2018 Ph.D., the Department of Bible, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dissertation title: “Israel’s Future in Ezekiel’s Restoration Oracles (Ezekiel 33–37).” Advisor: Prof. Baruch J. Schwartz.
2011 M.A. with distinction, the Department of Bible, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Master thesis title: “The Legislation of War: A Study of the Priestly War Legislation Reflected in the Story of the Israelite War against Midian (Numbers 31)”.
2006 B.A. with distinction, the Faculty of Law and the Department of Bible, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Fellowships and Awards
For Post-doctoral Research:
2022–2025 Alon Fellowship, the Planning and Budgeting Committee in the Israeli Council for Higher Education fellowship for excellent young faculty members.
2020–2022 Kreitman Post-doctoral Scholarship, Kreitman School for Advanced Graduate Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
2020–2021 The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Fellowship.
2019–2020 Fulbright Post-doctoral Fellowship, the United States-Israel Educational Foundation.
2019 Gorgias Press Prize for Biblical Studies.
2018–2019 Post-doctoral Fellowship, the Zalman Shamir Department of Bible at Bar-Ilan University.
For Ph.D. Studies:
2014–2017 Prof. Nathan Rotenstreich Fellowship, the Planning and Budgeting Committee in the Israeli Council for Higher Education fellowship for outstanding doctoral researchers in the humanities.
2013–2016 President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Fellowship for outstanding doctoral students in the Faculty of Humanities.
Tenure Track Positions:
2021– Senior lecturer, the Zalman Shamir Department of Bible, Bar-Ilan University.
Research Appointments:
2020–2021 Post-doctoral fellow, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Project title: “Jewish Identity in Transition: Competing Jewish Identities in the Exilic Period.” Advisor: Prof. Eran Viezel.
2019–2020 Post-doctoral fellow, the University of Chicago Divinity School. Project title: “Shedding New Light on Ancient Writings: The Āl-Yāhūdu Tablets and Exilic Period Biblical Literature.” Advisors: Prof. Jeffrey Stackert and Prof. Simeon Chavel.
2018–2019 Post-doctoral fellow, the Zalman Shamir Department of Bible, Bar-Ilan University. Project title: “Ezekiel and His Mesopotamian Environment.” Advisors: Prof. Michael Avioz and Prof. Shawn Zelig Aster.
Ezekiel; Prophetic Literature; Pentateuch; The Bible in its Ancient Near Eastern Context
Refereed Book:
2021 A Scout Looking Forward: Ezekiel’s Exile Theology and Its Impact on His Restoration Program (accepted for publication by Magnes Press [in Hebrew]).
Refereed Articles:
2021 “From Vassal to Empire: The Metamorphosis of Israel’s Leadership and Statehood in Ezekiel 17,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly (forthcoming).
2021 “Regalia Deformed and Restored: Ezekiel’s View of Israel’s Future Leadership,” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 27 (2021), (forthcoming) [in Hebrew].
2020 “A Murderous, Captured Lion: Ezekiel’s Negative Approach toward Jehoiachin,” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 20 (2020), 1–16.
2020 “Land for the Landless: Assigning Land to Non-Israelites in Ezekiel’s Restoration Program,” Biblica 101 (2020), 352–372.
2016 “What Kind of Priestly Writings did Ezekiel Know?,” in The Formation of the Pentateuch – Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel and North America (FAT 111; J.C. Gertz et al. eds.; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016), 1041–1054.
2014 “The Legislation of War: A Study of the Story of the Israelite War against Midian (Numbers 31),” Shnaton – An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 23 (2014), 17–53 [in Hebrew].
2011 “Ezekiel’s Theology of Holiness and Impurity as a Key to Understanding the Description of the Departure of the Glory of YHWH from the Temple (Ezekiel 8–11),” Tarbiz 79 (2011), 317–344 [in Hebrew].
Encyclopedia Articles:
2017 “Samuel Ephraim Loewenstamm,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017).
2017 “Magdiel,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017).
Last Updated Date : 05/07/2022