פרופ' יוסף פליישמן
Books: Parent and Child in Ancient Near East and the Bible, Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1999 (340 pages) (Hebrew)
Father-Daughter Relations in Biblical Law: CDL Press, University Press of Maryland, Bethesda, Maryland, 2011.
Books (editor)
1. Jewish Law Association Studies XVIII 2008. D. Charles Publications
2. The Reciprocal Relations between the Judge and Society in the Ancient World. Maarav, 2005, Western Academic Press (coordinator)
3. Looking at the Ancient Near East and the Bible Through the Same Eyes, A Tribute to Prof. A. Skaist, CDL Press (with Dr. K. Abraham) CDL Press, University Press of Maryland, Bethesda, Maryland, 2012.
4. The Bar-Ilan Conference Volume 18 (Jewish Law Association Studies), 2008
1. “The Authority of the Paterfamilias According to CH 117”. In J. Klein and A. Skaist (eds.). Bar-Ilan Studies in Assyriology Dedicated to Pinhas Artzi. 1990, 249–253
2. “Honoring Father and Mother”, and “The Rebellious Son” in Deuteronomy. Encyclopedia of the Biblical World. Ramat Gan, 1995 (Hebrew)
3. “The Term mu-ra in CT 4/1 1.19”. NABU 1990, 3-5
4. “The Age of Legal Maturity in Biblical Law”. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University 21 (1992), 35–48
5. “Offences against Parents Punishable by Death”. The Jewish Law Annual 10 (1992), 7–37
6. “The Investigation Commission by Tattenai: The Purpose of the Investigation and its Results”. Hebrew Union College Annual 66 (1995), 81–102
7. “The Legality of the Expulsion of Jephthah”. Dinei Israel 18 (1997), 61–80
8. “Why Was Haman Successful at Winning King Ahasuerus' Approval to Exterminate the Jews in the Persian Empire?” Hebrew Union College Annual 68 (1997), 35–49 (Hebrew)
9. “The Reason for the Expulsion of Ishmael”. Dinei Israel 19 (1997-1998), 75–100
10. “On the Meaning of the Term ‘King of Assyria’ in Ezra 6:22”. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University 26 (1998) 37–45
11. “The First Passover in the Second Temple (Ezra 6:19-22)”. Beit Mikra 42 (1997), 230–242 (Hebrew)
12. “An Undone Evil in the Book of Judges”. Beit Mikra 43 (1998), 129–141 (Hebrew)
13. “An Echo of Optimism in Ezra 6:19–22”. Hebrew Union College Annual 69 (1998), 15–29
14. “Why Did Ahaseurus Consent to Annihilate the Jews?” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 25 (1999), 41–58
15. “Legal Continuation and Reform in Codex Hammurabi Paragraphs 168–169”. Zeitschrift für Altorintalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 5 (1999), 54–65
16. “Does the Law in Exodus 21:7–11 Permit the Father to Sell his Daughter to be a Slave?” Jewish Law Annual 13 (2000), 47–64
17. “Why Did Simon and Levi Rebuke Their Father in Genesis 34:31?” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 26 (2000), 101–116
18. “On the Legal Relationship between a Father and his Natural Child”. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 6 (2000), 68–81
19. “Child Maintenance in the Laws of Eshnunna”. Zeitschrift für Altorintalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 374–384
20. “Legal Sanctions on Parents in Old Babylonian Legal Sources”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2001), 93–97
21. “Who is a Parent? Legal Consequence of Child Maintenance”. Zeitschrift für Altorintalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 7 (2001), 398–402
22. “Toward Understanding the Legal Significance of Jacob’s Statement:
‘I will Divide them in Jacob, I will Scatter them in Israel’”. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CLV (2001), 541–559
23. “Towards Understanding the Significance of Name Changing and Circumcision in Genesis 17”. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Studies of Columbia University 28 (2001), 19–32
24. “Why Did Simeon and Levi Rebuke their Father in Genesis 34:31?” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 26 (2000), 101-116
25. “A Father’s versus a Husband’s Authority to Annul a Vow (Numbers 30:4–17)”. Jewish Law Annual 12 (2001), 71–80
26. “Cast out this bondswoman and her son (Genesis 21:10”. Beit Mikra 44 (2002), 146–162 (Hebrew)
27. “Social and Legal Aspects in the Dina-Shechem Episode (Genesis 44)”. Annual of Bible and Ancient Near East Research 13 (2002), 141–155 (Hebrew)
28. “The Meaning of the Fifth Commandment in the Ten Commandments”. Mahalachim 5 (1995), 192–201
28. “Continuity and Change in Some Provisions of the Code of Hammurabi’s family Law”. In Y. Sefati et al. (eds.). An Experienced Scribe Who Neglects Nothing, Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein, Bethesda 2005, 480–496
29. “What Did the Father Give His Daughter in Jeremiah 3:19?” in Shamir Yona and Daniel Sivan (eds.), Light to Meir, Studies on the Bible, Semitic Languages, Rabbinical Literature and Ancient Cultures (Fs. in honor of Prof. Meir Gruber), Ben Gurion University, Be'er Shev'a 2009 (Hebrew) (accepted) The article is a revision and expansion of ideas discussed in item 13.
30. “Meetings to Save Jerusalem in Nehemiah 1:1–2:9”. M. Garsiel, A. Frisch, D. Elgavish (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Shmuel Vargon, 10, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew) (accepted) Partial revision, especially of the Zoroastrian features that appear in item 14.
31. “To Stop Nehemiah from Building the Jerusalem Wall, Jewish Aristocrats Triggered an Economic Crisis”, in Gershon Galil, Mark Geller, and Alan Millard (eds.), Homeland and Exile Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bustenay Oded, Eisenbrauns 2009, 361-390
32. “Exodus 22:15–16 and Deuteronomy 22:28–29 – Seduction and Rape or Elopement and Abduction Marriage?” Jewish Law Association Studies 14 (2002), 59–73
33. “The Meaning of Name Changes and the Circumcision Covenant” (Study in Genesis 17). Beit Mikra 41 (2002), 310–321 (Hebrew)
34. “Legal Innovation in Deuteronomy xxi 18–20”. Vetus Testamentum 53 (2003), 311–327
35. “Shechem and Dinah in the Light of Non-Biblical and Biblical Sources”. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 116 (2004), 12–32
36. “Inheritance of the Dowry”. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 10 (2004), 232–248
37. "The Inheritance of a Mother's Dowry in Ancient Near East Law and in Ancient Jewish Law”. Dine' Israel 23 (2005), 99–136 (Hebrew)
38. “A Daughter’s Demand and a Father’s Compliance”. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 118 (2006), 354–373
39. “Their Father Gave Them nahala ‘an estate’ among Their Bretheren” (Job 42:15b): What Did Job Give his Daughters?” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 13 (2007), 120–135
40. “Variations on ‘Set among Sons’ in Jeremiah 3:19”. Zeitschrift für Altorintalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 14 (2008), 291–310
41. “The Rebuilding of the Wall of Jerusalem: Neh. 2:1–9 and the Use of Zoroastrian Principles”. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 34 (2008), 59–82
42. “The Husband's Sin and Punishment in Deuteronomy 22:18–19 in Early Jewish Law”. Jewish Law Association Studies 18 (2008), 70–87
43. “The Delinquent Daughter and Legal Innovation in Deuteronomy 22:20-21”. Vetus Testamentum 58 (2008), 191–210
44. “And their father gave them an inheritance among their brothers (Job 42:15): What Job Gave His Daughters”. Annual of Bible and Ancient Near East Research 13 (2008), 89–102 (Hebrew) Translation of item 12.
45. “Recognition of Legitimate Children in the Ancient Near East”. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 35/2, (2009), 63-91
46. “Nehemiah’s Request on Behalf of Jerusalem” J. Kalimi (ed.). A New Perspective on Ezra-Nehemiah Story and History, Literature and Interpretation, Supp. Vetus Testamentum (2010), (forthcoming)
47. “Legitimation of Children in the Light of tablet PBS 5 100 and Some Tablets from the Achaemenid and Seleucid periods”. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 36/1 (2010), 101-111
48. “Did a Child's Legal Status in Biblical Israel Depend upon his being Acknowledged?” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 121 (2009), 350-368.
49. “Achsa's Request of her Father (Joshua 15: 18-19, Judges 1:14–15) in the Light of the Laws Governing a Daughter's Inheritance”. In S. Vargon, J. Kaduri, R. Kasher and A. Frisch (eds.), Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Prof. Moshe Garsiel, 9, Ramat-Gan 2009, 281–298 (Hebrew) Expansion of ideas discussed in item 11.
50. “Legitimate Circumstances Allowing a Person to Sell his Daughter into Slavery”. Jewish Law Association Studies 20 (2010), 34-42 (Hebrew)
51. "Why was 'A great cry of the people and their wives against their brethren the Jews'" Beit Mikra 55 (2010), 98-124
52. "The Accused Bride in Deuteronomy 22:13-21 in the Light of Early Jewish Law" in Y. Rivlin and L. Moscovitz (eds.), Jackson Festschrift, Jewish Law Association Studies (forthcoming)
53. "Sin and Sanction in Leviticus 21:9" Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Rimon Kasher, 11, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew)
54. "Deuteronomy 22:13-21 in the Light of Ancient Jewish Law", Dine Israel (submitted)
55. "The Sages’ Interpretations of the Law Concerning the Defamer in Deuteronomy 22:13-21"(accepted) Fs. Prof. M. Lubetzky, NYU
56. "Spreading the Cloth in Deuteronomy 22:17b: Conclusive Evidence or the Beginning of the Evidential Procedure?" ZAR 18 (2012) (forthcoming)
Books in Preparation
Seduction and Rape in Exodus 22:15-16 and Deuteronomy 22:28:-29 in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Legal Systems and the Ancient Jewish Law
Sin and Punishment in Deuteronomy 22:13-21 in the Light of Ancient Near Eastern Legal Systems and the Ancient Jewish Law
Families in Genesis: Studies Pertaining to Chapters 12-25 in the Light of Medieval Jewish Interpretation and Ancient Near Eastern Literature
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/04/2022