1984 Acting Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
1984-1985 Acting Dean, College Jewish Theological Seminary
1985-1989 Chair, Bible Jewish Theological Seminary
2004-2005 Chair, Bible Dept. Tel Aviv University
2004-2006 Member, Committee on Appointments Tel Aviv University
2005-2006 Head, Bible Program Tel Aviv University
Academic Boards and Committees
1973-1974 Associate Editor The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
1974-- Editor/Coeditor The Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society (an annual)
1977-1984 Consultant in Bible Melton Research Center in Jewish Education
1979-1990 Associate Editor Prooftexts: A Journal of Jewish Literary History
1981-1983 Board member Association of Jewish Studies
1984-1985 Consultant for WNET television series “Civilization and the Jews”
1985-1989 Board member Jewish Publication Society
1985-1995 Advisory board member Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature
1987 Chair Conference on the State of Jewish Studies, Jewish Theol. Seminary
1987-1990 Editorial Board member Hebrew Annual Review
1987-1990 Chair Columbia University Seminar for the Study of the Hebrew Bible
1988-1990 Chair of Ugaritic Studies Group Society of Biblical Literature
1988-1990 Board member Association for Jewish Studies
1988-1993 Editor Society of Biblical Literature Semeia Studies (book series)
1988-1993 Editorial Board member Semeia (journal)
1990-1992 Consultant for Core Exhibit The Jewish Museum (New York)
1995 Special editor The Schocken Bible 1: The Five Books of Moses by
Everett Fox
1995-1998 Editorial Board member Biblicon (journal)
1997-2013 Board member World Union of Jewish Studies
1999-2000 Member Israel Prize in Bible Committee
2001-2003 Chair, Grants Committee for Bible and Talmud Israel Science Foundation
2002-2006 Academic Consultant for Bible Publlications The Open University
2002-2006 Publications committee member Te’uda (academic series)
2002-2008 Associate editor Society of Biblical Literature Writings from the
Ancient World (book series)
2003-- Academic Advisory Board member Resling Publications
2003-2004 Chair Israel Association for Assyriology and the Ancient Near East
2003-2005 Academic Consultant MaTaH (Centre for Educational Technology )
2004 Academic Consultant in Bible Reches Publications
2005-2013 Academic Council member World Union of Jewish Studies
2005-- Trustee W. F. Abright Institute for Archaeological Research
2005 Organizer of symposium “The Contribution of Assyriology to Biblical
Studies,” Tel Aviv University, February 24.
2006-2009 Supervisory Committee member Council for Higher Education
2006-2010 Advisory Committee in Bible Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
2008-- Trustee Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
2008-2010 Chair, Grants Committee for Biblical Studies Israel Science Foundation
2009-2010 Chair of committee Israel Prize in Bible
2009-2013 Executive board member World Union of Jewish Studies
2009-2013 Academic Council member Schechter Institute for Judaic Studies
2010-2013 Chair, Supervisory Committee Council for Higher Education
2010-2013 Academic consultant in Bible Kinneret-Zmora-Bitan-Dvir Publications
2010-2013 Chair, Biblical World section World Union of Jewish Studies
2011- Committee member for post-doctoral fellowships in Jewish Studies Yad
Hanadiv/Beracha Foundation
2012 Committee member for E. E. Urbach Memorial Fellowships Memorial
Foundation for Jewish Studies and World Union of Jewish Studies
2013-- Board member Schechter Institute for Judaic Studies
2014-2015 Chair of committee Israel Prize in Bible
2015- Committee member International Advisory Board of the
Katz Center for Advanced Jewish Studies, University of Pennsylvania
2015 Committee member President (of the State of Israel)’s Doctoral Fellowships
2016-- Member, Editorial Board Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies, new book series (Hebrew)
Research Grants (since 2010)
2010 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $2,000
2011 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $1,000
2012-2014 Fugitive Hero Stories Israel Science Foundation NIS 160,000
2013 Book of Job Beit Shalom Japan $2,000
2015 Book of Lamentations Beit Shalom Japan NIS 11,000
2016 Book of Yashar Beit Shalom Japan NIS 7,000
2016-18 Reconstructing Early Hebrew Epic Poetry ISF NIS 176,000
Awards and Fellowships
1971-1972 National Defense Education Act Fellow Columbia University
1972-1973 Danciger Foundation Fellow Columbia University
1973-1975 President’s Fellow Columbia University
1976-1977 F. J. E. Woodbridge Distinguished Fellow Columbia University
1983-1984 Research Fellowship Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
1983-1984 Abbell Research Fellowship Jewish Theological Seminary
1987 Publication Grant Max Richter Foundation
1989 Summer Research Stipend National Endowment for the Humanities
1991-1992 Senior Research Fellowship National Endowment for the Humanities
1991-1993 Research Fellowship Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
1992-1993 Fellowship John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
1995-1998 Guastella Fellow (for distinguished immigrant scholars) Raschi Foundation
2001 Publication Grant Dorot Foundation
2001 Publication Grant Lucius N. Littauer Foundation
2001 Publication Grant School of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University
2001-2002 Fellowship Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University
2006-2009 Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Distinguished Scholar Bar Ilan University
2008-2010 Research Grant Israel Science Foundation
Student Advising
1983 Israel Haggay DHL (Doctor of Hebrew Literature)
1988 Yaakov Thompson DHL
1988 Amnon Shapira DHL
1989 Deborah Bedor DHL
1991 Eliezra Herzog PhD
1991 Ora Horn Prouser PhD
1993 Alice Bach PhD
1993 Emanuel Ben-Naeh DHL
1997 Arie Cohen DHL
1997 Robert A. Harris PhD
1997 Vesta Kowalski PhD
1997 Sara Goldberger MA
2000 Yitzhak Peleg PhD
2000 Moshe Haggai DHL
2001 Amira Baider MA
2001 Yafit Miodovnik MA
2003 Ruth Gerry MA
2003 Joshua Berman PhD
2004 Rachel Bartal MA
2004 Dmitri Slivniak PhD
2004 Varda Bergman MA
2005 Shirly Natan Yulzary MA
2005 Jaeyoung Jeon MA
2005 Sharon Shvartz MA
2006 Michal Mayorchik MA
2006 Assnat Bartor PhD
2006 Amnon Shapira PhD
2007 Ora Brison MA
2007 Bat-sheva Brosh PhD
2008 Yaakov Ben-Basat MA
2008 Osnat Faust PhD
2009 Amira Baider PhD
2009 Yoshiyahu Fargeon MA
2009 Zvi Shimon PhD
2010 Micha Roi PhD
2010 Adi Azruel Sharabi MA
2010 Howard Markose MA
2011 Orit Avnery PhD
2011 Shirly Natan Yulzary PhD
2011 Adiel Cohen PhD
2012 Jaeyoung Jeon PhD
2012 Noga Ayali Darshan PhD
2013 Ehud Shevach PhD
2014 Aviya Fraenkel MA
2014 Yoshiyahu Fargeon PhD
2015 ShinAe Kim PhD
2015 Howard Markose PhD
2016 LapKuen Lee MA
Postdoctoral students
Michael Seleznev (Yad Ha-Nadiv Fellow, Jerusalem, 1999-2000).
Robert D. Holmstedt (Fulbright Fellow, Jerusalem, 2000-2001).
Alison Lo (by request of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2003-2004).
Itzhak Benyamini (Bar-Ilan University, 2012-2013).
Last Updated Date : 28/06/2022