קורות חיים
Academic Background
1. Bar‑Ilan University, Ramat‑Gan, Israel:
B.A. Degree in Bible and Talmud ‑ 1960
M.A. Degree in Bible ‑ 1961
2. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel:
Graduate Work in Assyriology, 1961‑1962
3. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Department of Oriental Studies:
Ph.D. Degree in Oriental Studies
Academic Positions
At Bar-Ilan University
1. Bar‑Ilan University, Departments of Hebrew and Bible: Senior Lecturer in Assyriology and Bible (1970‑1980); Associate Professor (1980‑1990); Professor (1990‑2002); Professor Emeritus (from 2003)
2. Samuel Noah Kramer Institute of Assyriology: Director (1983‑1987;1989-1994; 1995-1997; 2000-2001)
3. Bar-Ilan University, Center for Basic Jewish Studies, Chairman, 1995-1997
4. Bar-Ilan University, Department of Bible, Chairman, 1999-2001
1. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Department of Assyriology: Visiting Senior Lecturer in Assyriology (1973‑1975)
2. Ben‑Gurion University in the Negev, Department of Bible and The Ancient Near East: Visiting Professor (1974‑1976; 1979‑2001)
3. University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Babylonian Section: Visiting Rsearch Fellow on the Sumerian Dictionary Project (1976-1979; 1987‑1988)
4. Dropsie University, Philadelphia: Visiting Associate Professor in Semitic Linguistics (1977‑1979)
5. Tel‑Aviv University, Department of Comparative Literature: Visiting Senior Lecturer (1980)
6. Yale University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures: Visiting Professor (1987)
7. Center for Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Fellow (1997-1998)
8. Barnard Revel Graduate School, Yeshiva University: Visiting Professor (1998)
Membership in Scholarly Societies
1. American Oriental Society (1968 - to the present)
2. World Union of Jewish Studies (1977 - to the present)
3. The Israel Society of Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (1996 - to the present)
4. International Association for Assyriology (2003 - to the present)
5. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2005 - to the present)
6. Society of Biblical Literature (2006 - to the present)
Psalms; Proverbs; Job; Song of Songs; Lamentations; Ecclesiastes; Biblical Hebrew
The Bible and Mesopotamian Literature
The Bible and Mesopotamian Civilization
Wisdom Literature in the Bible and Mesopotamia
Akkadian and Sumerian language courses on all levels.
Readings in Akkadian Literature
Readings in Sumerian Literary Texts
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 07/03/2021