Prof. Moshe Garsiel
General Information
- Born: Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Marital Status: Married to Dr. Bathsheba Garsiel, 3 children.
- Home Address: 110 Rothschild Street, Petach-Tiqva 49333, ISRAEL.
- B.A. Bible & Hebrew Literature, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 1965.
- M.A. Bible, Tel-Aviv University 1968.
- Ph.D. Bible, Tel-Aviv University 1974.
- Post-Doctorate Biblical Archaeology, Tel-Aviv University 1974-5.
University Teaching & Administration
- 1968-1973 Instructor, The Dpt. of Bible, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
- 1974-1977 Lecturer, The Dpt. of Bible, Bar-Ilan University.
- 1975-1977 Chairperson of The Dpt. of The Land of Israel Studies, Bar-Ilan.
- 1977-1978 Visiting Professor of Bible & Biblical Archaeology, The Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, IL., USA
- 1978-1980 Senior Lecture (status--tenure), The Dpt. of Bible, Bar-Ilan.
- 1981 Visiting Professor, spring semester, The Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, IL., USA.
- 1981-1984 Chairperson of The Dpt. of Bible, Bar-Ilan.
- 1984 Associate Professor, Bar-Ilan.
- 1985-1986 Visiting Professor of Bible & Biblical Archaeology, The University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee, WI, USA.
- 1987 Bar-Ilan.
- 1989&1991 Visiting Professor of the Graduate Summer School, The Hebrew Theological College, Skokie, IL., USA.
- 1988-1992 Chairperson, The Dpt. of Bible, Bar-Ilan.
- 1992 Full Professor and a Senate member, Bar-Ilan Un.
- 1992-1993 Visiting Professor of Bible and Biblical Archaeology, The Jews' College -- The University of London, UK.
- 1994-1995 Coordinator of The Teaching Committee of Bar-Ilan's Senate.
- 1997 Part time position as a Visiting Professor at the Dep. of Bible, Tel Aviv University, Graduate School.
- 1997-2001 Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan Un.
- 2002-2003 Bar-Ilan, also part time position as a Visiting Professor at the Dep. of Jewish History, Haifa University Graduate School.
- 2006 – 2011 Professor Emeritus: part time position at Bar-Ilan Un; part time chair of MA program at Academic College of Education, Giveat Washington (Israel)
Field Activity
- 1968-1984 Coordinator of field research team. In these field excursions thousands of slides of biblical sites, archaeological digs, etc., were developed for teaching purposes.
- 1975 (Summer) Participation in the excavation at Tel Apheq.
- 1976 (Winter) Coordinator of the excavation at Izbet-Sarta (biblical Even-ezer.)
- 1976 (Summer) Coordinator of Izbet-Sarta excavation.In this season the earliest Hebrew inscription (preceding the Gezer tablet) has been discovered.
- 1977 (Summer) Coordinator of Izbet-Sarta excavation.
Academic Activity
- 1992-2003 Member of Beith Miqra board of editors. Member of Biqoreth U-Parshanuth (Criticism and Interpretation) board of editors
Public Lecturing Programs
Intensive activity in adult education programs: many long series of lectures on the Bible and Biblical Archaeology (accompanied with slides) were delivered in many places in Israel, Chicago & Milwaukee (USA) and London (UK).
Academic Fields of Interest
- Historiography of the Bible.
- Geographical and archaeological aspects of the Bible.
- A literary interpretation of the Bible.
- Biblical names and their literary meaning.
- Ugaritic writings and the Bible.
Last Updated Date : 28/06/2022