Dr. Itzhak Amar

תחומי מחקר


    1. Itzhak Amar, “Chaotic Writing as a literary Element in Ahaz's Story (2 Chr 28)", Vetus Testamentum (2016), pp. 349-364
    2. Itzhak Amar, "The Twofold Literary Structure of the Chronistic Narrative of David in Chronicles (1 Chr. 11-29)", Scandinavian Journal of Old Testament (2016), pp. 261-279
    3.  Itzhak Amar, “Saul and Josiah's Deaths in Chronicles (1 Chr. 10; 2 Chr. 35:20-27), Beit Mikra 62 (2017), pp. 80-108 (Hebrew).
    4. Itzhak Amar, "The Characterization of Rehoboam and Jeroboam as a Reflection of the Chronicler’s View of the Schism", Journal of Hebrew Scripture (2017), pp. 1-19 
    5. Itzhak Amar, “Gad and David”, Jewish Studies Internet Journal 14 (2018), pp. 1-26 (Hebrew)
    6. Itzhak Amar, “Form and Content in the Story of Asa in 2 Chr 13:23b-16:14: A Diachronic-Synchronic Reading”, Vetus Testamentum 69 (2019), pp. 337-360.
    7. Itzhak Amar, “Marriage and birth in the book of Chronicles (1 Chr 10 – 2 Chr 36)”, Ma’daei Ha’Ya’Adut 54 (2019), pp. 17-42 (Hebrew).
    8. Itzhak Amar, “Expansion and Exile in the Chronicler’s Narrative of the Two and a Half Tribes (1 Chr 5:1-26)”, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 44 (2020), pp. 357-376.
    9. Itzhak Amar, ״Three Wicked Kings and One Promise: Reconsidering the Question of the Eternalness of the Davidic Dynasty in the Book of Chronicles”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132 (2020) pp. 558-572
    10. Itzhak Amar, “Echoes of Genesis in the Book of Chronicles: Their Incidence and Significance”, Biblica 102 (2021), pp. 185-202.
    11. Itzhak Amar, “The Last Chapter in the Book of Chronicles (2 Chronicles 36): A Literary Analysis”, Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 35 (2021), pp. 1–32.
    12. Itzhak Amar, “On Two types of Prophets in the Book of Chronicles”, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98 (2022), pp. 525-551
    13. Itzhak Amar, "The location and content of Nehemiah's social reform (Neh 5:1-13): a re-examination", Beit Mikra 68 (2023), pp. 92-117
    14. Itzhak Amar, “An Intertextual Analysis of Jehu’s Violence in Kings and Chronicles (2Kgs 9-10 and 2Chr 21-24)”, Scandinavian Journal of Old Testament, 37 (2023), pp. 210-229.
    15. Itzhak Amar, “Levites, Priests, and Temple: Was the Chronicler Influenced by Ezekiel 40‒48?”, Vetus Testamentum 73 (2023), pp. 480-504.
    16. Itzhak Amar, “The Blessing Motif in the Book of Chronicles and its Significance for the Temple and Cultus”, Review Biblique (forthcoming).
    17. Itzhak Amar, "Past, Present and Future: ‘Cultural Trauma’ as an Interpretive Lens for Understanding the Historical Rewriting in the Book of Chronicles", Harvard Theological Review (Forthcoming).
    18. Itzhak Amar, "The Sins of the Patriarchs as Viewed by Rabbi Simon-Haim Obadiah", Moreshet Israel (Forthcoming).
    19. Itzhak Amar, “Genesis 9:1-9: P, H or D”, Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (Forthcoming).
    20. Itzhak Amar, “Heroism and Heroes in the Book of Chronicles”, JNSL (Forthcoming).
    21. Itzhak Amar, “Rabbi Yeshua Shimon Hayim Ovadya's response to the effects of the French protectorate in Morocco as reflected in his interpretation to the Torah”, Jewish Studies (Forthcoming).

    Last Updated Date : 02/08/2024