Prof. Jonathan Jacobs


    Personal Details:

    Name:                          Jonathan Jacobs

    I.D. no.:                        02208150-9

    Date of birth:                5 Kislev 5726; 29 November 1965

    Personal status:             Married + 5

    Address:                       Mishol ha-Vered 5/b, P.O.B. 414 Alon Shvut 9043300

    Tel:                               02-9934292





    Yeshivat Har Etzion, Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion


    Teachers’ Diploma in Jewish Studies, Herzog College


    Rabbinical Ordination, Chief Rabbinate of Israel


    B.A. in Education, Jerusalem College


    M.A. in Bible Studies, Bar Ilan University


    Ph.D. in Bible Studies, Bar-Ilan University




    Experience in Education and Teaching:


    Israel Tour Guide


    Homeroom Teacher ("Ram) at Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Kfar Ha-Ro’eh


    Lecturer at Bar Ilan University (Bible Dpt. and Midrasha)


    Lecturer at Lipschitz Academic College for Teachers - Jerusalem


    Lecturer at Ashkelon College


    Lecturer at Herzog College – Alon Shvut


    Coordinator of Bible Studies Dept. at Herzog College


    Lecturer at Touro College


    Deputy head of The Institute for Advanced Torah Studies - The Midrasha for Women at Bar Ilan University






    I.D.F. military service – infantry, Giv’ati


    Responsible for religious-secular encounters and supplementary studies for outstanding students at Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Kfar Ha-Ro’eh


    Secondary Editor in the New Hebrew Encyclopedia (Biblical Exegesis)


    A member of the steering committee of the SBL annual Midrash and Parshanut section


    A position on the Editorial Board of the "Judaism in Context" series in Gorgias Press


    Head of the Strochlitz Center for the Advancement of the Study of the Teaching of Jewish Professions



    Ad-Hoc Reviewer for academic Journals:

    English: AJS Review; European Journal of Jewish Studies (EJJS); Jewish Quarterly Review (JQR); Jewish Studies Internet Journal (JSIJ); Journal of Jewish Studies (JJS); Medieval Encounters; Oxford Bibliographies; Revue des Etudes Juives (REJ); Sefarad: Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes (CSIC, Spain)

    Hebrew: Beit-Mikra; Cathedra; Jewish Studies; Kovetz Al Yad; Megadim; Michlol; Mikan-Journal for Hebrew Literary Studies; Moreshet Israel; Oreshet; Pe'amim; Studies in Bible and Exegesis; Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies

    Ad-Hoc Reviewer for academic Publishers:

    Gorgias Press; Bar-Ilan University Press; Tevunot

    Reviewer on Thesis and Ph.D.:

    Bar-Ilan University; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Tel Aviv University; University of Haifa

    Ad-Hoc Reviewer for:

    Israel Science Foundation (ISF); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)



    UCL (University College of London), 2020





    Awards and Scholarships (During the Ph.D):

    1. Rector’s Award for Excellence 1999
    2. Award for Excellence by the Scholarship and Awards Committee for Ph.D. Students, 1999
    3. Hay Foundation Fellowship, 2000
    4. Mozes S. Schupf Foundation Fellowship, 2001
    5. Fellowship awarded by the Miriam Goldstein and Yaakov Dinar Family Foundation, 2002


    Awards and Scholarships (After the Ph.D)

    1. Award for Excellence in Education, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011
    2. Rector's Prize for Excellent Teacher, 2010
    3. Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts, 2013
    4. Izhak Ben-Zvi Prize for the book Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Addenda Written in the Land of Israel, 2017




    Lecturer                       Midrasha - Bar Ilan University


    Senior Lecturer           Midrasha - Bar Ilan University


    Senior Lecturer           Bible Department - Bar Ilan University


    Professor                     Bible Department - Bar Ilan University


    External Grants:

    1. The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 2009-2012, 114,000 NIS, "The Addenda to Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Written in Eretz Israel" (with Prof. Yosef Ofer).
    2. The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 2017, 18,517 NIS, assisting in Publication the Research "Bekhor Shoro Hadar Lo: R. Joseph Bekhor Shor Between Continuity and Innovation"
    3. The Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 2020–2023, 440,000 NIS, " The Attitudes of Medieval Commentators to Biblical Ambiguity" (with Prof. Jonathan Grossman)

    Internal Grants:

    1. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2010, 1000$, "Rabbi Joseph Kara as an Exegete of Biblical Narrative".
    2. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2011, 2000$, "The Scope of Dissemination of Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah in the 12th-14th Centuries".
    3. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2012, 1000$, "The Addenda to Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Written in Eretz Israel".
    4. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2013, 2000$, " The Leqah Tov Commentary on Song of Songs"
    5. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2014, 2000$, "The 'Narrative Parable' in the School of Rashi and His Disciples (11th-12th centuries)".
    6. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2015, 5500 NIS "Inner Biblical Exegesis in Bekchor-Shor's Commentary on the Torah".
    7. Vice President for Research, 2015, 10,936 NIS
    8. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2016, 15000 NIS "Inner Biblical Exegesis in Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah".
    9. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2017, 12,000 NIS, "Nahmanides and Ibn Ezra’s Commentaries on Genesis and Exodus"
    10. Foundation Ihel, Bar Ilan University, 2017, 6,000 NIS, "Nahmanides and Ibn Ezra’s Commentaries on Genesis and Exodus"
    11. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2018, 7,000 NIS, "Rabbi Joseph Bekhor Shor’s Influence on Radak’s Commentary on the Pentateuch"
    12. Foundation Ihel, Bar Ilan University, 2018, 2,000 NIS, "Byzantine Bible commentaries on 12th–13th Centuries"
    13. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2019, 7,000 NIS, "Byzantine Bible commentaries on 12th–13th Centuries"
    14. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2020, 2,000 NIS, “Saul’s Meal at Endor”
    15. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2021, 10,000 NIS, “’Scripture Interprets Itself’ in Rashbam’s Torah Commentary”
    16. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2022, 10,000 NIS, “‘Superfluous Text’ in the Commentaries of Rabbi Meyuḥas ben Elijah”
    17. Beit Shalom, Kyoto, Japan, 2023, 8,000 NIS, “Radak's Approach to Ambiguity in the Bible”

    Organization of Conferences:

    1.  The Plain meaning that are new - Rashbam International Conference, Ramat-Gan Israel, 30 May 2011. (Organized with Prof. Amos Frisch, Dr. Elie Assis, Dr. Moshe Rachimi)
    2. The 8th international Conference of Bar-Ilan Department of Bible, 9 May 2013 (Organized with Prof. Elie Assis)
    3. Biblical Exegesis through the Ages, Ramat-Gan, 9–10 May 2018 (Organized with Prof. Michael Avios and Dr. Lior Gottlib)
    4. Mainstream and Margins: Jewish Biblical Interpretation in the Middle Ages – A Conference in Memory of Aharon Mondschein, International Conference, Ramat-Gan, 16–17 June 2021 (Organized with prof. Eric Lawee and Prof. Yosef Ofer, zoom)
    5. The Bible and its World: The 2024 Israeli International Academic Conference, Jerusalem, 1–3 July 2024 (Organized with prof. Noam Mizrahi, Prof. Itamar Kislev, Dr. Shirly Natan-Yulzary)


    1. "The Illumination of the Pure Menorah - Rashi from Ramban's Perspective", Rashi - Teacher for Generations (Conference marking 900 years since his death), Alon-Shevut, 15 May 2005.
    2. "Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in Rashbam's Torah Commentary", Fourteen World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 31 June - 4 July 2005.
    3. "Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch as a Peshat Commentator: Literary Aspects of his Commentary on the Pentateuch", RSR Hirsh International Conference, Ramat-Gan Israel, 11 July 2008.
    4. "Willing Obedience with Doubts: Abraham at the Binding of Isaac", SBL 2009 International Meeting, Rome Italy, 30 June - 4 July 2009.
    5. "Literary Aspects on R. Joseph Bechor-Shor Commentary on the Pentateuch", Fifteen World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 2-6 August 2009.
    6. "Intertextuality in Northern France in the Middle Ages", 20th Congress of IOSOT, Helsinki Finland, 1-6 August 2010.
    7. "Rashbam Major Principles of Interpretation as Deduced from a Manuscript Fragment Discovered in 1984", 42nd Annual AJS Conference, Boston, 19-21 December 2010.
    8. "The Decline of Peshat Exegesis in the 13th Century: Between France and Spain", 13th Century France - Continuity and Change, ISF-IAS Conference at IAS, Jerusalem, 14-17 February 2011.
    9. " Books and Scholars Encountered by Ramban Only Upon Arrival in the Land of Israel", The Torah has Seventy Faces - The Diversity of Medieval Jewish Biblical Commentary, Haifa, 22-24 May 2011.
    10. "Why was Rashbam’s Commentary Not Widely Disseminated? – A Re-Examination", The Plain Meaning that are New - Rashbam International Conference, Ramat-Gan Israel, 30 May 2011.
    11. "Ramban’s Addenda to his Commentary upon Reaching the Land of Israel", SBL International Meeting, London England, 4-8 July 2011.
    12. "Concerning the Dissemination of Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah in Provence During the 12th-14th Centuries", The International Conference for Judaic Studies - The Jewry of Provence (IECJ), Marseille, 13–15 February 2012.
    13. "Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch as a Peshat Commentator:  Literary Aspects of his Commentary on the Pentateuch", SBL International Meeting, Amsterdam, 22–26 July 2012.
    14. "Song of Songs: Commentary of Leqah Tov and its Relationship with the Commentary of Rashi", SBL International Meeting, St. Andreus, 7–11 July 2013.
    15. "Midrash Leqah Tov on Song of Songs: R. Tobia ben Eliezer between Peshat and Derash", Sixteen World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 28 July – 1 August 2013.
    16. "The Leqah Tov Commentary on Song of Songs and its Place in the History of Biblical Exegesis", 21th Congress of IOSOT, Munich Germany, 4–9 August 2013.
    17. "The Allegorical Exegesis on Song of Songs by R. Tubia ben Eliezer - Leqah Tov", SBL Annual, Baltimore, 23–26 November 2013.
    18. "אנאלוגיה בין דמויות משניות המלוות דמות ראשית", "תהילתי יספרו" - כנס בנושא חקר הסיפור המקראי, רמת גן, 12 ביולי 2014.
    19. "The 'Narrative Parable' in the School of Rashi and His Disciples (11th-12th centuries)",NAPH - International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Beer sheva, 24-26 June 2014.
    20. "The 'Narrative Parable' in the School of Rashi and His Disciples (11th-12th centuries)", SBL International Meeting, Vienna, 6–10 July 2014.
    21. "The contribution of R. Tuvia ben Eliʽezer ('Lekaḥ Tov') to the Judeo-Christian polemic", Xth EAJS Congress, Paris, 20–24 July 2014
    22. "R. Tuvia ben Eliʽezer ('Lekaḥ Tov') and the Judeo-Christian polemic", SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego, 22–25 November 2014 
    23. "Inner-Biblical Exegesis in Rashbam's Commentary on Qoheleth", EABS, Cordoba, 12–15 July 2015
    24. "The 'Narative Parable' in Northern France in the 11th­–13th Centuries", Wisdom and Moralizing Literature in a Multicultural Journey in the Middle Ages, between Oral and Written Traditions, ISF-IAS Conference at IAS, Jerusalem, 16–19 November 2015.
    25. "The 'Anticipation Principle' in the Biblical Commentary of R. Joseph Bekhor Shor", SBL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 21–24 November 2015
    26. "Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in Rashbam's Torah Commentary", SBL International Meeting, Seoul, 3–7 July 2016   
    27. "Inner-Biblical Exegesis in Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah", EABS, Leuven, 17­–20 July 2016
    28. "ambiguity in R. Joseph Bekhor Shor Torah Commentary", NAPH - International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, New York, 27–29 June 2017
    29. "Ramban, and two commentaries of Ibn Ezra to Exodus", 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July 2017
    30. "The Possibility of God Revealing Himself to Man According to Rashbam’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", Biblical Exegesis through the Ages, Ramat-Gan 9–10 may 2018
    31. "The Possibility of God: revealing his form Man According to Rashbam’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", EAJS, Krakow, 15–19 July 2018
    32. "The Possibility of God Revealing Himself to Man According to Rashbam’s Commentary on the Pentateuch",  SBL International Meeting, Helsinki, 30 July - 3 August 2018
    33. "Jews of Byzantine in Dialogue", Jews in Dialogue, JTS - Shocken Institute for Jewish Research, Jerusalem, 3 June 2019
    34. "From France to Provence: Rabbi Joseph Bekhor Shor’s Influence on Radak’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", SBL International Meeting, Rome, 1–5 July 2019
    35. "From France to Provence: Rabbi Joseph Bekhor Shor’s Influence on Radak’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", EABS, Warsaw, 11–14 August 2019
    36. “Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah: His Geographical Provenance, Works, and Chronology”, Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Las Vegas, 14–16 march 2021
    37. "Hoffman's Attitude toward the Tension between Peshat and Derash", Rabbi Dr. David Zvi Hoffmann (1843–1921): Scholar, Exegete, Halakhist, Leader, International Conference, Ramat-Gan, 3 January 2022
    38. "Virtue Ethics in the Thought of Nahmanides", Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Oklahoma City, 27–28 March 2022
    39. ‘Superfluous Text’ in the Commentaries of Rabbi Meyuḥas ben Elijah", EABS, Toulouse, 4–7 July 2022
    40. "Virtue Ethics in the Thought of Nahmanides", SBL International Meeting, Salzburg, 17–21 July 2022
    41. "Virtue Ethics in the Thought of Nahmanides", 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, 8–12 August 2017
    42. "Intertextuality in Northern France in the Middle Ages", Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Las Vegas, 12–13 March 2023
    43. “Radak's Approach to Ambiguity in the Bible”, the Annual Conference of Bar-Ilan Department of Bible, Ramat-Gan, 7–8 june 2023
    44. “Ambiguity on the Level of the Plain sense in Rashi's Commentaries on the Bible”, EABS, Syracuse, 10–13 July 2023
    45. “Superfluous Text in the Commentaries of Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah”, EAJS, Frankfurt, 16–20 July 2023
    46. “Rabbi David Kimhi (Radak) approach to the ‘complex words’ in the Bible”, Provence Seminar, Provence, 20–29 August 2023
    47. “Ambiguity on the Level of the Plain Sense in Rashi's Commentaries on the Bible”, AJS Annual Conference, San Francisco, 17–19 December 2023
    48. “Rabbi David Kimhi (Radak) approach to the ‘complex words’ in the Bible”, NAPH, Seatle, 25–27 June 2024
    49. "שחזור פירושי רי"ק לתורה בעזרת זיהוי אמצעים לשוניים וספרותיים" , The Bible and its World: The 2024 Israeli International Academic Conference, Jerusalem, 1–3 July 2024
    50. “The Double Water-from-a-Stone Narratives and Bekhor Shor’s Innovative Reading”, EABS, Sofia, 15–18 July


    Seminars Presentations at Universities and Institutions:

    1. "Rashbam - Major Literal Commentator of the 12th Century: Background and Commentary", Jewish History Dept. seminar, Bar-Ilan University, 21 April 2010
    2. "Rashi Commentary on Song of Songs", Bible Dept. Seminar, Bar-Ilan University, 22 November 2012
    3. "New discoveries on Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Addenda Written in the Land of Israel", Departmental Research Seminar, Department of Bible Studies, Tel Aviv University, 15 January 2013
    4. "The Influence of Land of Israel on Ramban's Torah Commentaries", Yad Ben Zvi Institute, 23 December 2013
    5. "Rashi and the Jewish-Christian Polemic", Jewish Congress, Bar-Ilan University, 22 June 2014
    6. "Polemics in Biblical Commentaries", The Department for Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University, 4 November 2014
    7. "Bible and beyond", Academy Bible studies in Israel, Tel Aviv University, 21 March 2017
    8. "Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Addenda Written in the Land of Israel", York University, Toronto, 15 November 2017
    9. "'Scripture Interprets Itself' in Rashbam’s Torah Commentary", Departmental Research Seminar, Department of Bible Studies, Tel Aviv University, 27 November 2018
    10. “Ramban’s Addenda to his Commentary Upon Reaching the Land of Israel”, Biblical Studies Post-Graduate Research Seminar, Trinity Centre for Biblical Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 20 September 2019
    11. “Distribution of the commentary of Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra”, Bible Dept. Seminar, Bar-Ilan University, 9 January 2020
    12. “Ambiguity on the Level of the Plain Sense in Rashi's Commentaries on the Bible”, Bible Dept. Conference, Shaanan College, 30 May 2022


    Supervision of Students: PhD

    1. Yosef Erel, "Nahmanides' Attitude to Women as Reflected in His Commentary on the Torah", Approved 2019
    2. Miriam Jacobs, "Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrahi's Defense of Rashi from Nahmanides Criticism According to His Commentary on the Book of Genesis", Approved 2019
    3. Reut Lerer, “Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz’s “Keli Yakar” Commentary of the Torah”
    4. Raanan Lancry, “Anti-Christian Polemical Exegesis in the Tosafist Torah Commentaries”
    5. Liora Shamash, “Nechama Leibowitz's Commentary”


    Supervision of Students: Thesis

    1. Raanan Lancry, "Anti-Christian Polemical Exegesis in the Genesis Commentary of R. David Kimhi (Radak)", Approved 2019
    2. Otniel Manthor, "Rabbi Yihye Al-Zahari Exegetic Method, Based on 'Tzida Laderech' - his Commentary on the Book of Genesis", Approved 2019
    3. David Pastin, "The Literary Role of Places in books Judges and Samuel", Approved 2019
    4. Avichai Levy, "Rashi’s Hermeneutics – Rashi’s Approach to Rabbinical Midrash in his Torah Commentary", Approved 2020
    5. Reut Lerer, “Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz’s Sources in his ‘Keli Yakar’ Commentary on the Book of Genesis”, Approved 2020
    6. Noa Barda, “Ibn Ezra's Outlook on Women Based on his Biblical Commentaries”, Approved 2020
    7. Efrat Holstein, “The Individual According to The Neziv in His Commentaries on The Torah” ”, Approved 2022
    8. Zippi Agrat, “Exile and Redemption in Rav Ovadia Sforno's Commentary on the Tora - A Duel Leveled Commentary”, Approved 2022
    9. Liora Shamash, “Nechama Leibowitz's 'Peshat' Commentary in comparison to Rashbam's Commentary”, Approved 2023
    10. Asaf Lavkovsky, “Rashi's Approach to the Thirteen Midots of Rabbi Ishmael”
    11. Ethan Maazari, “The effects of the Aramaic translation of The Song of Songs on Rashi's commentary on the Megilla”
    12. Yaron Zair, “A comparison between two Ibn Ezra’s commentaries on Daniel”
    13. Golan Amar, “The Midrashic Commentary of R. Samuel ben David ben Salomon on the Torah”
    14. Arie Vered, “Radak’s Sources in his commentaries on the prophets”




    Jonathan Jacobs - List of Publications



    The Story of Jephthah, Literary Analysis, (supervised by Prof. Shmuel Vargon), Ramat-Gan 1997 (in Hebrew).


    Ph. D. Dissertation:

    Measure for Measure as Literary and Ideological Tool in the Biblical Storytelling, (supervised by Prof. Moshe Garsiel), Ramat-Gan 2002 (in Hebrew).



    1. Measure for Measure in the Biblical Storytelling, Alon-Shvut 2006 (in Hebrew) 264 pp.
    2. Nahmanides' Torah Commentary Addenda Written in the Land of Israel (with Prof. Yosef Ofer), Jerusalem 2013 (in Hebrew) 718 pp.
    3. Bekhor Shoro Hadar Lo - R. Joseph Bekhor Shor between Continuity and Innovation, Jerusalem 2017 (in Hebrew) 352 pp.
    4. Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah Commentary on the Torah: Genesis-Exodus, Herzog Research Authority and World Union of Jewish Studies (HEB), 



    1. "The story of King Saul's Anointment (I Samuel 10-11), megadim 38 (2003), pp. 59-71 (in Hebrew).
    2. "The Character of Abraham in the Akeda Story", B'rosh Hashanah Yikkateivun, Studies on Rosh Hashanah, Alon-Shvut 2003, pp. 119-132 (in Hebrew).
    3. "Why Are You Cast Down, O My Soul and Disquieted in Me? - An Analysis of Psalms 42-43", Megadim 40 (2004), pp. 63-74 (in Hebrew).
    4. "Word Pairs that Shape Measure for Measure in the Bible", Leshonenu 66 (2004), pp. 219-232 (in Hebrew).
    5. "From Fear to Love, an Analysis of Psalms 130-131", U-Ve-Yom Tzom Kippur Yehatemun, Studies on Yom Ha-Kippurim, Alon-Shvut 2005, pp. 317-326 (in Hebrew).
    6. "The Character of Ester, an Analysis of Ester 2", Ya-ale Hadas, Maale-Michmas 2005, pp. 63-72 (in Hebrew).
    7. "Later Addenda to Rashbam’s Commentary on the Torah", Tarbiz, 76, 3-4 (2007), pp. 445–469, (in Hebrew).
    8. "'Extrapolating One Word from Another' - Rashbam as an Interpreter of the Bible on its Own Terms", Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 17 (2007), pp. 215–231 (in Hebrew).
    9. "Inner-Biblical Interpretation in Rashbam's Qoheleth Commentary", Teshura Le-'Amos, Collected Studies in Biblical Exegesis Presented to 'Amos Hakham, Ed. M. Bar-Asher, N. Hacham, Y. Ofer, Alon-Shevut 2007, pp. 71–84 (in Hebrew).
    10. "The 'Principle of Anticipation' in Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah", Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Vol. 8, Presented to Elazar Touitou, Ed. S. Vargon, A. Frisch, M. Rachimi, Jerusalem 2008, pp. 451–479 (in Hebrew).
    11. "Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in Rashbam's Torah Commentary", Iggud - Selected Essays in Jewish Studies, vol. 1, Jerusalem 2008, pp. 125-142 (in Hebrew).
    12. "Characterizing Esther from the Outset: The Contribution of the story in Esther 2:1-20", JHS 8\16 (2008).
    13. "The Role of the Secondary Characters in the Story of the Anointing of Saul (I Sam. ix-x)", VT 58 (2008), pp. 495-509.
    14. "The Death of the Sun of David and Bat-Sheva (2Sam. 12, 13-25)", Megadim 50 (2009), pp. 135-142 (in Hebrew).
    15. "Shrugging Off a Kindness in Biblical Narrative: David Repays His Enemy's Evil with a Good", Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Vol. 9, Presented to Moshe Garsiel, Ramat-Gan 2009, pp. 129-142 (in Hebrew).
    16. "Was Ramban Familiar with Rashbam’s Commentary on the Torah?", Madaei-Hayahadut 46 (2009), pp. 85-108 (in Hebrew).
    17. "Inner-Biblical Exegesis in the Commentary of Rashbam on the Bible – Rashbam’s Terminology in Referring to a Cited Verse", REJ 168 (2009), pp. 463-480.
    18. "'But It Seems to Me; … but I Say': Later Additions to Rashbam’s Torah Commentary", HUCA 80 (2009), pp. 143–172.
    19. "Does Rashbam’s Commentary on the Torah Acknowledge the Commentaries of Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra?" JJS 61, 2 (2010), pp. 291-304.
    20. "Was Radak Familiar with Rashbam’s Commentary on the Torah?", Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 20 (2010), pp. 117-135 (in Hebrew).
    21. "Willing Obedience with Doubts: Abraham at the Binding of Isaac", VT 60 (2010), pp. 546-559.
    22. "The Downfall of Jephthah", Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Vol. 10, Presented to Shmuel Vargon, Ramat Gan 2011, pp. 71-95 (in Hebrew).
    23. "To what Degree was Rashbam Familiar with Midrash Leqah Tov?", Avraham Reiner (ed.), Ta-Shma: Studies in Judaica in Memory of  Israel M. Ta-Shma, Allon Shevut 2011, pp. 475–499 (in Hebrew).
    24.   "Rashbam's Major Principles of Interpretation as deduced from a manuscript fragment discovered in 1984", REJ 170 (2011), pp. 443–463.  
    25. "Rabbi Joseph Kara as an Exegete of Biblical Narrative: Discovering the Phenomenon of Exposition", JSQ 19 (2012), pp. 73–89.
    1. "Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch as a Peshat Commentator: Literary Aspects of his Commentary on the Pentateuch", RRJ 15 (2012), pp. 190–200.
    2. "Books Encountered by Ramban after He Arrived in the Land of Israel", JSIJ 11 (2012), pp. 105–118 (in Hebrew).
    3. " 'The way of the world, the knowledge gained by humans, the meaning of the verse' - Rashbam's Major Principles of 'Peshat' Interpretation", Rashi and his Disciples, ed. Avinoam Cohen, Jerusalem 2013, pp. 65–82 (in Hebrew).
    4. "The Death of David's Son by Bathsheba (II Sam 12:13-25): A Narrative in Context", VT 63 (2013), pp. 566–576.
    5. "The Text of Rashbam's Commentary on the Torah according to Breslau MS and other Sources", Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis Presented to Professor Rimon Kasher, ed. Michael Avioz, Elie Assis, Yael Shemesh, Atlanta 2013, pp. 468–488 (in Hebrew).
    6. "Nahmanides' Addenda to his Commentary on the Pentateuch in light of Ms Cambridge 525", JJS 65 (2014), pp. 113–128 (with Yosef Ofer)
    7.  "The Leqah Tov Commentary on Song of Songs - its Place in the History of Biblical Exegesis and its Relationship with the Commentary of Rashi", Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 23 (2014), pp. 225–241 (in Hebrew).
    8. "The Allegorical Exegesis of Song of Songs by R. Tuviah ben Eliʽezer – 'Lekaḥ Tov', and its Relation to Rashi's Commentary", AJS Review 39 (2015), pp. 75–92.
    9. "Inner-Biblical Exegesis in Rashbam's Commentary on Qohelet", It’s Better to Hear the Rebuke of the Wise Than the Song of Fools (Qoh 7:5): Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Vol. 6, Edited by W. David Nelson and Rivka Ulmer, New Jersey 2015, pp. 167–188.
    10. "The 'Anticipation Principle' in the Biblical Commentary of R. Joseph Bekhor Shor", HUCA 87 (2016), pp. 251–277
    11. "The Influence of Land of Israel on Ramban's Torah Commentaries", 'Al-'Atar - Journal of Land of Israel Studies 19 (2017), pp. 37–55 (in Hebrew).
    12. "Use of the 'Narrative Parable' by Northern France Disciples (11th-12th centuries)", Shnaton 25 (2017), pp. 223–251.
    13. "The Four Senses of ‘ki’: The Teaching of Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish and the 'Tradition of the Verses' in Medieval Exegesis", Leshonenu 79 (2017), pp. 96–111 (in Hebrew).
    14. "Why was Rashbam’s Commentary Not Widely Disseminated? – A Re-Examination", Beit Mikra 62 (2017), pp. 41–79 (in Hebrew).
    15. "'Scripture Interprets Itself' in Rashbam’s Torah Commentary", From Creation to Redemption: Progressive Approaches to Midrash, Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Vol. 7, Edited by W. David Nelson and Rivka Ulmer, New Jersey 2017, pp. 57–83.
    16. "Nahmanides, and Ibn Ezra’s Commentaries on Exodus", Hispania Judaica Bulletin 13 (2017), pp. 51–70.
    17. "'And There Renew the Kingship': The Double Coronation of Saul (1 Samuel 10-11)", SJOT 32 (2018), pp. 189–200.
    18. "Rashbam's approach to Targum Onqelos in his Commentary to the Torah", Aramaic Studies 16 (2018), pp. 64–77.
    1. "Nahmanides and Ibn Ezra’s Commentaries on Genesis", JJS 70 (2019), pp. 45–67.
    2. "From France to Provence: Rabbi Joseph Bekhor Shor’s Influence on Radak’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", JSQ 26 (2019), pp. 146–161
    3. "The Possibility of God: revealing his form Man According to Rashbam’s Commentary on the Pentateuch", Da'at 87 (2019), pp. 85–103 (in Hebrew)
    4. "Retrospection as an Exegetical Devise in Rashbam’s Torah Commentary", Torah is a Hidden Treasure: Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Volume 8, Edited by W. David Nelson and Rivka Ulmer, New Jersey 2019, pp. 151–176.
    5. "Analogies between Minor Characters: The Example of Michal", Characters and Characterization in the Book of Samuel, Benjamin J.M. Johnson and Keith Bodner (eds.), London 2020, pp. 157–166.
    6. "Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in R. Yosef Kara’s Torah Commentary", JSIJ 20 (2021), pp. 1–15 (in Hebrew).
    7. “Onqelos in Byzantium in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: The Relationship of R. Samuel of Rossano and R. Meyuhas ben Elijah to the Aramaic Translation”, RRJ 24 (2021), pp. 231–246. 
    8. "Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah: His Geographical Provenance, Works, and Chronology", REJ 181 (2022), pp. 111–136.
    9. "derekh ha-miqra (‘the way of Scripture’) in Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah’s Commentary on the Torah”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis in Memory of Prof. Aharon Mondshein, ed. Malca Shenvald, Israel 2022, pp. 193–207 (in Hebrew).
    10. "Virtue Ethics in the Thought of Naḥmanides", Jewish Virtue Ethics, eds. Geoffrey D. Claussen, Alexander Graan and Alan Mittleman, Albany 2023, pp. 123–136. 
    11. “‘biblical parable’ in Rabbi Meyuhas ben Elijah’s Commentary on the Torah”, The Shamir, The Letters, The Writing and the Tablets: Studies in Honor of Professor Shamir Yona, Eds. Eliyahu Asis and others, Jerusalem 2023, pp. 123–132 (in Hebrew).
    12. “Rabbenu Bahya ben Asher's Awareness of Ambiguous Expression in the Bible” JSIJ 23 (2023), 31 pages (with Jonathan Grossman).
    13. “Rachi de Troyes et son école”, histoire juive de la France, ed. Sylvie Anne Goldberg, Paris 2023, pp. 91–96.
    14. “Ambiguity on the Level of the Plain Sense in Rashi's Commentaries on the Bible”, Madaei-Hayahadut 58 (2) (2024), pp. 47–84 (with Jonathan Grossman).
    15. “Rabbi David Kimhi’s approach to the ‘complex words’ in the Bible”, Leshonenu 86 (2024), pp. 206–220 (with Jonathan Grossman).

    Book Reviews:

    1. "The Plain Meaning of the Text (On: To Settle the Plain Meaning of the Vers: Studies in Biblical Exegesis)", Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 22 (2013), pp. 255–273 (in Hebrew).
    2. "Reuel and his Friends - Jewish Byzantine Exegetes from around the Tenth Century C.E.", Beit Mikra 58, 1 (2013), pp. 167–176. 
    3. On "The Challenge of Received Tradition: Dilemmas of Interpretation in Radak's Biblical Commentaries, by Naomi Grunhaus, New York 2012", Shofar 32, 4 (2014), pp. 167–169.
    4. "מול תעמולת הנוצרים" (על הספר: פירוש 'מדרש חכמים' על התורה), מקור ראשון גיליון 1079 (13.4.2018), מוסף שבת עמ' 22–23.
    5. “The Plane meaning of Song of Songs (on: The way of Lovers, Sara Japhet and Barry Dov Walfish)”, Shnaton - an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 26 (2020), pp. 437–446 (in Hebrew)

    Encyclopedia Entries:

    Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR), Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter

    1. “Isaac ben Samuel 'Al-Kanzi'”, EBR vol. 13 (2016), pp. 289–291
    2. “Isaiah ben Mali di Trani”, EBR vol. 13 (2016), pp. 345–346
    3. “Karo, Isaac”, EBR vol. 15 (2017), pp. 52–54
    4. “Masnut, Samuel ben Nissim”, EBR vol. 17 (2019), pp. 1264–1265
    5. “Meiri, Menahem ben Solomon”, EBR vol. 18 (2020), p. 478–480
    6.  “Menahem ben Helbo”, EBR vol. 18 (2020), pp. 598–599
    7. “Menahem ben Simeon of Posquieres”, EBR vol. 18 (2020), pp. 605–607
    8. “Menahem ben Solomon”, EBR vol. 18 (2020), pp. 607–608
    9. “Meyuhas ben Elijah”, EBR vol. 18 (2020), pp. 1078–1080
    10. “Mizrahi Elijah”, EBR vol. 19 (2021), pp. 481–483
    11. “Moskoni, Judah Leon ben Moses”, EBR vol. 19 (2021), pp. 1065–1067
    12. “Naḥmanides, Moses”, EBR vol. 20 (2022), pp. 576–580
    13. “Nethanel al-Fayyumi”, EBR
    14. “Nethanel ben Isaiah”, EBR 21 (2023), pp. 190-193
    15. “Nissim ben Reuven ("Ran")”, EBR 21 (2023), pp. 544–545
    16. Pentateuchal Criticism | Judaism | Medieval Judaism”, EBR
    17. “Provencal School of Biblical Exegesis”, EBR
    18. “Qimḥi, Joseph”, EBR
    19. “Qimḥi, Moses”, EBR
    20. “Solomon ben Issac, ha-Levi”, EBR


    Une histoire juive de la France, ed. Sylvie Anne Goldberg, Editions Albin Michel, Paris

    1. “Rachi de Troyes et son école”


    New Hebrew Encyclopedia, Jerusalem

    1. “Measure for Measure“
    2. “Joseph Bekhor Shor”
    3. “Hizkuni (Hizkiya bar Manoah)”
    4. “Eliezer of Beaugency”
    5. “Samuel ben Nissim Masnut”
    6. “Menahem ben Helbo”




    Last Updated Date : 07/08/2024