פרופ' משה צפור
קורות חיים
שם: משה צפור Moshe A. Zipor
כתובת: רח' נפתלי בן אפרים 10, רחובות 76217
תאריך לידה: יט באייר תרצ"ד (4.5.1934) מקום לידה: טרנוב, פולין
עלייה: 1935
שירות צבאי: אוגוסט 1953 – פברואר 1955
לימודים תיכוניים: ישיבת הישוב החדש, תל אביב תש"ח–תשי"ב
השכלה גבוהה:
תשי"ג ישיבה גבוהה: ישיבת חברון, ירושלים
תשכ"ב (1962) ב"א ותעודת הוראה: מקרא, תלמוד, תולדות ישראל, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
התמחות נוספת: יוונית
תשכ"ט (1969) מ"א: תנ"ך, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, רמת גן
תשל"ט (1979) ד"ר: תנ"ך, המנחה: פרופ' משה גושן- גוטשטיין ז"ל , אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, רמת גן
הנושא: התרגומים הקדומים ודרכי פתרונם למונחי ריאליה
תשט"ז – תשי"ז הוראה בבית ספר יסודי
תשי"ח ביה"ס התיכון "בר-אילן", נתניה
תשי"ט–תשכ"ב, תשכ"ה–תשל"ז ביה"ס התיכון "יבנה", חולון
תשכ"ג – כ"ה בשליחות חינוכית בבריסל
במוסדות להשכלה גבוהה:
תשכ"ח-תשס"ב אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, המחלקות לתנ"ך וללימודי יהדות, 100% משרה
תשמ"ב-תשמ"ג ראש המחלקה לספרנות ולימודי ביבליוגרפיה
(תשס"א-ס"ב בעל הקתדרה לפרשנות המקרא ע"ש קספר)
1988 דרגת פרופסור-חבר
1.10.2001 דרגת פרופסור מן-המניין
(תשס"ג – פרישה לגמלאות מטעמי גיל)
תש"ם – תשע"ג משרה חלקית נוספת במכללות שונות ובאוניברסיטת אריאל
תשע"ב– תש"ף ראש החוג לתנ"ך וראש התכנית ללימודי תואר שני בתנ"ך, מכללת גבעת וושינגטון
תפקידים נוספים:
השתתפות במכוני מחקר: מפעל המקרא, האוניברסיטה העברית, בראשות פרופ' גושן-גוטשטיין
מפעל תרגום השבעים הממוחשב (CATSS), האוניברסיטה העברית, בראשות פרופ' עמנואל טוב
המכון לתולדות הפרשנות היהודית, אוני' בר-אילן
שיפוט של עבודות דוקטור, של מאמרים אקדמיים ושל הצעות שהוגשו לקרנות מחקר
חבר הוועדה לתכניות לימודים בתנ"ך בביה"ס התיכון הדתי
תחומי מחקר: הפרשנות הקדומה (התרגומים הקדומים; הספרות הבתר-מקראית [קומראן, ספרים חיצונים],
ספרות חז"ל),
מסירת התנ"ך ונוסחו,
תרגום השבעים והתרגום הסורי (הפשיטתא),
השירה המקראית,
ספרות הנבואה,
פרשנות ימי הביניים.
- The Ancient Versions of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles: A Comparative Study of their Translation Techniques for Terms of Realia. PhD Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 1979 (Hebrew)
- A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, part II: K - Ω, Compiled by J. Lust et alii, Leuven 1996
- Tradition and Transmission. Studies in Ancient Biblical Translation and Interpretation, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, Tel Aviv 2001 (Hebrew)
- The Septuagint Version of Genesis, Bar-Ilan University Publications, Ramat-Gan 2005 (Hebrew)
- The Peshitta Version of Leviticus, with a Commentary, Simor Publications, Jerusalem 2003 (Hebrew)
- (With A. Shoshana), The Book of Ezekiel with the Commentary of Rabbi Josef Hayyoun, edited from MS B373 Institute of Oriental Studies, Petersburg, Vols. I-II, Jerusalem 2006 (Hebrew)
- Dews of Roses: Studies in Bible, Liturgy and Customs, The Giva't Washington Academic College Edition, 2017 (Hebrew)
- (With Ayala Mishaly). The Two Commentaries of Ibn Ezra to the Book of Esther, A Critical Edition with Commentary, Bar-Ilan University Publications, Ramat-Gan 2019 (Hebrew)
Books in Preparation
- The Peshitta Version of Numbers, with a Commentary
Edited Books
- (With R. Kasher, Y. Sefati), Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. iv, Ramat-Gan 1997 (Hebrew, with English Abstracts)
- (With R. Kasher), Yehuda Otto Komlos – in Memoriam: Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. vi, Ramat-Gan 2002 (Hebrew, with English Abstracts)
- (With M. Avioz), Zvi Betzer – in Memoriam: Morashtenu Studies 2-3 (2004)
- “Studies in the Septuagint Version of Leviticus”, H.M. Shapiro Volume, Bar Ilan Annual 9 (1972), 92-101 (Hebrew)
- "The Greek Chronicles", Biblica 61 (1980), 561–571.
- "A Striking Translation Technique of the Peshitta", JSS 26 (1981), 11–20.
- “1 Samuel 13,20-21 in the Mirror of the Ancient Versions: Lexical and Textual Studies”, Textus 11 (1984), 1-50 (Hebrew)
- “The Sword and the Scroll – a Covert al tiqre-Type Derasha?”, Tarbiz 55 (1986), 137-139 (Hebrew); included in (2) above
- “The Biblical Law of the Remarriage of a Divorced Couple”, Dinê Israel: Annual of Jewish Law 13-14 (1986-88), 153-165 (Hebrew)
- “Transformations of Al Tikre-type Homilies”, Sinai – The 100 Jubilee Book (1987), 701-716 (Hebrew) (an elaborated version in [2], pp. 166-207)
- "Restrictions on Marriage for Priests (Lev. 21:7, 13-14)", Biblica 68 (1987), 259–267
- “What is halalâ?”, Beth Mikra 33 (1987-88), 51-58
- 9a. “The Tools Mentioned in 1Sam. 13:20-21”, Beth Mikra 109 (1987), 178-186 (Hebrew)
- “The Imprint of the Golden Calf Narrative in the Preaches in the Book of Deuteronomy”, Moshe Goldstein Memorial Book, Tel Aviv 1988, 211-227 (Hebrew)
- “The Section of the Establishment of Prophets in Israel (Deuteronomy 18)”, The Yearbook of Moreshet Yaakov 3 (1989), 17-24
- “The Masoretic ‘Eighteen Tiqqune Sofrim’: The Birth and Transformaion of a Tradition”, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1989, Division A: The Bible and its World Jerusalem 1990, 51-58 (an elaborated version in [2], pp. 79-165)
- “’I Fled before unto Tarshish’. Studies in the Book of Jonah”, The Yearbook of Moreshet Yaakov 5 (1991), 38-49
- "Notes sur les chapitres XIX-XXI du Lévitique dans la Bible d'Alexandrie", EphTheolLov 57 (1991), 328–337.
- "Ezek 16, 7", ZAW 103 (1991), 99–100.
- "A Textual Note on Gen. vi 13", VT 41 (1991), 366–369.
- "Al Tikre- Exegesis or Text?", Moshe Goshen-Gottstein - in Memoriam. Studies in Bible and Exegesis, vol. iii (1993), 349-362 (Hebrew) (an elaborated version in [2], pp. 166-207)
- “An Enlarged Edition of the Exegesis of Rashi on the Book of Ruth with Passages of Ruth Rabba in Another Version”, Sidra 8 (1994), 99-118 (Hebrew)
- “Some Notes on the Origin of the Tradition of the Eighteen Tîqqunê Sôperîm”, VT 44 (1994), 77-102. (an elaborated version in [2], pp. 79-165)
- "Notes sur les chapiters I-XVII de la Génèse dans la Bible d'Alexandrie", ETL 70 (1994), 385–393.
- “The Complex of Metaphors in Jeremiah 2-3”, Morashtenu 9 (1995), 37-44 (Hebrew)
- "'Scenes from a Marriage' – According to Jeremiah", JSOT 65 (1995), 83–91.
- "The Deuteronomic Account of the Golden Calf and its Reverberation in Other Parts of the Book of Deuteronomy", ZAW 108 (1996), 20–33. (a elaborated version of 10)
- “The Flood Chronology: Too Many an Accident", Dead Sea Discoveries 4 (1997), 207–210.
- “Towards an Annotated Hebrew Edition of the Septuagint”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. iv (1997), 189-219 (Hebrew)
- "The Cannibal Women and their Judgement before the Helpless King (2Kgs 6)”, Abr Nahrain 35 (1998), 84–94.
- "The Septuagint Version to the Priests' Laws (Lev. 21-22)", Mehqarê Morashtenû 1 (1999), 95-121 (Hebrew)
- “Two Textual Notes: Ps. 74:11; LXX Gen. 46:17”, VT (1999), 553-557
- ”The Septuagint as a Textual Witness: Some Considerations on its Use”, Shnaton, An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 12 (2000), 203-220 (Hebrew)
- “Additional significance of the Biblical verbs ndr (Jonah 1,16 and Mal 1,14) and šlm (Job 5,23)”, Leshonenu 63 (2001), 31-34 (Hebrew)
- “Laban’s Pursuit of Jacob As reflected in the Septuagint”, Beth Mikra 46 (2001), 1-27 (Hebrew)
- “The Use of the Septuagint as a Textual Witness – Further Considerations”, in: B. Taylor (ed.), X Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Oslo 1998 [SCS], Atlanta 2001, 553-581 (an elaborated translation of 29)
- ‘Throngs and Yoke-Bars’. Studies in Jer. 27-28”, Morashtenu 15 (2002), 78-61 (Hebrew)
- “Sem in the Tents of Japhet. Studies in the Septuagint Version of Leviticus 19-20”, In: Yehuda Otto Komlos – un Memoriam: Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol vi (2002), 281-308 (Hebrew)
- “An English Translation of the Peshitta: Why Translate, How to Translate”, JNSL 28 (2002), pp. 65-92
- “A Study of God’s Self-Introducing Formulas and the Cases of Leviticus 20:22-27 and 26:42-45”, Beth Mikra 46 (2002), 199-207 (Hebrew)
- “Some Notes on the Greek Text of Genesis in the Common Editions”, BIOSCS 31 (2002), 121-126
- (with S. Vargon) “How much Septuagint did Luzzatto Know?”, Italia (Conference Supplement Series 2): Samuel David Luzzatto: The Bi-Centennial of His Birth (Eds. R. Bonfil et al.), 2004, pp. 55-77 (Hebrew)
- “Studies in Biblical and Post-Biblical Words from the Roots רגל and רכל“, Hebrew Linguistics 54 (2004), pp. 85-95 (Hebrew)
- (with S. Vargon) “The Use of the Samaritan Pentateuch in S.D. Luzzato’s Biblical Commentaries”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. 7, Presented to Menahem Cohen, Ramat-Gan 2005, pp. 367-384 (Hebrew)
- “When Midrash met Septuagint: The Case of Esther 2,7”, ZAW 118 (2006), pp. 82-92
- “A Quaint Translation Technique in the Peshitta”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis vol. 7, Presented to Menahem Cohen, Ramat-Gan 2005, pp. 491-510 (Hebrew) (an elaborated version of [3])
- (With S. Vargon), “The Attitude of S.D. Luzzato Towards the Tiqqune Sopherim Problem”. In: Studies in Bible and Exegesis 8, Presented to Elazar Touitou 2008, pp. 655-675 (Hebrew)
- “birkat kohanim (=The Priests’ Blessing) is not to be read nor translated?”, Morashtenu Sudies 2-3 (2004), 165-174 (Hebrew)
- “Some Textual and Lexical Notes to the Peshitta of Leviticus”, ETL 118 (2005), pp. 468-476
- “Talebearers, Peddlers, Spies, and Converts: The Adventures of the Biblical and Post-Biblical Roots RGL and RKL “, Hebrew Studies 46 (2005), pp. 129-144
- “A Unique Manuscript, its Genesis and Edition, and on Scribal Errors”, Alei Sefer (accepted for publication, Hebew)
- “The Ravishing of Dina: A Different Reading”, Massekhet 3 (2005), pp. 11-30 (Hebrew)
- “Interpreters of Dreams as Expounders”,Or le- Mayer: Studies in Bible…Presented to Mayer Gruber, Ben Gurion University Press, Beer-Sheba, 2010, pp. 411-439 (Hebrew)
- (Ed. and comment.), “R. Joseph Hayoun: Commentary to the Book of Jonah”, Kobez Al Yad: Minora Manuscripta Hebraica, Jerusalem 2005, pp. 289-313 (Hebrew)
- “R. Joseph Hayyoun's Commentary on the Book of Obadia: Critical Edition with an Introduction”, Shnaton, An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 17 (2007), 309-327 (Hebrew)
- (Ed.), “R. Joseph Hayoun: Commentary to the Book of Micah", Sinai 70 (2008), pp. 3-29 (Hebrew)
- (With S. Vargon), "Rabbi Samuel David Luzzatto’s Stance Toward the Punctuation of the Masoretic Text", Textus 23 (2007), pp. 49-73 (Hebrew)
- “The Blessing of the Priests is not Read and not Translated”? Textus 24 (2009), 221-237 (transl. of 34)
- "Harmony and Disharmony in God's World (on Ps. 104)", Morashtenu 17 (2006), 93-106 (Hebrew)
- "The Complex of Ideas in Ps. 103", in: Yosef Daat: in Memoriam Joseph Aharon Nitzan, Rehovot 2006, 259-266 (Hebrew)
- "The Sin of the Waters of Meriba", Moshe Silberstein: in Memoriam (2009), 136-139 (Hebrew)
- "The Episode of the Theft of Joseph's Cup", Morashtenu 18 (2009), 15-28 (Hebrew)
- (with M. Ben Yashar), "'The Conversation of the Servants of the Patriarchs': Its Nature and Beauty (Studies in Genesis 24)", Oreshet 1 (2010), 47 -65 (Hebrew)
- "Interpreters of Dreams as Expounders", in: S. Yona (ed.), Or le-Mayer.Studies in Bible, Semitic Languages, Rabbinic Literature, and Ancient Civilization, presented toMayer Gruber, on the Occation of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Beer Sheva 2010, pp. 411-430 (Hebrew)
- "Why does God's Name not appear in the Book of Esther? Solutions of Ancient Sources and Medieval Sages" (with Appendix: "Where and when was the Second Commentary of Ibn Ezra to Esther written?"), Beth Mikra 56 (2011), 87-99 (Hebrew)
- "Is the Book of Jonah a 'guidebook' for Repentance?", Shaanan 17 (2012), 67-80 (Hebrew)
- "'And I came in Alliance with You': Divorce and Restoration of Marriage: (Dt 24:1-4)", in M.I. Gruber et al, (eds.), Teshura Le-Zafrira. Studies in the Bible, the History of Israel and the Ancient Near East, Presented to Zafrira Ben-Barak, Beer Sheva 2013, pp. 345-348 (Hebrew)
- "The Septuagint Version of the Book of Leviticus: An Introduction", Mehkerei Giv'a 3 (2013), pp. 13-23 (Hebrew)
- "The Exclamation 'ani wahu hoshica na' ", Moreshet Israel,10 (2013), pp. 72-78 (Hebrew)
- " 'A Psalm, a Song for the Shabbat Day' (Ps. 92)", Oreshet 4(2013), pp. 33-57 (Hebrew)
- (With Shmuel Vargon), Chapters in: S. Vargon, S.D. Luzzatto. Moderate Criticism in Biblical Exegesis, Ramat Gan 2013
- "Divorce and Restoration of Marriage (Deut. 24:1-4)", Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 20 (2014), pp. 127-140, (enlarged version of 63)
- "Joseph's Meeting with his Brothers (Gen 42 – 44) – a Multy-sided Story", Shaanan 19 (2014), pp. 57-72 (Hebrew)
- " 'Dinah the Daughter of Leah, whom She had borne to Jacob' (Gen. xxxiv:1)", Shaanan 21 (2016), pp. 23-33 (Hebrew) (an elaborated version of 48)
- "The Laws of the Sabbatical Year in the Light of the Septuagint", The Giva't Washington Research Journal 6 (2019), 17-36.
- "The Biblical Semi-synonymous Roots שלח and גרש in the Play-Ground", Mehqere Giv'a 7 (2020) (Hebrew)
- "On the Use of the Biblical verbs grš and šlḥ: A Game in the Field of Semi -Synonymous Words", The Giv'at Washington Annual Research Journal 7 (2020), pp. 21-30; E9 – E11
- "The Motif 'My Wife-My Sister and a King: Three Stories and Four, and a Different Reading", Shaanan 25 (2020) (Hebrew)
- "The Language of the Bible as Inspiring Midrash and Homiletical Exegesis", The Giv'at Washington Annual Research Journal 8 (2021)
Articles in Encyclopedias
- “ ‘orep, II”, in Theologische Wörterbuch z. Alttestament, vol. VI (1987), 102–106.
- = “ ‘oref, ‘araf ”, in TDOT (=Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament), vol. VI (2001),. 366-371
- “qšh”, in: Theol. Wörterb. z. AT, vol. VII (1989), 124–130. = TDOT vol. VIII (2004), 189-195
- (with M. Ben-Yashar), “šûb šebût”, in: Theol. Wörterb. z. AT, vol. VII (1992),
- 958–965. = TDOT XIV (2004), 294-302
- “tebûah”, in: Theol. Wörterb. z. AT, vol. VII (1995), 543-547. = TDOT vol. XV (2006), 553-556.
- "Leviticus, LXX", in: The Textual History of the Bible. Vol. 1: E. Tov (ed.), The Hebrew Bible (in Press)
- kl', kil'ayim in TheolWörterbuchQumran II (in press)
- “tebûah”, in: Theol. WörterbQumran III (in press)
- Various Articles in the Encyclopaedia cOlam HaTanach [= The World of the Bible (Hebrew)], in vols. Numbers (1985), 1Samuel(1985), Leviticus (1987), Esther (1988), Deuteronomy (1994), Judges (1994), Job (1996); additional items and notes (to be inserted in the vol. of Micha), in: S. Vargon, Micah, Ramat Gan 1954
- Various Articles in Makor Rishon, Shabbat
- Various Articles in: Parashat Hashavua (Weekly Portions of the Torah), Bar-Ilan University's Parashat Hashavua Study Center
Chapter in Books
- "The Nature of the Septuagint Version of the Book of Leviticus", in: Innocent Himbaza (ed.), The Text of Leviticus, Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthelemy Institute held in Fribourg (October 2015), Publications of the Dominique Barthelemy Institute 3, Fribourg, 2018 (pp. 21-132),
- "Leviticus section 2/4 1/3: Septuagint" in: Armin Lange and Emanuel Tov (eds.) Textual History of the Bible, vol. 18 Pentateuch, Former and Latter Prophets, Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Book Reviews:
- “Targûm Hassibcîm Lattôrah, a Hebrew Translation [of the Septuagint Version of the Pentateuch], Kiriyat Sefer 55 (1980), 168-174 [Hebrew; an elaborated version of the Review in JSJ]
- "Targûm Hassibcîm Lattôrah” [see former item], Journal for the Study of Judaism 12 (1981), 211–214.
- "Solomon's Ascension to the Throne" (Review on S. Zalewsky's Book), JQR 73 (1983), 397–399.
- "Four Approaches to the Book of Psalms – from R. Saadia Gaon to R. Abraham Ibn Ezra" (Review on U. Simon's Book), JQR 74 (1983), 94–95.
- "Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job (Review on H. Heater's Book), Biblica 65 (1984), 125–128.
- “The Text Critical Use of the Septauagint in Biblical Research" (Review on E. Tov's Book), IEJ 34 (1984), 64–66.
- “The Esther Scroll. The Story of the Story [Review on David J.A. Clines], Kiriyat Sefer 59 (1984), 234-239 (Hebrew)
- “Midrshê Shemot Bamikra [Review on M. Garsiel], Beth Mikra 116 (1989), 77-80 (Hebrew)
- "On the Presentation of the Synoptic Accounts of the Monarchies (Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles)”, Abr Nahrain 28 (1990), 127–135.
- “Discoveries in the Judean Desert VII: The Greek Minor Prophets from Nahal Hever, 1990”, in IEJ 42 (1992), 276–279.
- “The Textual Criticism of the Bible” [Review on E. Tov], in IEJ 42 (1992), 280–282.
- “The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version, eds. P.G. Borbone and K.D. Jenner, part V: Concordance, vol. 1: The Pentateuch (Leiden – New York – Köln 1997)”, in Leshonenu 64 (2002), pp.77-89 (Hebrew)
"פרופ' אהרן מונדשיין ז"ל - ידיד, איש אשכולות, חוקר, מורה לזכרם, שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום, כז, ירושלים תשפ"ב, עמ' 9-12
Online Works:
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 28/03/2023