Prof. Amos Frisch


    Academic Fields of Interest

    Literary Study of the Bible (esp.: Biblical narrative)

    Jewish Bible exegesis (esp.: in the 16th- 19th centuries)

    Biblical kingship

    The Book of Psalms


    I.  Books (as author)

    1.         The Bible's View of Labor (Heilal Ben-Haim's Library– Basic Books in Jewish Studies), Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press, 1999, 168 pp. (Heb.).

    2.         Torn Asunder: The Division of the Kingdom Narrative in the Book of Kings, Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press (distributed by Bialik Institute), 2013, 310 pp. (Hebrew) + XIV (English). 


    II. Books (as editor)

    1.             Yehudah Elitzur, Israel and the Bible: Studies in Geography, History and Biblical Thought (co-editor: Yoel Elitzur), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1999 (Heb.).

    2.                  Studies in Bible and Exegesis 5 (U. Simon Jubilee Volume) (co-editors: M. Garsiel, J. Kugel, S. Vargon), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000 (Heb.).

    3.                  Studies in Bible and Exegesis 8 (E. Touitou Jubilee Volume Volume) (co-editors: M. Rehimi, S. Vargon), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press & Elkana: Orot Israel College Press, 2008 (Heb.).

    4.                  Studies in Bible and Exegesis 9 (M. Garsiel Jubilee Volume) (co-editors: R. Kasher, J. Kugel, S. Vargon), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009 (Heb.).

    5.                  Studies in Bible and Exegesis 10 (S. Vargon Jubilee Volume) (co-editors: D. Elgavish, M. Garsiel, R. Kasher), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2011 (Heb.).


    III. Articles

    1.             “Study of  Biblical  Parallels: On  M. Zeidel's  Book  Hiqrei Mikra and Methodological Remarks on the Study of Inner-Biblical Parallels”, Beit Mikra 27 (1982), pp. 88-95 (Heb.).

    2.         “The Number ‘One Hundred’ in the Bible”, Beit Mikra 30 (1985), pp. 435-440 (Heb.).

    3.            “Rashi’s Commentary on the Law of Fourfold and Fivefold Payment (Exodus 21, 37) – A Diachronic and Synchronic Study”, Peraqim 7 (1987), pp. 155-160 (Heb.). 

    4.         “Shemaiah the Prophet versus King Rehoboam: Two Opposed Interpretations of the Schism (1 Kings XII 21-4)”, Vetus Testamentum 38 (1988), pp. 466-468.

    5.         “2 Samuel Ch. 6”, Introduction and Exegesis of selected verses, in: S. Abramski and M. Garsiel (eds.), World of the Bible Encyclopedia: II Samuel, Jerusalem and Ramat-Gan, 1989, pp. 58-61 (Heb.).

    6          “Rabbi Jacob Pardo's Contribution to the Literary Exegesis of the Bible”, Proceedings of the Tenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A: The Bible and Its World, Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1990, pp. 95-101 (Heb.).

    7.         “On the Method of Prof. Meir Weiss in Biblical Study”, Qiryat Sefer 63 (1991), pp. 655-659 (Heb.).

    8.         “R. Samuel Lanyado’s and R. Jacob Pardo’s Commentaries on the Offering of Kingship to Gideon”, Sinai 108 (1991), pp. 147-153 (Heb.).

    9.         “ועניתם (I Reg 12, 7): An Ambiguity and its Function in the Context”, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 103 (1991), pp. 415-418.

    10.       “Structure and its Significance: The Narrative of Solomon’s Reign (1 Kings 1 – 12:24)”, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 51 (1991), pp. 3-14.

    11.       “A Rejoinder”, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 51 (1991), pp. 22-24.

    12.       ”Between the Book of Esther and the Book of Kings”,  Mehkerei Hag 3 (1992), pp. 25-35 (Heb.).

    13.       “On Four Pairing of Cities with Jerusalem in the Bible”, Mehkerei Hag 4 (1992), pp. 34-42 (Heb.).

    14.       “The Exegesis of Malbim on the Bible”, Mahanayim 4 (1992), pp. 370-379 (Heb.).

    15.       ”Context Versus Criticism: The Contribution of Context Circles in Uncovering the Biblical Narrator’s Attitude Towards a Character’s Criticism”, Dappim Research in Literature 9 (1993-94), pp. 175-194 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XI-XII].

    16.       “On ‘Diyukim al Ha-Torah’ by Rabbi Pinchas Wolff”, Bisdeh Hemed 37 (1994), pp. 81-84 (Heb.).

    17.       “Contrasted Evaluations by Characters and Its Realization by Means of the ‘Leading Word’ ŠWB (II Sam 15-20 and I Kings 12)”, Beit Mikra 39 (1994), pp. 245-257 (Heb.).

    18.       “Jerusalem and Its Parallels: Five Cities Paired with Jerusalem in the Bible”, Abr Nahrain 32 (1994), pp. 80-95.

    19.       “On a New Commentary on Micah”, Beit Mikra 40 (1995), pp. 85-92 (Heb.).

    20.       “ ‘For I Feared the People and I Yielded to Them’ (1 Sam 15, 24) – Is Saul’s Guilt Attenuated or Intensified?”, Zeitschrift für die alttestament- liche Wissenschaft 108 (1996), pp. 98-104.

    21.   “The Kingdom Schism Narrative Against the Background of Shechem  Narratives”,  Judea and  Samaria   Research  Studies  5 (1996), pp. 37-46 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. IX-X].

    22.       “A Re-Evaluation of Jewish Biblical Exegesis of the 16th–19th Centuries”, in: D. Rappel (ed.), Studies in Bible and Education Presented to Prof. Moshe Ahrend, Jerusalem 1996, pp. 122-141 (Heb.).

    23.       “The Attitude Towards Work in Psalms”, Beit Mikra 41 (1996), pp. 317-328 (Heb.).

    24.       “On ‘World of the Bible Encyclopedia:1 Kings & 2 Kings’“, Al Haperek 11 (1996), pp. 137-142 (Heb.).

    25.       “References to the Exodus in  the  Beginning of the  Book of Kings”, Mehkerei Hag 8 (1996), pp. 8-21 (Heb.).

    26.       “Repentance and Return: A  Literary and   Theological Study of Three Biblical  Passages  (Deut.  30:  1-10; 1 Kings  8:  46-51; II Chron. 30: 6-9)”, Studies in  Bible and  Exegesis 4,  Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan    University    Press,   1997,    pp. 129-148  (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. IX-X].

    27.       “The Account of Solomon's Sin (1 Kings 11: 1-8): A Literary and Theological Analysis”, Shnaton  An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 11 (1997), pp. 167-179 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XVIII-XIX]; 12 (2000), p. 351.

    28.       “Rabbi S. R. Hirsch’s Method in the Issue of the ‘Ancestors’ Sins’”, in: M. Ahrend and S. Feuerstein (eds.), Biblical Studies and Teaching, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997, pp. 181-197 (Heb.).

    29.       “A New Book on Biblical Narrative”, Beit Mikra 42 (1997), pp. 377-381 (Heb.).

    30.       “On ‘Reading Prophetic Narratives’ by Uriel Simon”, Jewish Studies 38 (1998), pp. 383-388 (Heb.).

    31.       “רא"ה and שמ"ע as a Pair of Leitwörter”, Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division A: The Bible and Its World, Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1999, pp. 89-98 (Heb.).

    32.       “ימינך - A Forgotten Title of the King of Israel in the Book of Psalms”, Biblische Notizen 100 (1999), pp. 5-10.          

    33.       [On] “Women Read from the Beginning”, Jewish Quarterly Review 90 (1999-2000), pp. 454-456.

    34.       “Midrashic  Name  Derivations of   Solomon’s  Name in  the  Book of Kings”, Beit Mikra 44 (2000), pp. 84-96   [Hebrew Abstract: p. 83].

    35.       “The  Exodus Motif in 1 Kings 1-14”,  Journal for the  Study of the Old Testament 87 (2000), pp. 3-21.

    36.       “Toward  a Statement of Uriel   Simon’s   Approach to  Biblical Scholarship”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis 5 (U. Simon Jubilee Volume), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000, pp. 11-20.(Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. VI-VII].

    37.       “Literary   Biblical  Exegesis   in  the 16th  Century:  A  Study of the  Commentary of  R. Samuel  Lanyado  Concerning  Saul's  Rescue of Jabesh Gilead  (1 Sam. 11: 1-13)”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis 5 (U. Simon  Jubilee  Volume),  Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000, pp. 351-363 (Heb.) [English Abstract: p. XXI].

    38.       “וענתה  (Hosea 2: 17) -  An  Ambiguity”, Tarbiz  69  (2000),  pp. 445-447 (Heb.) [English Abstract: p. VII].

    39.       “On ‘Word Play’ in the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Literature”, Beit Mikra  45 (2000), pp. 374-377 (Heb.). 

    40.       “Strangers  in  Jerusalem  in  Prophetic  Vision”,  in:  A.  Faust and E. Baruch (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference, Ramat Gan 2000, pp. 313-323 (Heb.). 

    41.       “A Chapter in Nechama Leibovitz’s Approach: On ‘Repetition Structure’ in Biblical Narrative”, in:  M. Ahrend, R. Ben- Meir and  G. H. Cohn (eds.), Pirqei Nehamah (Nechama Leibovitz Memorial Volume), Jerusalem 2001, pp. 313-323 (Heb.).

    42.       “Jeroboam   and    the    Division of     the   Kingdom: Mapping    Contrasting  Biblical   Accounts”,  Journal  of the   Ancient Near    Eastern Society  27 (2000), pp. 15-29.

    43.       “R. Jacob Zvi Meklenburg’s Method in the Issue of the Patriarch’s Sins”, Journal of Jewish Studies 52 (2002), pp. 107-119.

    44.       “The Conveyance of the Leitwort in English Translations of the  Bible”, Studies in  Bible and  Exegesis  6 (Y. Komlosh  Memorial Volume), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2002, pp. 235-251 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XIV-XV].

    45.       “Three  Syntactical Discontinuities in I Reg  9–11”, Zeitschrift  für   die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 115 (2003), pp. 88-93.

    46.       “The Sins of the Patriarchs as Viewed by Traditional Jewish Exegesis”, Jewish Studies Quarterly 10 (2003), pp. 258-273.

    47.       [On] “Isaac Kalimi, ספר דברי הימים: כתיבה היסטורית ואמצעים ספרותיים”, Jewish Quarterly Review 93 (2003), pp. 454-456.

    48.       [On] “Kenton L. Sparks, The Pentateuch: An Annotated Bibliography”, Review of Biblical Literature 2003/11 [www.].      

    49.       “ ‘Your Brother Came with Guile’: Responses to an  Explicit Moral Evaluation in  Biblical Narrative”,  Prooftexts 23 (2003), pp.271-296.

    50.       “ ‘And   David  Perceived’  (2 Samuel 5, 12):  A Direct Insight  into David’s Soul  and Its Meaning in Context”,  Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 18 (2004), pp. 77-92.

    51.       “On the Interpretative Method of R. Raphael Berdugo (based on his Exegesis of the Former Prophets)”, Revue des études juives 163 (2004), pp. 445-462.

    52.       “Allusions in the Prophetic Books to the Prohibitions of the Deuteronomic Law of the King”, Studies in Bible and Exegesis 7 (M. Cohen Jubilee Volume), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2005, pp. 263-281 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XVIII-XIX],.

    53.       “An Additional Method of Teaching Biblical Law – A Study of the Values of the Law”, in: R. Burstein (ed.), Ittai Zimran Jubilee Volume, pp. 195-208 (Heb.).

    54.     “[On] “Frank A. Spina,  The  Faith of the  Outsider:  Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story”, Review of Biblical Literature 2006 [www.].

    55.      “From ענותו to  נזרו  –  The  Function of  Repetition in Psalm 132”, in:   M. Bar-Asher, N. Hacham and Y. Ofer (eds.), Teshura le-ʻAmos (Amos Hakham Jubilee Volume),  Alon Shvut 2007, pp. 365-377 (Heb.).

    56.       “The Contribution of Post-Classical Commentators to the Teaching of Biblical Narrative”, Shaanan 12 (2007), pp. 41-52 (Heb.).

    57.       “Did the Beloved  Fathers   Sin?:  Rabbi Meklenburg’s  Treatment of  the   Patriarchs’  Sins”,  Studies in   Bible and Exegesis 8 (E. Touitou  Jubilee  Volume),  Ramat-Gan:  Bar-Ilan University Press & Elkana: Orot Israel College Press, 2008, pp. 623-635 (Heb.) [an expanded Hebrew version of n. 43].

    58.       “The Holy Narrative” [Review], BaDaD 20 (2008), pp. 105-108 (Heb.).

    59.      “Ephraim and Treachery, Loyalty and (the House of) David: The Meaning of a Structural Parallel in Psalm 78”, Vetus Testamentum 59 (2009), pp. 190-198.

    60.       “A New Supercommentary on Kimhi’s Commentary on Chronicles”, Review of Biblical Literature 2009/05 [www. bookreviews. org].

    61.        “The Concept of Kingship in Psalms”, Shnaton  An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 19 (2009), pp. 57-76 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. VIII–IX]. 

    62.      “ ‘Return, O Israel’: A Study of Hosea's  Prophecy of  Repentance (Hos. 14: 2-10),  Based on the  Leitwort š-w-b”,  Studies in  Bible and Exegesis 9 (M. Garsiel Jubilee Volume), Ramat- Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009, pp. 217-230 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XIV–XV].

    63.       “The Wars of Saul and of David in the Book of Samuel: A Literary Perspective”, Beit Mikra 54/2 (2009), pp. 70-93 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. 7*–9*].

    64.       “Alkabets, Solomon b. Moses ha-Levi”, “Alshekh, Moses”, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol I, Berlin 2009, cols. 879-880, 880-881.

    65.      [On] Zalewski, Saul, “ 'Now Rise Up, O Lord, And Go to Your Resting-Place'…”, Review of Biblical Literature 2010/07 [www. bookreviews. org].

    66.       “On Malbim's Exegetical Method (in the Light of his Commentary on Genesis 4, Hosea 14, and Psalms 89)”, in: Studies  in   Bible and Exegesis 10 (Shemuel Vargon Jubilee Volume), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2011, pp. 473-500 (Heb.) [English Abstract: pp. XIV-XV].

    67.       “Comparison with David as a Means of Evaluating Character the Book of Kings”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 11 (2011), [article 7], 20 pp.:

    68.       “The Attitude toward Jerusalem in Two Rebellion Narratives: A Literary and Theological Investigation”, Biblische Notizen 150 (2011), pp. 35-48.

    69.       “Berdugo, Raphael ben Mordechai”, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol III, Berlin 2011, cols. 894-895.

    70.       “The Biblical Attitude toward Human Toil”, in: I. Kalimi (ed.), Jewish Bible Theology: Perspectives and Case Studies, Winona Lake 2012, pp. 101-118. 

    71.       “Jewish Tradition and Bible Criticism: A Typology of Israeli Orthodox Approaches to the Question of Deutero-Isaiah ”, Jewish Studies Quarterly 19 (2012), pp. 259-287.

    72.       “Dinur, Benzion”, in:  Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol VI, Berlin 2012, cols. 839-840. 

    73.       “Malbim’s Approach to the Sins of Biblical Personages,” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 13 (2013), article 13, 21 pp.  

    74.       “From Distinguishing between Synonyms to Revealing the Coherence of the Literary Unit: On the Interpretive Method of Malbim”, Judaica 69 (2013), pp. 393-429  [an expanded and updated English version of n. 66].

    75.       “Limited and Unlimited Monarchy: Malbim’s Interpretation of the Division of the Kingdom Narrative (1 Kgs 12:1–24)”, Judaica 71 (2015), pp. 21-32.

    76.       “The Story of Balaam’s She-Ass (Numbers 22:21–35): A New Literary Insight”, Hebrew Studies 56 (2015), pp. 103-113. 

    77.       “Gideon: II. Judaism”, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol. X, Berlin 2015, cols. 228-230.

    78.       “Habakkuk (Book and Person): Judaism. Medieval Judaism”, ibid., cols. 1047-1049.

    79.       “Haggai (Book and Person): Judaism. Medieval Judaism”, ibid., cols. 1145-1146. 

    80.       “R. Samson Raphael Hirsch”, ibid., Vol. XI, Berlin 2015, cols. 1111-1115.

    81.       “Characteristic Features of Malbim’s Interpretive Method in the Light of his Commentary to I Samuel 8”, Revue des études juives, 175, 3-4 (2016), pp. 367-390.

    82.       “Laniado, Samuel ben Abraham”, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol. XV, Berlin 2017, cols. 815-816.

    83.       “An Additional Chapter in Nechama Leibovitz’s Approach: The Leading Word”, Megadim 57 (2018), pp. 101-124 (Heb.) [English Abstract: p. IV].

    84.       "R. Raphael Berdugo's Commentary on the First Two Verses of the Book of Ruth", Sinai 156 (2018), pp. 83-92 (Heb.). 

    85.       [With E. Schlossberg and I. Streshinsky], “Yefet ben ‘Eli’s Commentary on the Jehu Revolution Narrative: An Annotated Edition”, Ginzei Qedem 14 (2018), pp. 195-262 (Heb.)

    86.       "Mablim’s Perception of the Geula”, Oreshet 8 (2018), pp. 95-117 (Heb.)

    87.       "Malbim, Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel”, in: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR), Vol. XVII, Berlin 2019, cols. 599-604.

    88.       “On Three Key Versus in the Book of Kings: A Literary Study”,  in: Studies in  Bible and Exegesis 11 (Yaakov Kaduri Jubilee Volume), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2020, pp. 125-145 (Heb.) [English Abstract: p. 35*].

    89.       “Ch. 4: The Portrait of Solomon in the Book of Kings”, in: K. Bodner and  B.J.M. Johnson (eds.), Characters and  Characterization in the Book of Kings (LHBOTS [JSOTS] 670), London: t&t Clark, 2020, pp. 50-64.

    90.       “The Double Ending of the Book of Ruth: Its Meaning and Poetic Functions”, Beit Mikra 66, 1 (2021): 116-143 (Heb.).

    91.       “R. Yosef  Hayyun’s Exegetical Method (in Light of his Commentary on Psalms 2)”, Oreshet 10 (2021): 161-175 (Heb.).

    92.       “The 'Leading Word' in the Writing of the Commentator:  Uncovering a Literary Device in R. Joseph Hayyun's Commentary on the Book of Psalms”, Megadim 60 (2021), pp. 69-97 (Heb.) [English Abstract: p. *73]. 

    93.       “The Opening Section of the Book of Kings: 1 Kings 1:1–4”, in:  P. Machinist et al. (eds.), Ve-’Ed Ya‘aleh (Gen 2:6): Essays in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Edward L. Greenstein, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2021, Vol. I, pp. 471-486.   

    94.       "An Additional Chapter in Nechama Leibovitz’s Approach: The Issue of the Sins of Our Great Personalities",   in: M. Schenwald (ed.), Zokhrah  Le-Aharon:  Studies in Bible and its Exegesis, Prof. Aharon Mondschein - in  Memoriam, Holonn: Talpiot - Academic College of Education, 2022, pp. 374-399 (Heb.).





    Last Updated Date : 20/01/2023