Prof. Raanan Eichler
Reception Hours
בתיאום מראש
- 2023-present: Associate Professor at Bar-Ilan University
- 2017-2023: Senior Lecturer at Bar-Ilan University
- 2016/7: Postdoctoral fellowship at Tel Aviv University
- 2015/6: Postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University
- 2008-2016: PhD in Bible from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2004-2008: MA in Bible (magna cum laude) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2001-2004: BA in Bible and Psychology (magna cum laude) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Beliefs and cult in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Israel
- Realia and iconography of the ancient Near East
- Lexicography of Biblical Hebrew and Iron Age Inscriptional Hebrew
- Textual Criticism
- Book of Kings
- Deliberate Ambiguity and Humor in the Hebrew Bible
- Introduction to the Bible
- Textual Criticism of the Bible
- Pictures and Objects from the Time of the Bible
- External Sources for the Biblical Period
- Bibliographical Guidance for Biblical Studies
- The Book of Kings
- The Five Scrolls
- The Tabernacle, the Temple, and Their Furniture
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Bible and Liberal-Democratic Thought
Refereed Journal Articles
- *Raanan Eichler, “Identifying Pannag, an Ancient Product of Israel”, accepted for publication in Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft .
- *Raanan Eichler, “The Wheat Exported from Israel to Tyre”, accepted for publication in Vetus Testamentum.
- Raanan Eichler, “Rhapsody in the Blue: Another Greek Loanword in Biblical Hebrew”, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 136/3 (2024): 433–438.
- Raanan Eichler, “China Is in the Bible”, Vetus Testamentum 74/1 (2024): 60–77.
- Raanan Eichler, “A Phantom Verb: yuttan in Biblical Hebrew”, Journal of Semitic Studies 68/2 (2023): 377–390.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Gezer Calendar, Rahab, and Agricultural Reality in Ancient Israel”, Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 36 (2023): 48–61.
- Raanan Eichler, “A Conjectural Emendation in Psalm 68,19”, Biblica 103/1 (2022): 131–136.
- Raanan Eichler, “An Ambiguous Oracle in the Prophecy against Elam (Jeremiah 49:34–39)”, Vetus Testamentum 72/2 (2022): 183–190.
- Raanan Eichler, “Solomon’s Throne in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context”, Vetus Testamentum 71/4–5 (2021): 551–565.
- Raanan Eichler, “A Sin Is Borne: Clearing Up the Law of Women’s Vows (Numbers 30)”, Vetus Testamentum 71/3 (2021): 317–328.
- Raanan Eichler, “Solomon’s Judgment: The Meta-Riddle”, Biblica 102/1 (2021): 30–44.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Tree-Hugger Who Went on a Date: The Meaning of sansan”, Vetus Testamentum 70/4 (2020): 581–591.
- Raanan Eichler, “Dripping with Kindness: The Meaning of rebîbîm”, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132/3 (2020): 449–457.
- Raanan Eichler, “Boring Philology: The Meaning of zdh in the Siloam Inscription”, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 152/1 (2020): 44–52.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Oracle of Rebekah: An Ambiguous Etiology”, Biblica 100/4 (2019): 584–593.
- Raanan Eichler, “Jehu, Horses, Camels, and Job: The Meaning of šip‘at”, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 131/2 (2019): 279–286.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Priestly Asherah”, Vetus Testamentum 69/1 (2019): 33–45.
- Raanan Eichler, “Jeremiah and the Assyrian Sacred Tree”, Vetus Testamentum 67/3 (2017): 403–413.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Poles of the Ark: On the Ins and Outs of a Textual Contradiction”, Journal of Biblical Literature 135/4 (2016): 733–741.
- Raanan Eichler, “Cherub: A History of Interpretation”, Biblica 96/1 (2015): 26–38.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Meaning of pa‘am in the Context of Furniture”, Journal of Semitic Studies 60/1 (2015): 1–18.
- Raanan Eichler, “When God Abandoned the Garden of Eden: A Forgotten Reading of Genesis 3:24”, Vetus Testamentum 65/1 (2015): 20–32.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Meaning of ישב הכרבים”, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 126/3 (2014): 358–371.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Meaning of zer”, Vetus Testamentum 64/2 (2014): 196–210.
- Raanan Eichler, “The Function of the Ark Cherubim”, Tarbiz 79/2 (2011): 165–185 (Hebrew).
Other Articles
- Raanan Eichler, “3s Verbs with Indefinite Subjects in the Tabernacle Pericopes of Exodus”, in Joel S. Baden and Jeffrey Stackert (eds.), The Pentateuch and Its Readers: Essays in Honor of Baruch J. Schwartz (FAT 170; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2023), 191–205.
- Raanan Eichler, “Corresponding to Him: The Message of Gender Equality in the Eden Narrative”, Judaism, Sovereignty and Human Rights 2 (2016): 17–32 (Hebrew).
- Raanan Eichler, The Ark and the Cherubim (Forschungen zum Alten Testament 146; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), XV + 391 pages.
- *Raanan Eichler, ארון הברית והכרובים (revised Hebrew edition of previous item); contract signed in 2019 for publication in the Bialik Institute’s Biblical Encyclopaedia Library; expected to be published in 2024.
Edited Book
- Leon R. Kass, ראשית חכמה, edited by Raanan Eichler, Shalem Press 2010 (Hebrew edition of Leon R. Kass, The Beginning of Wisdom, Free Press 2003).
Encyclopedia and Dictionary Entries
- Raanan Eichler and Thomas Staubli, “Ark of the Covenant”, in Encyclopedia of Jewish-Christian Relations, 2023.
- Raanan Eichler, “Ark of the Covenant”, in Oxford Bibliographies, 2017.
- Raanan Eichler, “Cherubim”, in Oxford Bibliographies, 2018.
- Raanan Eichler, “Cherub”, in Iconography of Deities and Demons in the Ancient Near East, 2016.
- Raanan Eichler et al., “Acacia”, “Almond”, “Apple”, “Barley”, “Castorbean”, “Date palm”, “Emmer”, “Fig”, “Grain”, “Millet”, “Pine”, “Quail”, “Summer”, “Wheat”, and “Winter”, in DNI – Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible.
- *Raanan Eichler, “Poplar”, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception; accepted for publication, expected in 2025.
- *Raanan Eichler, “Seven Species | Hebrew Bible”, ibid.; expected in 2027.
Last Updated Date : 18/11/2024